Last Video Game You Played?



  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    I've been playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain as well, and admittedly at the expense of Skyrim. I haven't got to the point that I can use Quiet as a Buddy, but I have been mostly using D-Dog.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Still playing Phantom Pain like a man obsessed.

    Although I wanted to give a quick warning, so hopefully nobody messes up like I did. You see (aside from the one mega super spoiler) I've made a point to avoid ruining surprises in this game. I even avoided walkthroughs to instead figure missions out on my own.

    I recently did the unthinkable and started a whole new game because of this!!! IF ONLY I KNEW AHEAD OF TIME. Here's what I mean:

    I went past Mission 45 and permanently lost Quiet. I now know there are loopholes to keep her but I learned too late.
    Another issue related to this: I just unlocked the 'leather jacket' and attempted the Side Op #150 (Secure Quiet) with hardly any firepower. It's a cool costume because it basically makes you look like 1984's Terminator


    However, beating this side op immediately takes you to Mission 45 and there is no way to go back to Mother Base or the helicopter. Even if you go to the game menu!! You literally are stuck there until you beat the level.
    And with my damned leather jacket and minimal weapons, the level was basically unbeatable.

    Only by calling in sandstorms and bombardments did I finally beat it. But by doing so, I lost Quiet.

    I also missed out on the 'custom guns' option. Apparently somewhere down the road, I must have killed the guy I was meant to Fulton to unlock.

    So with a heavy heart, I restarted the god damn game's still awesome though \m/

    Supply drops, man, supply drops. Drop a rocket launcher and the battle dress, you'd have been great.

    I've also been playing MGSV like a psychotic freak, though I've stuck to my original save. I've redone some missions for more stuff, like some S ranks and specialists, but mostly side objectives. F*ck the R&D target practice op, though. I had to use a YouTube video to finish it as my final side op, it was annoying.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Managed to get into the 'Rainbow Six: Siege' beta, and what a horrible mess it is. Clunky, bad graphics, huge maps with a small player count and a short gameplay timer, and it takes way too long in between matches and getting ready to begin playing. You have to wait a while for it to load, then you wait for everyone to pick their operators and ready up, then the map loads, and then the attackers spend 30 seconds driving bots around and scanning the map while the defenders prep their defenses, and then you choose a spawn and play finally, only for a few minutes until you do it all over again. Hit detection is a mess and the gameplay feels overdone and generic. Happy that I got into it so I could save myself $60 in the fall when Ubisoft will inevitably release another glitched, laggy title.
  • Posts: 9,841
    Arkham Origins still I got 3 more achievements last night. So I now completed the Dark Knight Challenges and unlocked the dark knight skin (which is ok but not amazing) AND I got the What hit me achievement. So here is the non multiplayer achievements I still need to get

    Flawless Display (defeat Shiva without getting any Damage)
    I am the Night (beat I am the Night)
    Point Counter-Point (beat death Stroke without taking any damage)
    One of Each (use each free flow gadget in one combo)
    Come Out of the Cold (Perform 3 ice wall takedowns)
    Bruce's Revenge (complete all original 72 campaign Medals as Bruce Wayne)
    Campaign Ninja ( complete all Campaigns as Bruce Wayne)

    As it stands now I plan on going after Come out from the Cold Bruce's revenge and One of each next. Point Counter Point and Campaign Ninja would be next and finally I am the night (keep dying at Copperhead)

    but I guess I am a sucker for punishment lol
  • Damn that game. PSN had the season pass on sale the other week, fr Batman Day I guess-- so I bought it.
    I STILL have to beat the game to use the skins! To hell with that! Technically I did beat it once but that was before my PS3 died and had to be replaced.

    Arkham City had a push button code you cold use. Oh well, at least I got Cold Cold Heart :/

    For the record I do like Arkham Origins but not getting to use the skins you pay for is BS
  • Posts: 9,841
    For me origins might be my favorite game

    its is expansive beautiful and allows you to be well batman.

    if I had to rank them


    To be fair I haven't played Knight well I have played a small portion of it but I have seen most of the story on youtube... and BY GOD I'm genuinely Amazed at how crappy the story is. I mean it's kind of amazing.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I was able to play a tiny bit (about three to four hours) of the Star Wars Battlefront beta that's been available since October 8th (and ending the 13th), and I was genuinely surprised by how much fun I had. I am not a fan of FPS titles in general, but EA took the FPS model and made it 100% Star Wars in style, using the exact sounds of each and every blaster you use, recreating iconic landscapes from the films and even utilizing the classic screen wipe transition for whenever you are taken into a match or respawned on the map. There's tons of goodies here for Star Wars fans to enjoy, and if even I got a kick out of the soundtrack, the sound design and all the rest, I know those obsessed with the mythology will cry tears of joy.

