Who should/could be a Bond actor?



  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    Good grief folks, I never recommend Justin Timberlake, Lol.

    Someone posted his picture as a snarky response to my Harry Styles post,; I only pointed out that he, and many others, show that person from a musical background can become a successful actor. I never suggested Justin Timberlake as James Bond.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    I wouldn't like to rule Styles out just yet. He'd maybe have to get a few more roles though and maybe mature a bit, get a bit more weathered.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    talos7 wrote: »
    Good grief folks, I never recommend Justin Timberlake, Lol.

    Someone posted his picture as a snarky response to my Harry Styles post,; I only pointed out that he, and many others, show that person from a musical background can become a successful actor. I never suggested Justin Timberlake as James Bond.

  • JeremyBondonJeremyBondon Seeking out odd jobs with Oddjob @Tangier
    Posts: 1,318
    Gents, please, let's get back on topic and cease the silliness. We are looking for Bond after all:


  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    So you are not man of your word talos7. You make suggestion then go back on word.
    Yes some singer are good actors. I will agree. But the ones that you suggest are very bad. You have little idea of good James Bond I think.
    mtm do not fall into this trap of singer being James Bond.
    James Bond is man not boy.

    Back on my word, do tell? I suggested Styles as a dark horse pick; I stand by that. I never recommend Timberlake.

  • QsCatQsCat London
    Posts: 251
    talos7 wrote: »
    So you are not man of your word talos7. You make suggestion then go back on word.
    Yes some singer are good actors. I will agree. But the ones that you suggest are very bad. You have little idea of good James Bond I think.
    mtm do not fall into this trap of singer being James Bond.
    James Bond is man not boy.

    Back on my word, do tell? I suggested Styles as a dark horse pick; I stand by that. I never recommend Timberlake.

    Ahh this is funny :))
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    You make crazy choice then backdown on choice.
    You are more into singer/actor than James Bond actor.
    In words of James Bond Mr.Timothy Dalton leave it to the professionals.
    James Bond fan professionals.

    I feel grossly underpaid, in that case.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    edited February 2021 Posts: 8,116
    Lol... you’re “thought” process, or intentional misrepresentation is giving me a headache...
    moving on...
  • You are more into singer/actor than James Bond actor.
    In words of James Bond Mr.Timothy Dalton leave it to the professionals.
    James Bond fan professionals.
    Again, I am not personally very fond of the choice of Styles, but I find your reactions greatly hyperbolic. Not only because some here have suggested names that are much more ridiculous IMO than Styles, but also because I'm not sure that Brosnan, since he's an actor that you like, at the same age was physically less boyish than him (see below). Let's not forget that Bond 25 won't go into production for several years, maybe four or five, and that potential contenders will have time to age and grow during that time.

  • JeremyBondonJeremyBondon Seeking out odd jobs with Oddjob @Tangier
    edited February 2021 Posts: 1,318
    Let's just stop.




    Let's keep this idiot out of the conversation, yes?
  • JeremyBondonJeremyBondon Seeking out odd jobs with Oddjob @Tangier
    Posts: 1,318
    Mr. Harry Styles is not James Bond actor. He may turn to become good actor. But Mr. Adrian Turner is much more good choice for James Bond. Two three four five years. It not matter.
    So many fans of James Bond so many have no good idea who best to be new James Bond. So many bad idea.

    That's all fine and dandy and I'm sure mr. Adrian Turner would be delighted to have his name into the mix, but a certain mr. Aidan Turner would perhaps feel left out?
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    edited February 2021 Posts: 15,681
    You are more into singer/actor than James Bond actor.
    In words of James Bond Mr.Timothy Dalton leave it to the professionals.
    James Bond fan professionals.
    Again, I am not personally very fond of the choice of Styles, but I find your reactions greatly hyperbolic. Not only because some here have suggested names that are much more ridiculous IMO than Styles, but also because I'm not sure that Brosnan, since he's an actor that you like, at the same age was physically less boyish than him (see below). Let's not forget that Bond 25 won't go into production for several years, maybe four or five, and that potential contenders will have time to age and grow during that time.

