Last Video Game You Played?



  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    Metal Gear HD Collection- with all the 'Phantom Pain' talk from recent I went ahead and played through MGS2 and MGS3. I love 3 SO much and I think I may try to throw a Big Boss costume together next time there's a ComicCon near me!


    Maybe I can convince my girlfriend to be Eva...... :P

    That would be epic!
  • I've just started 007 Legends. Not looking bad nor great either. We'll wait and see!
  • Posts: 1,407
    I know there are a lot of COD haters but I just picked up Black Ops 2 and I'm really enjoying myself so far. Great way to stay in touch with old friends over Xbox Live (my main reason for owning an Xbox as well as a PS3).
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    I picked up 'Lord of the Rings: War in the North' and played co-op on Xbox Live for about eight hours straight today with a friend of mine - what fun this game is. Heavily entertaining semi-RPG with almost linear levels, yet still random caves to explore for optional quests and great loot. I'm having a lot of fun with this one.

    After that, I put in 'Assassin's Creed III' to play some solo Wolfpack. I managed to beat my old score and hit Wave 20 before I failed. That's pretty good fun. I have Sequences 11 and 12 to beat on the single player - hoping to do this tomorrow - and I've finished the game; probably trading it in for credit for an upcoming game.
  • Just started on Assassin's Creed III - loving it. Really like what they've done and how they've evolved the story...
  • Posts: 2,181
    Yesterday I finished Black Ops 2. I thought the campaign was mostly excellent, much better than MW3's. I especially liked the branching storyline and that fact you could fail missions and have the story change.

    I am also playing Saints Row 3, having paid £5 for it new.

    It is soooo much fun!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    Mallory wrote:
    Yesterday I finished Black Ops 2. I thought the campaign was mostly excellent, much better than MW3's. I especially liked the branching storyline and that fact you could fail missions and have the story change.

    I am also playing Saints Row 3, having paid £5 for it new.

    It is soooo much fun!

    'Saint's Row 3' was worth every penny, I felt. Bought it and completed it when I had my PS3, and after switching back to the 360, I found it at a local pawn shop for only $12. I'm looking forward to getting back into it, but I have a whole slew of games I still need to get to. It's insane.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I am so unbelievably angry right now. I turned on my PS3 just now for the first time since this early morning, wanting to play more Hitman: Absolution. When I ended my play time of the game this morning the game went black screened and looked like it got frozen loading or something. I thought nothing of it, shut off the console and went about my day doing the things I had to do. The first message I read just minutes ago says that the system wasn't shut off properly the last time it was used and that some game data may be corrupted. I put in Hitman and the game tells me that no save data can be found. My jaw about hit the floor, and I went searching on the internet for some solution to the madness. Apparently the game for both 360 and PS3 is known to have a bug in its coding that makes the game freeze and erase all progress/save files. So now I have to delete it from my game utility and start every single thing over again, and I didn't even get to finish the campaign. All my stats are wiped and the only thing I have to show for it all is the trophies in my collection. Unbelievable. I am afraid to even begin a new game again for the fear of losing the progress once more, and that may in fact be a real deal breaker. I was enjoying the game and couldn't wait to see what was coming next, but now I have to begin literally from scratch. Has anyone else experienced this or knows of it?
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited January 2013 Posts: 14,045
    I have not experience that, but then I have not played Absolution since finishing the game. I'm even thinking of trading it (and possibly Far Cry 3 as well) in for something else.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, very sorry to hear that. While I didn't enjoy the game, there is absolutely nothing worse than losing save data of any size. It took me many months to go back and beat 'Dead Island' because the game didn't save properly and I lost about six hours worth of gameplay.

    @MajorDSmythe, that's a good idea. I traded in 'Hitman: Absolution' for 'Far Cry 3,' and then traded in 'Far Cry 3' the other day for credit towards the 'Hitman HD Trilogy.' Trading in 'Assassin's Creed III' tomorrow for credit towards an upcoming game.

    'Far Cry 3' was one of my favorites of the year, but after doing everything in the single player, beating all of the lackluster co-op missions, and playing one round of that terrible excuse of a multiplayer, it wasn't worth much to me. Received $32 for it at GameStop.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I had the same problem with Everything Or Nothing on ps2. I went to play it one day years ago (I'd finished the game already), and it said my save had been corrupted. I had no choice and had to start again. It's done it a bunch of times since then too, so I don't play it much anymore.