    There's a few modes/maps you can experience on the beta. First is a single-player/co-op Survival map on Tatooine where you face six waves of enemies (nothing difficult), that gets you familiar with the controls. There's also two multiplayer modes on offer: one an 8 vs. 8 game that's basically a capture the flag objective where you and your team secure and protect pods that've launched onto the planet (it's one of the new planets from episode 7, I believe), and a massive 20 vs. 20 battle mode that takes place on Hoth where you either have to secure command points as rebels and destroy AT-ATs, or protect the AT-ATs and shut down the rebel command points as imperial soldiers. While I thought the map for the Hoth battle was a bit too massive at times, making you retrace your steps often, it is quite a thrill to be part of a massive battle with 39 other players. Although, at a higher level you can unlock a jet pack to get around much faster, so there's that. Where the Hoth map is concerned, it's more fun to be an imperial, as you can control the AT-AT for a while and rain down fire upon the masses, and the map also gives you the rare opportunity to play as Luke on the rebels side or Vader on the imperial side, though I never got to. It's quite a thrill to see Vader flying over your head, landing in front of you and force choking the life from you in seconds. While I always got the feeling that the battles were stacked in favor of the imperials (I don't recall winning once as a rebel), I still enjoyed myself even when stuck playing as a rebel.

    Overall, the gameplay was fluid and fun, made the FPS format mesh beautifully with Star Wars, and offered a huge amount of fan service I'm sure super fans were overjoyed with. The battles feel massive, thrilling and dangerous, guns and power-ups feel like they truly matter and determine the outcomes of the conflict, and the Star Wars trademarks are all there, soundtrack, sound design and more.

    This would be the equivalent of a Bond game that would let you fight in highly detailed recreations of the movie settings (Dr. No's lab, Fort Knox base, Largo's estate, Piz Gloria, etc.) as either an MI-6 agent or SPECTRE operative, where the location of the battle determines what music you'll hear. If you're fighting on a map from a specific film, you are hearing the iconic music from that movie, and at times, the game could give you the option of playing as villains like Jaws or Tee-Hee depending on the circumstance. Imagine storming Piz Gloria as spies to take on SPECTRE enemies (with Barry booming in the background), or battling inside Stromberg's Atlantis all in next-gen wonder.

    Anyway, this beta ends today, the 13th, so anyone who wants to give it a quick try should. It's a long install, even on the PS4, but well worth it. From what I've seen, it's looking good and I hope EA doesn't change too much before it launches in November.
  • Posts: 9,841
    I posted this in the 007 gaming future and I will put it here

    As many know I am not a huge gamer and I don't have the money to buy and Xbox one so batman arkham knight will have to be a wait and maybe play next month (when I get it and an Xbox one for my birthday or Christmas maybe...) anyways achievement hunting again and primarily focusing on the following games

    007 legends (as I have a ton of single player achievements and mi6 ops to beat and do)
    Goldeneye Reloaded (working primarily on the mi6 ops eventually I will work on the last few single player missions)
    Splinter Cell black list (the various side missions I need to finish up)
    And finally
    Doom and doom 2 (need to beat both in ultra violence and kill a cyber demon in doom 2 with my fists)

    I figure the above will give me enough to do and enjoy till I get Xbox one then I will play and beat arkham knight (which based on everything I have seen feels like the 007 legends of the batman franchise but will do a full review once I played it)

    And then who knows shame that both Bond and Splinter Cell seem to be stuck in second gear right now but who knows we could have a spy game explosion soon.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,591
    Blood Stone: 007. A grossly underrated addition to the Bond gaming universe with a striking visual look, memorable gameplay, interesting story, and a great score.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    @Risico007, nice to see a fellow achievement hunter. I used to be big into it when I had a 360, but the older I got (and making the switch to the PS4, where I hate how the trophy system is done) made me less and less interested in wasting countless hours getting a lot of them, so I just obtain whichever ones I can and the rest I don't really care about.

