Return of SPECTRE - One time only, extended saga, or recurring?

MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia
With the official news of SPECTRE's return, it's never too early to discuss the long term implications (or maybe it is, sorry folks!).

Do you think this film is a one off spectacular? Do you think it will last the duration of the Craig era? Or will it pop up occasionally? If it is used throughout and Blofeld is indeed introduced, do you think he (or what if was shockingly a she!) will be reprised by the same person? Or different actor each time like the old films.

The previous incarnation of SPECTRE had them featured in every film from DN to DAF with the exception of GF. Then never seen again with exception of Blofeld reference in FYEO. Is this possible in today's era?



  • I think that, if they are smart, they make him a recurring character. The James Bond saga is far from being finished, and it's good to have a timeless vilain, being Blofeld. Can't wait !
  • Posts: 14,958
    I think it will be recurring.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2014 Posts: 23,883
    Recurring without a doubt.

    If the organization is as far reaching as Quantum, then like Quantum it will not be will only continue with new tentacles sprouting.

    The leader may be taken out (like Bin Laden) but the organization will morph with new shoots (like ISIS) & with new leadership.

    Additionally, they went to a lot of trouble to get the rights back, and keep saying that when in doubt, they go back to Fleming. Therefore, they'll keep Spectre around.

    That is why we may in fact not get Blofeld this time at all, expect with a passing reference. That may be a big reveal for the end, or for B25 to keep interest high for Craig's swansong.
  • Mi6LisbonBranchMi6LisbonBranch Lisbon, Portugal
    Posts: 243
    One time only never!!
    Extended saga could leave some room for more creativity in the future but what the hell, SPECTRE is part of the James Bond legacy and will always be. Recurring it is then!!
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    They never got a proper chance to give Blofeld a proper send off, that FYEO jokey PTS is was not worthy of the character, that being said Charles Gray's interpretation had pretty much made him a joke long before Myers got his hooks in.

    I don't for one second think they'd just spank finally getting the rights for this element of the series finally to use and give us one film. I think we are seeing the setting up of an ongoing thread that they may well make a few films about then step back and then return to, I think the shared universe of other franchises has had an influence here and this is going to outlive Craig's tenure.

    I think his successor will be coming up against this organisation as well and I'm not entirely convinced we'll get Blofeld in this film till near the end and it will be teased and not full on if Waltz is Blofeld he's obviously signed on for multiple films as I don't think Mendes will be allowed to do a Nolan and kill off normally recurring adversaries.

    Maybe Waltz casting is a big ruse and another big name under wraps will emerge before the end of the film as No. 1 and he will be either no. 2, 3 or 4, who knows?
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    I think they'll try to keep Spectre for a few films. I mean, let's face it, the moment they got the rights to spectre and Blofeld back, they were obviously thrilled enough to use these elements in their next film, and in a pretty obvious way too, as demonstrated by the title. (OK, I'm not 100 % sure about Blofeld of course.) This tells me that they embrace spectre as an evil organisation as much as I do. They won't let it slip after only one movie, I'm sure.
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia
    Posts: 3,357
    That would be pretty incredible. Could you imagine they lead you to believe Waltz is Blofeld all along until he is offed and in a cliff hanger ending, by a man in a chair petting a cat who is revealed to be behind it all. They pan out and Idris Elba is revealed in the chair setting up Bond 25. They could hide it well since they would need to shoot only one 30 second cameo scene. Hide Ken Adam in an underground bunker to build one last miraculous set that no one could leak beforehand :p
  • Posts: 14,958
    Nope. Not Idris Elba as Blofeld. I love him as an actor, but no.
  • Posts: 12,511
    For or against the idea? I wonder if they are only doing it because they have the rights to it? Like they did with Casino Royale!
  • Posts: 2,341
    Will there be a Blofeld? Me thinks that Waltz will play main villian Oberhauser.
    Belucci will probably be th "sacrificial lamb" and at 50 she is the oldest "Bond girl" ever. I cannot see her riding into the sunset with a younger Daniel Craig.
    Perhaps she will be Oberhauser's mistress or henchwoman..
  • PlykshowPlykshow Kent, United Kingdom
    Posts: 35
    I'm not too fond of the title. I would have prefered something like 'SPECTRE of Deceit'.

    I do think that bringing back the organisation is a good excuse to clean up a few dead ends. It's always bugged me that YOLT and OHMSS weren't shot in the right order. So perhaps this movie (or hopefully after some more movies down the line) will have a convincing end to both Blofeld and SPECTRE.