    I played the Austria levels on Nightfire today. Probably the highlight of the game. There are so many different routes to take in the castle level, the snowmobile chase is action packed and the car chase is great fun (although it annoys me how you don't have to brake on corners or anything, I hate that in games).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    The stupid thing about Hitman: Absolution's bug is that a patch was released before I even got the game to fix this. When I first put in the CD it downloaded the patch, and I went on playing the game. Now, a week later, the problem still happens, and to many other players on both the 360 and PS3 all over the world.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    The stupid thing about Hitman: Absolution's bug is that a patch was released before I even got the game to fix this. When I first put in the CD it downloaded the patch, and I went on playing the game. Now, a week later, the problem still happens, and to many other players on both the 360 and PS3 all over the world.

    And with that, an upcoming patch won't even matter: sure, it will protect against future saves, but you've already lost all that progress that you just have to up and replay once more.

    As for me, I just (finally) completed 'Assassin's Creed III.' Looking to beat the epilogue missions and check out these pivots and I'll be ready to trade it in tomorrow.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    The stupid thing about Hitman: Absolution's bug is that a patch was released before I even got the game to fix this. When I first put in the CD it downloaded the patch, and I went on playing the game. Now, a week later, the problem still happens, and to many other players on both the 360 and PS3 all over the world.

    And with that, an upcoming patch won't even matter: sure, it will protect against future saves, but you've already lost all that progress that you just have to up and replay once more.

    As for me, I just (finally) completed 'Assassin's Creed III.' Looking to beat the epilogue missions and check out these pivots and I'll be ready to trade it in tomorrow.

    I am just glad that I didn't go any Contracts or gain experience in that mode, only the campaign. Now I am going through the campaign and not even bothering to pick up all the items or evidence in fear of all the work amounting to nothing if the game does it again.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    While it didn't delete my saves or anything, I did do 100% progress for a certain achievement (Unlock All Play Styles) and was not awarded it whatsoever. I was told that if I wanted to unlock it, I would have to delete my entire user profile for the game and restart the game and the progress for said achievement. 'Hitman' appears to have a lot of game breaking glitches and problems, to an extent. Glad I ditched it and got a good bit of money for it while I could.
  • The Walking Dead Bought this because I'm a fan of the TV series (turns out this has nothing to do with the show though, apart rom the zombies). It's alright so far. The main draw of it seems to be that you can make choices that really have an impact but I'm not really far enough in to make any big ones.

    Voice acting is great, it's got Borderlands type visuals but it looks sharp, gameplay is alright too.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    @thelivingroyale, I watched my girlfriend play the first episode last night and I just don't see the hype. It hit a lot of 'Best of 2012' lists around the web and magazines, and to me, it just seems like a brand new, interactive TV show to an extent. They actually have a L4D-type game coming out called 'The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct,' where you play as either Merle or Darryl in first person through firearms and/or melee combat. Looks pretty generic, but it could be fun.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    @Creasy47 The first episode is pretty dull, but you start to like/hate some of the characters and the story pretty good.

    The 2nd and 3rd episodes are better. That's as far as I've got right now.

    When you're fighting zombies (and humans), negotiating with armed bandits, rushing to save somebody, making important decisions that could change how the game plays out, talking to characters, etc, it's really good and is lots of fun.

    The trouble is, there are some really boring puzzle bits inbetween where you just wander around (really slowly), looking for items.