    Yes that was my thought too: Remington Steel-era Brosnan wasn't exactly a macho figure. And Styles isn't a million miles off the sort of look of Pattinson.
    But he does need to become a really good leading man first, we'll see if he gets there. Seems promising so far.
  • GadgetManGadgetMan Lagos, Nigeria
    Posts: 4,247
    Lol. Pls, take it easy @General_Graves this is a very liberal thread. Just enjoy the fun.
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    edited February 2021 Posts: 1,351
    Me everytime I log in and see "Who should/could be a Bond actor?" has had 34 new posts in the last 4 hours:

    I guess


  • JeremyBondonJeremyBondon Seeking out odd jobs with Oddjob @Tangier
    Posts: 1,318
    Me everytime I log in and see "Who should/could be a Bond actor?" has had 34 new posts in the last 4 hours:

    I guess


    Above, the very Bond best we've had. Below, good actor but essentially not Bond. He could have been a brutally good KGB adversary of Bond.
  • QsCatQsCat London
    Posts: 251
    Mr. Harry Styles is not James Bond actor. He may turn to become good actor. But Mr. Adrian Turner is much more good choice for James Bond. Two three four five years. It not matter.
    So many fans of James Bond so many have no good idea who best to be new James Bond. So many bad idea.

    That's all fine and dandy and I'm sure mr. Adrian Turner would be delighted to have his name into the mix, but a certain mr. Aidan Turner would perhaps feel left out?


  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    At this point, evaluating and, or, suggesting potential Bonds is a wide open topic; some suggestions are very traditional and some are outside of the box; to use a colloquial, we're "spitballing". Suggesting that someone is 'not a fan' because you don't agree with a particular suggestion is strangely myopic.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    Okay enough of this bickering for no reason. @General_Graves as a new member I would suggest that you are a little more courteous to other members.
    We all have opinions on who could and shouldn't play James Bond. However you appear unwilling to allow any other suggestion apart from your own to be put forward.
    We encourage healthy debate, but there is a line which you are very close to crossing.
    Please be less aggressive in your posts and you will find other members are much more hospitable toward you.
    Carry on.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    @General_Graves , please calm down. This is a thread asking for suggestions on who could/should play Bond.
    @talos7 is as much a Bond fan as any of us; to call him anything but is somewhat childish. He also prefaced Styles as a dark-horse candidate. I agree with his idea that Styles could be leading man material in the upcoming years, and EoN won't be anointing anyone as the new 007; they will throw a big net when casting starts. And it's not a crazy idea to think that someone like Styles could be a name amongst the first batch of names.
    This thread isn't an echo chamber; people have opinions. Stay humble, listen, debate, but dismissing someone like @talos7 (and your follow ups), have been curt and rude.
    It isn't a good look, friend.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    I have gotten bored of your silly posting. You have ideas. But James Bond have always been real man. Even the not so good James Bond.
    I wish you peace and no harm. I do not agree with silly suggestion. We will disagree to agree. Yes

    From SPECTRE, when he calls out Bond at the organization's meeting, there is a two word Blofeld quote that comes to mind.

    English may not be your first language, but that doesn't appear to be the problem.

    Definitely moving on...
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    (sorry @benny, didn't see your post, lol😂)
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,889
    I don't think Harry Styles will ever be considered, but I hope we're not ruling him out (or calling him an idiot) because he sometimes dresses effeminately...
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,351

    (I'm sorry, this is just too good.)
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    Denbigh wrote: »
    I don't think Harry Styles will ever be considered, but I hope we're not ruling him out (or calling him an idiot) because he sometimes dresses effeminately...

    The only reason, for me, that is valid for ruling him out is his lack of experience. And that is likely to change. I don't know if he wishes to continue acting or not, but he wasn't bad in Dunkirk at all considering he had thrown himself in at the deep end. If he develops leading man capabilities, why not? The photo posted above proves he looks good in a nice suit.

    It's not like we've never had a super-masculine version of Bond embrace effeminacy before!

  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    This be not real photograph yes?
    Mr. Daniel Craig dressing like woman. Is for movie that not be James Bond?

    It was for International Women's Day, @General_Graves
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,889
    Denbigh wrote: »
    I don't think Harry Styles will ever be considered, but I hope we're not ruling him out (or calling him an idiot) because he sometimes dresses effeminately...

    The only reason, for me, that is valid for ruling him out is his lack of experience.
    Yeah, I understand that, and I also don't think he was bad in Dunkirk. I'm really looking forward to Don't Worry Darling with him and Florence Pugh...

