the scene you could live without.........



  • LTK- Winking Fish
    MWTGG- The fight with Nic Nac to me is too campy.
    TND- Carver mocking Kung Fu.

    The winking fish? You'll have to remind me of that one
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    LTK- Winking Fish
    MWTGG- The fight with Nic Nac to me is too campy.
    TND- Carver mocking Kung Fu.

    The winking fish? You'll have to remind me of that one

    When Bond and Pam kiss in the pool at the end, the camera pans to a winking fish, then credits roll.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    edited January 2013 Posts: 2,629
    On my list, if more than one scene is related, all scenes must be removed.

    DN: Leave as is
    FRWL: Leave as is
    GF: The scene where Auric gets sucked out of the airplane
    TB: Leave as is
    YOLT: The scene where the helomagnet drops the car into the bay.
    OHMSS: The scene where George says "This never happened to the other fellow"
    DAF: The scene that Tiffany is in after she gets slapped.
    LALD: The scene where Kananga has over inflated opinion of himself
    TMWTGG: The scene where Roger gets cheeky with the Sumo wrestler
    TSWLM: The scene where Barbara Bach tries to act
    MR: The scene in the last half hour of the film.
    FYEO: The scene that starts or finishes the film.
    OP: The scene where Roger encounters an animal or yells in the jungle
    AVTAK: The scene with Grace Jones
    TLD: Leave as is
    LTK: The scene where Krest loses his head
    GE: Leave as is
    TND: The scene with Teri Hatcher
    TWINE: The scene where Denise Richards speaks
    DAD: The scene not involved with the PTS or the fencing duel
    CR: The scene where a little finger is mentioned
    QOS: The scene where the cameraperson can't hold the camera still
    SF: The scene with the kimoda dragons
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    SJK91 wrote:
    Despite my love for the franchise, there are quite a number of scenes I could live without. That's's a film by film breakdown.

    Dr. No - None. Probably a surprise to many of you as DN is admittedly a slower film, but for some reason it has worked for me

    From Russia With Love - None

    Goldfinger - None...yes - I love GF

    Thunderball - Cut the underwater scenes' runtime by 50%

    You Only Live Twice - That helicopter battle has aged terribly - worse than the DN rear-projections if you ask me. An overall trim of 5-10 minutes

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Less of Bond imitating Hillary Bray...or dropping the dubbed voice altogether

    Diamonds Are Forever - The scene where the woman turns into an ape (what the hell was that all about?), Blofeld as a woman; the whole movie needed about 10-15 minutes trimmed come to think of it

    Live and Let Die - The majority of JW Pepper, Rosie's scenes, the plane escape scene with the old woman, snip the boat chase in half...another one that could have benefitted from an overall trimming of roughly 10-15 minutes

    The Man with the Golden Gun - The slide whistle (naturally), all of JW Pepper, sumo wrestler's ass cheeks, Mary Goodnight's talking scenes etc.

    The Spy Who Loved Me - Moore's line, "I've had lunch, but I've seemed to have missed dessert." Ick. Jaws dropping the rock on his feet

    Moonraker - The 'Bondola', all of the scenes with Jaws and Goldie Locks, Magnificent Seven music, the horrible cable car fight, Jaws' reaction face when he realizes he's about to go over the waterfall

    For Your Eyes Only - The pre-titles sequence and Margaret Thatcher, either get rid of Bibi or reduce her screen-time dramatically

    Octopussy - George of the Jungle wail, checking his watch in the gorilla suit, the hot air balloon

    A View to a Kill - Beach boys, Tanya Robert's scenes, Bond and May Day's love scene (yikes), the French cab driver, those AWFUL fistfights especially the one at the stables, firetruck chase with the stupid sheriff

    The Living Daylights - Love the film, but was never too keen on the cello case or the scene where the Aston uses the garage as cover. Also where the busty russian agent stuffs the guy in her cleavage to distract him...meh. Sorry, TLD, I'm nitpicky only because I love you ;)

    Licence to Kill - "I love James SOOO much!", Dalton's line "Looks like he came to a dead end", Felix in the hospital at the end, the winking fish

    GoldenEye - I'd say cut Boris' screen-time by at least half if not more

    Tomorrow Never Dies - Cut down the bike chase and the final gun battle by half

    The World Is Not Enough - The awkward ski action scene, Brosnan and Elektra's confrontation ("Drop the act!")

