How would you feel about a 'one and done' Bond actor



  • Posts: 4,325
    5 Bond films for a Bond actor is ideal - enough to be an era without doing too many.
  • Posts: 9,825
    One film per actor will eventually hurt the film franchise. The literary Bond has never been the same since Raymond Benson left. One book per author isn't really giving the series in literature importance or a boost. One film per actor will eventually result in direct-to-video feature films to be produced.

    THANK YOU glad some one agrees with my feeling on a lack of Bond novel output.
  • Birdleson wrote: »
    To say it could never happen seems an odd starement, still. Obviously EON never picks an actor (Lazenby included, or Dalton for two for that matter) for only one film, but things happen.: Illness, unexpectedly poor box office, egos, etc.

    Fair enough, although even unexpectedly poor box office hasn't exactly been the reason for some of our Bond's departures (Lazenby and Dalton's final films both grossed the lowest up to their time).
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Same goes for Lazenby, the quit/fired question isn't completely clear. There are indications that the studio, and EON, was ready to cut ties regardless of George's wishes.

    I think it's fairly clear.

    It's well documented that EON had every intention of continuing with George and went as far as to send him the cheque for the next film only for him to send it back as proof he was serious about quitting.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Lazenby was also signed on to do 7 films when his agent convinced him Bond was going to end in rise of the Hippie movement so he decided to quit.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    It's well documented that EON had every intention of continuing with George and went as far as to send him the cheque for the next film only for him to send it back as proof he was serious about quitting.

    @TheWizardOfIce, that is the first time I heard of that. Any reliable sources? :-)
    (Wow, Lazzers was an idiot is this is true!)
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    I think it's on the Special Edition of either OHMSS or DAF. I've got the fact somewhere in my myriad Bond reference books.
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    edited April 2016 Posts: 4,554
    I know I am in the minority here, but I have always found DN to be a rather pedestrian and boring Bond film. But this is no fault of SC's or Eon's. It was their first shot at it. It's still a great film, but I think SC really grew into the role through FRWL, GF, and TB.

    I also found LTK (and Dalton's performance in it) to be better than TLD.
  • TripAces wrote: »
    I know I am in the minority here, but I have always found DN to be a rather pedestrian and boring Bond film. But this is no fault of SC's or Eon's. It was their first shot at it. It's still a great film, but I think SC really grew into the role through FRWL, GF, and TB.

    I also found LTK (and Dalton's performance in it) to be better than TLD.

    There are quite a lot of people who think that. It doesn't really have as much replay value as FRWL or GF. But it is still a good one.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I watched Dr No more than From Russia With Love and Goldfinger, to be honest.
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 1,817
    I watched Dr No more than From Russia With Love and Goldfinger, to be honest.

    And I watch GE waaay too often for someone on this site.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    I watched Dr No more than From Russia With Love and Goldfinger, to be honest.

    And I watch GE waaay too often for someone on this site.

    I've watched it more times than I can even count. :D
  • Birdleson wrote: »
    Both of those are dubious situations. Dalton claims to have opted out, but there are various reports that the studio was demanding he be replaced. Same goes for Lazenby, the quit/fired question isn't completely clear. There are indications that the studio, and EON, was ready to cut ties regardless of George's wishes.

    Right, but the fact that they never (at least openly) considered dropping Dalton until 1994 suggests that they were willing to let him run again. As for Lazenby, I highly doubt it. Why would they offer a seven-movie contract to somebody who they were willing to drop at will? Lazenby was the one who walked out on them.
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 4,325
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Watch the INSIDE OHMSS extra on the Blu Ray. Almost everyone on it agrees that he was forced out. That's not me offering conjecture. That's people involved in the situation. I don't know how you have more authority on what actually happened than they do. That deal was offered before the disappointing results (compared to the previous installment).

    I have to say I don't remember that from that documentary - they definitely had issues with their 'star' that is true. Lazenby's agent persuaded him Bond's time was up - he was disappointed that he might not get laid with short hair!!! Maybe also his pride wouldn't let him go back, from that documentary it's clear he pissed a number of people off. And it's clear from Rigg more recently that there was some tension between the two of them.
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 337
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Watch the INSIDE OHMSS extra on the Blu Ray. Almost everyone on it agrees that he was forced out. That's not me offering conjecture. That's people involved in the situation. I don't know how you have more authority on what actually happened than they do. That deal was offered before the disappointing results (compared to the previous installment).

    Well, I'd have to see that, but newspapers at the time almost universally said that he opted to quit, and even Cubby Broccoli and Diana Rigg seemed to agree on that in interviews. Speaking of interviews, its happened more than once - in interviews, Lazenby blames only himself for leaving the role. So it's hardly my authority, and I never insinuated that it was.
  • Posts: 4,325
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Watch the INSIDE OHMSS extra on the Blu Ray. Almost everyone on it agrees that he was forced out. That's not me offering conjecture. That's people involved in the situation. I don't know how you have more authority on what actually happened than they do. That deal was offered before the disappointing results (compared to the previous installment).