    Do you think they would ever bring in a Tracy-like character that Bond would marry?
  • EiragornEiragorn Hessia
    Posts: 108
    I don't think they will go the full-on remake route. They rather take elements from different stories (film or Fleming) and tie them together. I would also wish they only hinted at the larger threat in SPECTRE (weird to finally type that :D) while cleaning up Quantum.
  • Posts: 12
    It's perfect timing as the World heads towards a new 'Cold War'. Is Waltz Blofeld? I think he would be perfect for it, but he might just be the number 2 man? Blofeld's name might be mentioned in this film, but we may not see his face until the next movie? They have let the 'Cat' out of the bag here and they really can't back peddle now. SPECTRE doesn't work without Blofeld at the helm, so we should see him from the get go considering the title of the movie. So Waltz's character could very well be Blofeld? In any case Waltz is inspired casting, he is a great actor and a brilliant villain, i have complete faith in him pulling off an outstanding performance. Remember Craig's Bond has been re-booted, he hasn't heard of SPECTRE yet or any of the villains associated with it, it opens the door for a re-introduction of some familiar foes from the past including Blofeld. We all have to forget the old movies, this Bond hasn't met Dr.No, Goldfinger, Largo or Blofeld.....yet!
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Glenn wrote: »
    It opens the door for a re-introduction of some familiar foes from the past including Blofeld. We all have to forget the old movies, this Bond hasn't met Dr.No, Goldfinger, Largo or Blofeld.....yet!
    Please no...I don't want to see anymore Bond villains reintroduced. They were great in their time, why risk soiling their good names?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    Murdock wrote: »
    Glenn wrote: »
    It opens the door for a re-introduction of some familiar foes from the past including Blofeld. We all have to forget the old movies, this Bond hasn't met Dr.No, Goldfinger, Largo or Blofeld.....yet!
    Please no...I don't want to see anymore Bond villains reintroduced. They were great in their time, why risk soiling their good names?

    this is exactly why i would've rather them stay away from SPECTRE and Blofeld - because I knew it would spark this sentiment among some fans - and before you know it, we'll be up to our balls in Reboot Dr. No, Goldfinger, and crusty jugglers..

    in all seriousness though - rebooting a villain like Blofeld is one thing - he was more than just a one off villain... resurrecting villains like Dr. No and Goldfinger means remaking those specific films - and that would be a big no no IMO..
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    HASEROT wrote: »
    rebooting a villain like Blofeld is one thing - he was more than just a one off villain... resurrecting villains like Dr. No and Goldfinger means remaking those specific films - and that would be a big no no IMO..
    Totally agreed.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    HASEROT wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Glenn wrote: »
    It opens the door for a re-introduction of some familiar foes from the past including Blofeld. We all have to forget the old movies, this Bond hasn't met Dr.No, Goldfinger, Largo or Blofeld.....yet!
    Please no...I don't want to see anymore Bond villains reintroduced. They were great in their time, why risk soiling their good names?

    this is exactly why i would've rather them stay away from SPECTRE and Blofeld - because I knew it would spark this sentiment among some fans - and before you know it, we'll be up to our balls in Reboot Dr. No, Goldfinger, and crusty jugglers..

    in all seriousness though - rebooting a villain like Blofeld is one thing - he was more than just a one off villain... resurrecting villains like Dr. No and Goldfinger means remaking those specific films - and that would be a big no no IMO..

    My thoughts exactly. Blofeld was sadly diluted in Connery's era by so many different castings of him. Should they do him right by keeping him played by one actor then I have no problem with it. Nobody will ever top Gert Frobe and Joseph Wisemen and ect. They defined those characters. Rebooting them too would ruin the series and show that they really don't have any new ideas.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Definitely going somewhere with this. Will be fascinating to see where this ride takes us. Although I do have the feeling they're going the Star Wars route with this.

    If you think about it, Connery and Craig have paralleled each other so far.

    DN - CR : Introduction of Bond
    FRWL - QOS: Introduction to a criminal organization
    GF - SF: Took a break from that criminal organization
    TB - SPEC: We'll see
  • Posts: 12
    Murdock wrote: »
    Glenn wrote: »
    It opens the door for a re-introduction of some familiar foes from the past including Blofeld. We all have to forget the old movies, this Bond hasn't met Dr.No, Goldfinger, Largo or Blofeld.....yet!
    Please no...I don't want to see anymore Bond villains reintroduced. They were great in their time, why risk soiling their good names?