    Die Another Day - All of Halle Berry's scenes, CGI parasailing, the virtual Moneypenny/Bond love scene, cut down the amount of one liners by roughly 75%

    Casino Royale - Honestly, none

    Quantum of Solace - All of Gregory Beam's scenes

    These are very well thought-out. FYEO didn't need both Bibi and Thatcher. QoS didn't need the boat chase nor the plane chase; it needed to slow down and give us some drama.
  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    "That's as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!" Sean Connery, Goldfinger
  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    Kerim wrote:
    LTK: The scene where Krest loses his head


  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Kerim wrote:
    LTK: The scene where Krest loses his head

    But the sound design is great!

  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    edited September 2013 Posts: 4,423

    royale65 wrote:

    Dr No/You Only Live Twice – the countdown in the films climax.

    Thunderball – remove the decade worth of tedious footage, of frogmen nailing a sodding net in place.

    Diamonds Are Forever – Moonbuggy chase; Plenty O Toole - I can’t believe Bond would be interested in someone so dumb; Norman Burton as Leiter; “comedy” police men; Blofeld in drag, and Ape woman!

    Live and Let Die – Most of Sheriff Bloody Pepper’s scenes; Mrs Bell scenes

    The Man With The Golden Gun – again Sheriff Pepper’s scenes – again; two teenage girls defeating an entire dojo; locking Goodnight in a closet while Bond gets groiny is unforgivable; slide whistle sound effects during the Corkscrew jump.

    Moonraker – remove Jaws from the PTS; the entire boat chase and subsequent “Bondola “ travesty; Jaws falling in love with Dolly.

    For Your Eyes Only – Thatcher; change the actor playing "not" Blofeld.

    Octopussy- Tarzan yell; the crowds doing a Wimbledon during the Tuk-Tuk chase

    A View To A Kill – again the “comedy” Sheriff during the fire engine chase; taxi drivers antics; Beach Boys in the PTS

    The Living Daylights –the monkeys/crowds scenes – a throwback to the Moore era

    GoldenEye – most of Boris’s dialogue, especially when we first meet the Severnaya staff “Slugheads!”; some of the action scenes need trimming down i.e. tank chase

    The World Is Not Enough – Sir Rog said about cinema acting; "your eyebrow moves about 20 feet in the cinema when you're up on screen". I don’t think anyone told Pierce.

    Die Another Day - Madonna cameo; recast Zao; remove the whole CGI debacle; trimming down the climax; get rid off Graves’ RoboSuit.

    Casino Royale - Sinking house - less is sometimes better - do it like the book

    Quantum of Solace – parachute jump

    Skyfall - tricky one this. I suppose one can rewrite Silva's escape, to make it more plausible, and remove the subway crash.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited September 2013 Posts: 12,459
    For me, I'd do without quite a few (after all, this franchise has 23 films under its considerable belt). Here are some scenes I'd delete:

    1) Every time Jinx opens her mouth to say something "witty" or "funny" - so most of Jinx cut out, yeah, would be good. Different actress would help, too, of course.
    2) The blowing up of Kanaga/Mr. Big (what a terrible ending - as in looks so cheesy and bad, stupid, wrong! - for a great villain)
    3) Happy Felix at the end of LTK (What the ...?!)
    4) Sanchez whipping Lupe (made me feel sick and pretty much turned me off to the entire film) It was unnecessary to be shown and really bothered me.
    5) Dolly and Jaws in love. Oh yuk. Please no.
    6) Several of Stacey's scenes in AVTAK, especially running from the blimp - and going to sleep in her home, in a slinky teddy, no care in the world, after James has just killed people to protect her.
    7) Several of Denise Richards' scenes in TWINE, especially the godawful ending.
    8) More from MR, so much really; but for pete's sake get rid of the horrible Bondola.
    9) The winking fish from LTK, too.
    10) Bond dropping the gun in TMWTGG. Stupid.
    11) Bond being made up to look Japanese in YOLT. I know it was in the book. But come on, really now; he is a tall Scot.
    12) Corrine's death, and in particular how it is set up in MR
    13) Strawberry Fields' death in QOS; I felt it was an unnecessary and unimaginative homage to Goldfinger and killed off a character I quite liked
    14) Pretty much all of the "angels" the girls in OHMSS, especially the hypnotizing them to stop their habits, cure their problems ("I love chicken, it is delicious, I will eat chicken" etc. - whatever it was). Incredibly stupid and annoying.
    15) Mary Goodnight pushing a button with her bikini-clad bottom in TMWTGG.
    16) Bond being rude and mean to the little kid, shoving him off the boat in same film, TMWTGG (which has plenty I'd like to cut out, I dare say).
    17) NO surfing tsunami in DAD, please no.
    18) NO invisible car in DAD, please no.
    19) Lazenby's "This never happened to the other fella" - I hated it, line and delivery. (OHMSS)
    20) "California Girls" playing during ski scene in AVTAK
    21) along those musical lines, also: the pennywhistle or whatever it was when the car does an amazing flip in TMWTGG, and the Tarzan yell in Octopussy
    22) M getting kidnapped in TWINE, so stupid. A lot of TWINE would be cut out for me, yeah.
    23) "Blofeld" getting his demise in the PTS in the otherwise stellar FYEO.