    If the game stuck to the fun gameplay and the story, it'd be pretty good. The puzzles sort of ruin it.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I finished the campaign for Hitman Absolution last night, and I can see why there is so much disappointment among fans. I have never played the other games so I don't know how this one stacks up, but I do indeed share some disappointment with the Hitman crowd. The villains in the game are so over the top you think a circus is in town, and how you take each of them out (all leading up to the climax and finale) is unrewarding. There are levels thrown in that I could finish in less than a minute and a half (I am not kidding) and you can tell they were put in to make the game look longer. There is literally a level where all you do is get a new suit. I wish I was joking. Some parts are fun, but overall I never reacted excitedly to what was going on around me more than two or three times. I can see some replay value in it, but not much at the end of the day. The story piddled on very predictably, and some twists happen that make me shake my head because if they were true then the game had to have lied to us. I liked planning the hits and everything, but those fun moments were few and far between. The disguises aspect made me infuriated too many times to count. I had disguises on that literally hid my entire face and yet guards were still suspicious of me. Anyway, long story short, Hitman was just average for me. Not a failure, but not fantastically mind-blowing. I may get the HD collection in the future if anyone that is a fan of the games and disliked Absolution recommends it. I just want to get a feel for what a Hitman game plays like, because I have heard many complaints about how Absolution fails in that regard. You can definitely see parts of the game where the casual crowd are catered to. Instead of one big level the game's missions are split up into section with their own checkpoint. So if you raise awareness in one section but move on to the next and restart that checkpoint, any alerts that were sent out for you are wiped clean. Anyway, like I said. Just okay for me.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited January 2013 Posts: 41,061
    I finished the campaign for Hitman Absolution last night, and I can see why there is so much disappointment among fans. I have never played the other games so I don't know how this one stacks up, but I do indeed share some disappointment with the Hitman crowd. The villains in the game are so over the top you think a circus is in town, and how you take each of them out (all leading up to the climax and finale) is unrewarding. There are levels thrown in that I could finish in less than a minute and a half (I am not kidding) and you can tell they were put in to make the game look longer. There is literally a level where all you do is get a new suit. I wish I was joking. Some parts are fun, but overall I never reacted excitedly to what was going on around me more than two or three times. I can see some replay value in it, but not much at the end of the day. The story piddled on very predictably, and some twists happen that make me shake my head because if they were true then the game had to have lied to us. I liked planning the hits and everything, but those fun moments were few and far between. The disguises aspect made me infuriated too many times to count. I had disguises on that literally hid my entire face and yet guards were still suspicious of me. Anyway, long story short, Hitman was just average for me. Not a failure, but not fantastically mind-blowing. I may get the HD collection in the future if anyone that is a fan of the games and disliked Absolution recommends it. I just want to get a feel for what a Hitman game plays like, because I have heard many complaints about how Absolution fails in that regard. You can definitely see parts of the game where the casual crowd are catered to. Instead of one big level the game's missions are split up into section with their own checkpoint. So if you raise awareness in one section but move on to the next and restart that checkpoint, any alerts that were sent out for you are wiped clean. Anyway, like I said. Just okay for me.

    This. This, this, this, this, and this. Right here. All of that is 'Absolution' in its entirety.

    If you're looking for what us hardcore 'Hitman' fans absolutely crave, you must pick up the 'Hitman HD Trilogy' on January 29th. It's $39.99 for the quintessential Hitman experience: 'Hitman 2: Silent Assassin' - tons of assassinations, but I do recall a couple of two-part missions that led to an assassination, but trust me, it was nothing dull and irritating like this game delivered - 'Hitman: Contracts,' a straight-up assassination game, where every single level offers all types of different hits. One of my favorite levels in the 'Hitman' series - 'Traditions of the Trade' - takes place in a beautiful hotel that gives me a 'Clue'/'The Innkeepers' type feel, with easter eggs to boot, and it's a lot of fun - and finally, this generation's 'Hitman: Blood Money,' which offers even bigger levels, tons of replay value, and loads of ways to assassinate your target.

    Trust me, if you want to wash that bad taste of Hitman out of your mouth, this collection will be the way to go. I've been anticipating it since its rumor months and months ago.

    As for me, I've been getting back into 'Skyrim,' completing (I suppose you can say that?) the 'Hearthfire' DLC today, and now I'm about to work on the 'Dawnguard' DLC.
  • Posts: 469
    10 hour session on fifa yesterday - need sleeeeeeeeeeeeep
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited January 2013 Posts: 14,045
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I finished the campaign for Hitman Absolution last night, and I can see why there is so much disappointment among fans. I have never played the other games so I don't know how this one stacks up, but I do indeed share some disappointment with the Hitman crowd. The villains in the game are so over the top you think a circus is in town, and how you take each of them out (all leading up to the climax and finale) is unrewarding. There are levels thrown in that I could finish in less than a minute and a half (I am not kidding) and you can tell they were put in to make the game look longer. There is literally a level where all you do is get a new suit. I wish I was joking. Some parts are fun, but overall I never reacted excitedly to what was going on around me more than two or three times. I can see some replay value in it, but not much at the end of the day. The story piddled on very predictably, and some twists happen that make me shake my head because if they were true then the game had to have lied to us. I liked planning the hits and everything, but those fun moments were few and far between. The disguises aspect made me infuriated too many times to count. I had disguises on that literally hid my entire face and yet guards were still suspicious of me. Anyway, long story short, Hitman was just average for me. Not a failure, but not fantastically mind-blowing. I may get the HD collection in the future if anyone that is a fan of the games and disliked Absolution recommends it. I just want to get a feel for what a Hitman game plays like, because I have heard many complaints about how Absolution fails in that regard. You can definitely see parts of the game where the casual crowd are catered to. Instead of one big level the game's missions are split up into section with their own checkpoint. So if you raise awareness in one section but move on to the next and restart that checkpoint, any alerts that were sent out for you are wiped clean. Anyway, like I said. Just okay for me.