    I think with the return of SPECTRE this is exactly what we will see, casting is the key with Blofeld, they must get that right and they need to sign the actor who plays him to a multi film deal. He needs to be re-invented and producers will be careful not to make him bald, with a scar and i doubt we will see the cat apart from a humorous nod to the past. The new Blofeld needs to be almost Putin like IMO. Waltz is a very talented actor, who knows if he is even playing Blofeld? He might be like the Emilio Largo character? Whatever their plans for the role and they must have them, Blofeld must be every inch the super villain, not some parody. The Connery era definitely suffered because of Blofeld casting inconsistencies. As for other villains, will we ever see Dr No or Goldfinger again in the future? Producers are not going to miss that opportunity.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Glenn wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Glenn wrote: »
    It opens the door for a re-introduction of some familiar foes from the past including Blofeld. We all have to forget the old movies, this Bond hasn't met Dr.No, Goldfinger, Largo or Blofeld.....yet!
    Please no...I don't want to see anymore Bond villains reintroduced. They were great in their time, why risk soiling their good names?

    I think with the return of SPECTRE this is exactly what we will see, casting is the key with Blofeld, they must get that right and they need to sign the actor who plays him to a multi film deal. He needs to be re-invented and producers will be careful not to make him bald, with a scar and i doubt we will see the cat apart from a humorous nod to the past. The new Blofeld needs to be almost Putin like IMO. Waltz is a very talented actor, who knows if he is even playing Blofeld? He might be like the Emilio Largo character? Whatever their plans for the role and they must have them, Blofeld must be every inch the super villain, not some parody. The Connery era definitely suffered because of Blofeld casting inconsistencies. As for other villains, will we ever see Dr No or Goldfinger again in the future? Producers are not going to miss that opportunity.

    Why would they go back and fix what wasn't broken? Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball were classics. Great films that had little to no flaws. Why remake something that was already good?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2014 Posts: 4,399
    Glenn wrote: »
    As for other villains, will we ever see Dr No or Goldfinger again in the future? Producers are not going to miss that opportunity.

    No, because rebooting those specific villains means remaking the movies and stories they were involved with, they don't work out of the context of their own specific story - and EON has already gone on record as to saying they aren't going to remake previous films (this came after CR, when some people thought they would remake LALD)...

    having someone around who is a like a #2 to Blofeld is one thing - making him Emilio Largo opens that pandoras box of remaking Thunderball and all previous Bond movies and villains...

    this series has always prided itself on moving forward - going back and remaking films simply because "they could" is tomfoolery... sorry..
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    @haserot, don't be sorry for your opinion. You're right!
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399

    i am not sorry for my opinion - i am sorry about the ridiculous notion of bringing back one off villains like Largo, Dr. No, Goldfinger and etc... the only one that ever made sense of rebooting was Blofeld - because he isn't tied to any one film or story.. but those other guys only appear once and are out, no need to recycle the name and character just for the sake of doing so.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    I think Blofeld is the one villain who was never quite done properly...OHMSS came closest, but still.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    echo wrote: »
    I think Blofeld is the one villain who was never quite done properly...OHMSS came closest, but still.
    Well Blofeld is the exception, but rebooting the other villains shouldn't happen.
  • DrunkIrishPoetDrunkIrishPoet The Amber Coast
    Posts: 156
    I think in the future, given his known use of plastic surgery to alter his appearance, as well as the series' habit and history of putting a different actor in the role every time anyway, Blofeld should return in the next sequel... a woman. That's right, Ernst Stavro Blofeld has sex reassignment surgery. A sex change operation. Becomes Eva Stavira Blofeld. Won't look as foolish stroking a cat. She can still be bald.

    This is a great idea! What do you think?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399

    thats Colonel Moon => Gustav Graves territory..... don't really want to go back down the DAD rabbit hole..

    just keep him the same man..
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Dear god no. DAD redux.

    Please cast the same actor and keep him the same man. I'm sure that's what's planned and I think Blofeld was not on stage today. It is not Waltz folks. Either someone new for B25, or it's an un-named cast member a'la MD in Interstellar.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    bondjames wrote: »
    Please cast the same actor and keep him the same man. I'm sure that's what's planned and I think Blofeld was not on stage today. It is not Waltz folks. Either someone new for B25, or it's an un-named cast member a'la MD in Interstellar.


    Mark Strong?

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