    As for me, I've been sinking a whole lot of time into 'Fallout 4' lately. It's like 'Fallout 3,' only much, much better, more beautiful, and with lots more to do.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Doom and doom 2 (need to beat both in ultra violence and kill a cyber demon in doom 2 with my fists)

    Enjoy the CyberDemon.

    I played Doom 3 for a few minutes a little while ago. I don't play it for very long anymore, seeing as I've beaten it on Xbox and PS3. I'm working my way through the PC version mostly just to say I've beaten it.
  • Posts: 9,841
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    @Risico007, nice to see a fellow achievement hunter. I used to be big into it when I had a 360, but the older I got (and making the switch to the PS4, where I hate how the trophy system is done) made me less and less interested in wasting countless hours getting a lot of them, so I just obtain whichever ones I can and the rest I don't really care about.

    As for me, I've been sinking a whole lot of time into 'Fallout 4' lately. It's like 'Fallout 3,' only much, much better, more beautiful, and with lots more to do.

    It allows a game to be interesting again and like I said my batman arkham origin is achievement hunting made the game quite fun in the fall and give me a good batman fix I figure I am in the mood for spy and espionage so why not have some fun achievement hunting on 007 legends Goldeneye and Splinter cell blacklist. As for doom and doom 2 shrugs I always loved those games.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I wish you luck on getting all the achievements for 'Arkham Knight,' whenever you end up getting it. Lots of DLC, and I'm just not skilled enough in the games to get some of the achievements like using 15 different moves in one fight.
  • Last_Rat_StandingLast_Rat_Standing Long Neck Ice Cold Beer Never Broke My Heart
    Posts: 4,562
    Anyone played Fallout 4 ??
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Anyone played Fallout 4 ??

    That's all I've been playing over Thanksgiving Break so far.
  • Last_Rat_StandingLast_Rat_Standing Long Neck Ice Cold Beer Never Broke My Heart
    Posts: 4,562
    Is it as good as 3 and NV?
  • As good as 3, at least!
    It looks incredible, and plays the same- but there's tons of new stuff too, that could potentially have you pulling your hair out (for example the Sims style building of Sanctuary took some getting used to)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    It's a little better than 3 (surprisingly), muuuuuch better than NV.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I wish you luck on getting all the achievements for 'Arkham Knight,' whenever you end up getting it. Lots of DLC, and I'm just not skilled enough in the games to get some of the achievements like using 15 different moves in one fight.

    @Creasy47, I've got one trophy left to get on the main game, which is to beat it on New Game +, which I'll get around to whenever I decide to replay the story again.

    As for me, I've been getting into Assassin's Creed: Syndicate recently.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I'd say I put ten minutes into the new 'Just Cause 3' before deciding that it's not for me. Overly long load times (thirty seconds to five minutes long, they vary. Seriously.), a complete lack of any sort of tutorial, it's rather tough to play, and the controls and sensitivity are beyond wonky and way too tight. Might cut my losses and get rid of it for something else, just not sure what to get. I also have 'Alien: Isolation' on its way and should be here Friday, which has me pumped. Been looking forward to this game for a while and all the gameplay I've watched further proves how eerie and intense it'll be.
  • Posts: 1,181
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 I've been playing Syndicate on PC. So far I love it. I bought Fallout 4 for like $37 and Syndicate for $22. I just couldn't pass it up. I'm also still playing some Arkham Knight and Witcher 3. Both amazing games.

    The thing I'm looking forward to the most and have been waiting forever for is Oculus Rift! Are you guys going to be getting a rift or SteamVR or morpheus for PS4?
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    My PS3 controller passed away, so until I can buy another one, I have gone back a generation. I fired up my XBX, and took to opportunity to restart one of my favourite game series from the beginning.... Splinter Cell. While 'SC: Pandora Tomorrow' is my favourite in the series, the use of lighting in this game, which I think is fair to say was groundbreaking at the time, still looks good today.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    My PS3 controller passed away, so until I can buy another one, I have gone back a generation. I fired up my XBX, and took to opportunity to restart one of my favourite game series from the beginning.... Splinter Cell. While 'SC: Pandora Tomorrow' is my favourite in the series, the use of lighting in this game, which I think is fair to say was groundbreaking at the time, still looks good today.