    This. This, this, this, this, and this. Right here. All of that is 'Absolution' in its entirety.

    If you're looking for what us hardcore 'Hitman' fans absolutely crave, you must pick up the 'Hitman HD Trilogy' on January 29th. It's $39.99 for the quintessential Hitman experience: 'Hitman 2: Silent Assassin' - tons of assassinations, but I do recall a couple of two-part missions that led to an assassination, but trust me, it was nothing dull and irritating like this game delivered - 'Hitman: Contracts,' a straight-up assassination game, where every single level offers all types of different hits. One of my favorite levels in the 'Hitman' series - 'Traditions of the Trade' - takes place in a beautiful hotel that gives me a 'Clue'/'The Innkeepers' type feel, with easter eggs to boot, and it's a lot of fun - and finally, this generation's 'Hitman: Blood Money,' which offers even bigger levels, tons of replay value, and loads of ways to assassinate your target.

    Trust me, if you want to wash that bad taste of Hitman out of your mouth, this collection will be the way to go. I've been anticipating it since its rumor months and months ago.

    You've both summed the game up perfectly.

    I like the Hitman series, they're one of my favourite videogame series, but Absolution was so underwhelming, i'm seriously considering trading it in for something else. And i'm usualy a completist, but because this game limbo'd under my low expectations, I just don't see myself returning to it in the future like I do with Blood Money.

    I have yet to play AC3 (another of my favourite series), so I might part ex H:A for this. Mass Effect 3 is another game I intend on picking up. I'm nearing the end of ME2, and I would like to carry my Shep over to ME3. I'm looking to also part ex Far Cry 3, so with a bit of luck, I can part ex FC3 & H:A for AC3 & ME3. The latter should have come down in price by now.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I played Mass Effect 2 but I haven't played the 3rd one.

    To be honest I'm not sure I'd want to because the only person who survived my game was Seth Green (yay!), so it'd be wierd if Shepard and co just popped up again.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,045
    None of mine survived on my first playthrough either, but this time i'm going to consult a trophy guide.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    @MajorDSmythe, I picked up ME3, brand new, for $20 a few months ago from GameStop. Not sure if the price still stands elsewhere.
  • AliAli
    Posts: 319
    Have to admit to picking up Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed and thoroughly enjoying it. Only £12 on Amazon as well. Far more enjoyable than recent Mario Karts and better than LBP:Karting as well. The levels are just brilliantly realised.

    have ordered Mass Effect Trilogy on Ps3 but there seems to be a serious shortage of them in the UK at the moment.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Finished The Walking Dead. The ending was really sad and depressing.

    Normally on these choice games, I generally just act like a dick for no apparent reason and make stupid choices on purpose just to entertain me.

    EG- In Mass Effect 2 I managed to get everybody killed, in Fallout 3 I destroyed the town built on the atomic bomb just for the hell of it, in Dishonored I killed everybody (including my favourite character) except the person who actually murdered the empress, etc.

    In The Walking Dead I started off doing this but then I started makng proper decisions to help the characters I cared about. And that's what's great about this game.

    It doesn't matter if you think "wow, I hope this guy becomes a zombie so I can bash his head in", or "oh crap I've upset the little girl", this game makes you care about the characters. Wether you like them or hate them, you feel strongly about the characters and because of that you actually give a crap about the choices you're making, and I think that's fantastic.

    Boring puzzles aside, this is a great game that deserves the praise. I hope they do a sequel.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited January 2013 Posts: 41,061
    Sorting through my massive backlog of games, I decided to jump back to 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.'

    I finished the game on Recruit today and got all the intel, and am currently a little over halfway finished on Veteran difficulty on the mission 'Safehouse.' Of course, anger is ensuing over here in my room right now. Probably stopping in a short while to watch a movie and relax. My vocabulary has consisted of nothing but cuss words for the past hour or so.
  • Skyrim

    I hope it doesn't kill my xbox like it did my ps3. It's not as buggy on xbox, although it still freezes a fair bit and the framerate drops whenever there's too much going on for it.

    I'm a lizard person this time not a cat person. I did exactly what I did on ps3, went to the first town, stole some gear and ran off to explore.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,061
    @thelivingroyale, I'm not quite sure why the PS3 received the shaft with the game. It was much more buggier, and I believe the PS3 STILL hasn't received any of the DLC, while the 360 version received three DLC packs, and is in talks for a fourth. That's ridiculous.

    Still, it's a fun game. I picked up 'Hearthfire' and 'Dawnguard' DLC on sale a few days ago to get me back to the game.
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