    The reason I don't want him to be James Bond is about star power and fame. James Bond should be played by someone who can fully become the character and be that character for a whole generation, so having an actor that is hugely famous for something else; like Henry Cavill being Superman, and in this case, Harry Styles being a hugely famous musician. I understand Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore were known enough before their time as 007, but we're in a different time now. Fame is bigger than it ever was, so to hire someone extremely famous just wouldn't work in my eyes.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    Denbigh wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    I don't think Harry Styles will ever be considered, but I hope we're not ruling him out (or calling him an idiot) because he sometimes dresses effeminately...

    The only reason, for me, that is valid for ruling him out is his lack of experience.
    Yeah, I understand that, and I also don't think he was bad in Dunkirk. I'm really looking forward to Don't Worry Darling with him and Florence Pugh...

    The reason I don't want him to be James Bond is about star power and fame. James Bond should be played by someone who can fully become the character and be that character for a whole generation, so having an actor that is hugely famous for something else; like Henry Cavill being Superman, and in this case, Harry Styles being a hugely famous musician. I understand Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore were known enough before their time as 007, but we're in a different time now. Fame is bigger than it ever was, so to hire someone extremely famous just wouldn't work in my eyes.

    I get that. It's a good point! I'd be inclined to agree, now that you've said it.
  • Denbigh wrote: »
    The reason I don't want him to be James Bond is about star power and fame. James Bond should be played by someone who can fully become the character and be that character for a whole generation, so having an actor that is hugely famous for something else; like Henry Cavill being Superman, and in this case, Harry Styles being a hugely famous musician.
    I totally agree with this view! I would say the only possible exception would be if Eon drastically changed its format and exclusively produced standalones with a new actor each time. Although it's not really what I would like to see, I think this format would further favor a famous actor in the role.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    Denbigh wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    I don't think Harry Styles will ever be considered, but I hope we're not ruling him out (or calling him an idiot) because he sometimes dresses effeminately...

    The only reason, for me, that is valid for ruling him out is his lack of experience.
    Yeah, I understand that, and I also don't think he was bad in Dunkirk. I'm really looking forward to Don't Worry Darling with him and Florence Pugh...

    The reason I don't want him to be James Bond is about star power and fame. James Bond should be played by someone who can fully become the character and be that character for a whole generation, so having an actor that is hugely famous for something else; like Henry Cavill being Superman, and in this case, Harry Styles being a hugely famous musician. I understand Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore were known enough before their time as 007, but we're in a different time now. Fame is bigger than it ever was, so to hire someone extremely famous just wouldn't work in my eyes.

    Excellent point...
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    edited February 2021 Posts: 1,351
    Denbigh wrote: »
    The reason I don't want him to be James Bond is about star power and fame. James Bond should be played by someone who can fully become the character and be that character for a whole generation, so having an actor that is hugely famous for something else; like Henry Cavill being Superman, and in this case, Harry Styles being a hugely famous musician.
    I totally agree with this view! I would say the only possible exception would be if Eon drastically changed its format and exclusively produced standalones with a new actor each time. Although it's not really what I would like to see, I think this format would further favor a famous actor in the role.

    It is interesting how much handwringing there is about the new Bond and how long they can stay in the role and how the franchise will be set-up for the future and so on.
    Isn't James Bond the character where casting continuity is the most muddled and all over the place anyway? Sure, people try to put a unifying theory onto the whole thing and I think all Bond fans have spent at least some time thinking about their stance on stuff like continuity and codename theory and all of that, but where other franchises have to invent parellel universes or keep the old actor in the franchise while the new actor just takes up their mantle or whatever, Bond just is. Whoever it says at the beginning of the credits "as Ian Fleming's James Bond 007 in" is James Bond. All of them are Bond. They are seperate and connected at the same time.

    So why not do just one movie with Tom Hardy? Why not have Nic Hoult do a couple, go away to do something else while Robert Pattinson does one if he has a shooting window available and then have Hoult come back? Hell, have Craig come back in 10 if he feels like it. Connery played Bond in three decades, Craig could get to four. He'll always look like he's 39 anyway.
    Trust me, it's not too complicated for the audience: It's a Bond film. The handsome man in the film is James Bond and this is one of his stories.

    (Maybe I should put this in the controversial opinions thread...)

    Edit: And this is not even mainly directed at fans. Eon: Just get to producing movies. I assume you get about 12 spec scripts and 15 product placement deal offers per week. There is bound to be enough material to get a film through the door every 30 months.
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