    Don't get me started on how bloody fantastic and entertaining those early 'Splinter Cell' titles were.
  • Posts: 6,396
    @Creasy47 You should absolutely love Alien Isolation. I personally thought it was a bit too long (which is an unusual complaint for a video game) but it captures the atmosphere of Ridley's film perfectly and is scary as hell.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    @WillyGalore, I noticed it has close to twenty different missions in it, so I wondered if pacing would be an issue. However, as you've noted, the atmosphere and scares are what I'm all about, and I jump so bad watching gameplay of someone turn around, just to see a Xenomorph sprinting at the camera. Might have to pick up some adult diapers before I play it.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    My PS3 controller passed away, so until I can buy another one, I have gone back a generation. I fired up my XBX, and took to opportunity to restart one of my favourite game series from the beginning.... Splinter Cell. While 'SC: Pandora Tomorrow' is my favourite in the series, the use of lighting in this game, which I think is fair to say was groundbreaking at the time, still looks good today.

    Don't get me started on how bloody fantastic and entertaining those early 'Splinter Cell' titles were.

    Though I will say, I did enjoy Blacklist. I look on Blacklist as the OHMSS of the SC series. It's still Fisher, just not Michael Ironside as Fisher. I never got to play Conviction, though, that wasn't ported to the PS3. I will probably pick up a 360 at some point, to see the exclusives that the console had.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    My PS3 controller passed away, so until I can buy another one, I have gone back a generation. I fired up my XBX, and took to opportunity to restart one of my favourite game series from the beginning.... Splinter Cell. While 'SC: Pandora Tomorrow' is my favourite in the series, the use of lighting in this game, which I think is fair to say was groundbreaking at the time, still looks good today.

    Don't get me started on how bloody fantastic and entertaining those early 'Splinter Cell' titles were.

    Though I will say, I did enjoy Blacklist. I look on Blacklist as the OHMSS of the SC series. It's still Fisher, just not Michael Ironside as Fisher. I never got to play Conviction, though, that wasn't ported to the PS3. I will probably pick up a 360 at some point, to see the exclusives that the console had.

    The 360 had a LOT of fantastic exclusives, especially 'Alan Wake' (from what I know about you, I think you'd love it) and the 'Left 4 Dead' series.
  • Posts: 9,841
    Achievement hunting in 007 legends I just picked up 4 achievements in under an hour as for the game itself as I am replaying it is it great no is it bad not as bad as the fact this was the last bond game for a while and I fear forever.

    The issue is and this is just my opinion they had no idea why Goldeneye Reloaded was a hit so the smashed this together. The reason it was a hit was it gave us a compelling story a sence of nostalgia and Craig in a new Bond Adventure (it was also marketed way better then Bloodstone) if the writers/developers just took one classic film and released say Daniel Craig in Ian Fleming's Goldfinger and took time and energy to update the story for the Craig era as they did for Goldeneye (and got Craig Fiennes and Harris to reprise their roles) activision could of been on a winning formula. Ok well winning formula is a loose term we all would of complained and been annoyed but it would of sold a heck of a lot better and gamers and casual Bond fans would of eagerly spent top dollar. But still no Craig voice smashing films together with no cohesive plot sigh activision what were you smoking.
  • I FINALLY got a PS4. Took me damn long enough. I got the Uncharted bundle because it was on sale on Black Friday for $299. I'd played Uncharted 2 before so I skipped ahead to 3. So far I'm enjoying it a lot more than 2. The story seems more interesting and the battle system is better. Seems short though, haven't played it that much and I'm already at 40% completion.

    On a sidenote, I recently got a new TV as well because my old one died (it was probably a decade old) so I am just amazed at how nice the PS4 + new TV look together. :x

    Not sure what other games I'm going to pick up. It's sad, I don't play that many videogames even though I love them. I really should fix that.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    edited December 2015 Posts: 16,349
    Xenoblade Chronicles X A huge open world JRPG sci-fi adventure game. It's been a long time since I've played a good very huge open world sandbox game. It's pretty cool and fun to play.
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