    Well, I'd have to see that, but newspapers at the time almost universally said that he opted to quit, and even Cubby Broccoli and Diana Rigg seemed to agree on that in interviews. Speaking of interviews, its happened more than once - in interviews, Lazenby blames only himself for leaving the role. So it's hardly my authority, and I never insinuated that it was.

    Lazenby left.
  • @tanaka123 - So we agree.
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 4,325
    @stun_harvesting of course, his agent Ronan O'Rahilly, persuaded him to leave Bond behind, that the series wouldn't survive in the 70s.
  • @tanaka123 - Right, and that's exactly what every source I'm aware of has stated. This documentary sounds a bit suspicious. Is there a way I can get hold of a video or transcript without watching the Blu-Ray extra?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Maybe he was lying to cast a negative light on EON?
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 4,325
    @tanaka123 - Right, and that's exactly what every source I'm aware of has stated. This documentary sounds a bit suspicious. Is there a way I can get hold of a video or transcript without watching the Blu-Ray extra?

    @stun_harvesting I've had that documentary since October 2000 on the Special Edition DVD, it doesn't claim at all that Lazenby was sacked. It does reveal

    - the press had a story that Rigg ate garlic before a love scene and teased Lazenby about it - refuted at the time, and in the documentary claimed it was a joke, Rigg has subsequently stated it wasn't just a joke and was getting at him
    - in the documentary Lazenby admits Saltzman wasn't happy with him for running after Bernard Lee whilst riding a horse
    - in the documentary Lazenby admits that Broccoli wasn't happy with him skiing without insurance.
    - Dana Broccoli relates a story about how Cubby got annoyed with his arrogance when Lazenby got all pissed off when he wasn't invited to a party, despite it being noticed in all the call-sheets for everyone - him complaining that 'he's the star and should get an invitation'
    - It also reveals that Cubby told Lazenby he would have made a good Bond if he'd stuck at it.
  • @tanak123 - If that's the one, then I've seen it and I don't recall universal agreement on Lazenby being forced out either.
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 4,325
    @tanak123 - If that's the one, then I've seen it and I don't recall universal agreement on Lazenby being forced out either.

    @stun_harvesting that's the one - the documentary on the Blu Ray is the same one that's been on previous DVDs.
  • @tanaka123 - There's also an interview where Lazenby states that his biggest regret was leaving Bond. Not sure why it'd be a regret if he had no choice. It was obviously his choice, but nonetheless, I'm interested to hear Birdleson explain where the people universally agreed on him being forced out.
  • Posts: 4,325
    @stun_harvesting Lazenby also talks about leaving on the Everything or Nothing official documentary.
  • @tanaka123 - Indeed. Looks like the evidence is stacked up in favor of it being his choice to go.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Didn't Lazenby ask Cubby to come back when Live And Let Die was going to be filmed but got rejected?
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 337
    Lazenby did change his mind in the future, but it was too late. He was considered for NSNA as well, as I recall.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited April 2016 Posts: 23,883
    @Birdleson, I only just read your last post and have not followed the discussions about Lazenby on this thread yet.

    What's interesting is your last comments could be referring to Dalton and not Lazenby. I am under the impression that post-LTK, MGM wanted Dalton out (they apparently weren't fond of him at all from the start) and wanted Brosnan in. I believe Cubby stood by Dalton, but given the delays in getting B17 off the ground, Dalton resigned (much to MGM's delight I'm sure).

    My point being the studios seem to have more say in things (historically) than we give them credit for. That may in fact be the case now, as we transition from Sony (possibly).
  • edited April 2016 Posts: 4,325
    Birdleson wrote: »
    By you guys making pronouncements that "Lazenby left" does't make it true. He may not want to come out and say he would have been fired regardless. The original point I was making was that it is not cut and dried, that it is in dispute. There are contrary opinions as to what happened (if you just ignore those multiple sources and interviews I have nothing to add or say). Maybe Broccoli wanted him back, but the studios were pushing to have Lazenby axed, and there is reason to think that they could have gotten their way (it was the studio who forced EON to bring back Connery against their wishes) . @stun_harvesting , what I don't appreciate are people intentionally distorting or ignoring my statements. I never said "universally", I said almost every source in the video. And I very clearly stated where I saw this, so if you are "interested" to know my source, as you say, just go back and read the post that you are disagreeing with. Anyone with the blu ray can easily access that feature.

    No one in that documentary suggests in the slightest that Lazenby was forced out by the studio.
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