    So that is 23 for 23 films. Enough for today.
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,314
    Kerim wrote:
    TSWLM: The scene where Barbara Bach tries to act

    19) Lazenby's "This never happened to the other fella" - I hated it, line and delivery. (OHMSS)
    I know that I'm in the minority but this never bothered me.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    pachazo wrote:
    19) Lazenby's "This never happened to the other fella" - I hated it, line and delivery. (OHMSS)
    I know that I'm in the minority but this never bothered me.

    I must be in an even smaller minority then because I bloody love it!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    I must be in an even smaller minority then because I bloody love it!
    After holding Tracy's shoe, I found it be rather an effective & funny Cinderella gag myself.
  • Posts: 686
    OP - the tennis fight during the car chase.
    SF - The scene where Silva is in the isolation cell
  • Posts: 2,400
    Tommy is one of the most overrated albums of all time, to hark back to the first page.

    Goldfinger didn't need the mobsters at all, and Goldfinger should've been taken out at Fort Knox. The plane sequence is awful. I really dislike GF, there's no other Bond film with such an exciting, promising first half and, to that level, a disproportionately bad and disappointing second.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Perhaps not until DAD, eh?
  • Posts: 2,400
    No, because I find DAD to be pretty shit from start to finish.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Ah, for me I like the first part.
  • Posts: 686


    Blofeld" getting his demise in the PTS in the otherwise stellar FYEO.

    I agree, but it also has been speculated that EON did that to send a message to Kevin McClory that EON was done with Blofeld.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Kerim wrote:
    On my list, if more than one scene is related, all scenes must be removed.

    DN: Leave as is
    FRWL: Leave as is
    GF: The scene where Auric gets sucked out of the airplane
    TB: Leave as is
    YOLT: The scene where the helomagnet drops the car into the bay.
    OHMSS: The scene where George says "This never happened to the other fellow"
    DAF: The scene that Tiffany is in after she gets slapped.
    LALD: The scene where Kananga has over inflated opinion of himself
    TMWTGG: The scene where Roger gets cheeky with the Sumo wrestler
    TSWLM: The scene where Barbara Bach tries to act
    MR: The scene in the last half hour of the film.
    FYEO: The scene that starts or finishes the film.
    OP: The scene where Roger encounters an animal or yells in the jungle
    AVTAK: The scene with Grace Jones
    TLD: Leave as is
    LTK: The scene where Krest loses his head
    GE: Leave as is
    TND: The scene with Teri Hatcher
    TWINE: The scene where Denise Richards speaks
    DAD: The scene not involved with the PTS or the fencing duel
    CR: The scene where a little finger is mentioned
    QOS: The scene where the cameraperson can't hold the camera still
    SF: The scene with the kimoda dragons


    Brilliant... Though I love all of OHMSS and enjoyed Grace Jones, this is a brilliant list.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited September 2013 Posts: 18,026
    The scene where Jaws and Dolly fall in love in Moonraker is one that I could have done without!
  • edited September 2013 Posts: 418
    Anything to do with Jinx and 'Iceland' in Die Another Day..
  • As bad as scenes with Jaws, Bondolas, winking pigeons, and Jinx are, I still can't neglect several other scenes.

    1. Sheep's head for dinner in Octopussy. I can safely say that the popcorn, raisinets, and drink I was enjoying while watching this in the theater in 1983 suddenly became a bit uncomfortable.

    2. Carmen duSautoy/Saida in TMWTGG. Rog should have got hazard pay alone for that scene. Somehow I just know that Harry had something to do with her hire.

    3. Madonna as Verity. Her lines rated right there with Berry's for cringeworthy.

    4. Sam Bond and virtual sex with Bond. Who could forget this cinematic gem?

    5. Rog in bed with Grace Jones and her big black dildo. Forget about hazard pay. Bigger share of residuals, please!
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    I'll give you Saida... but Grace Jones is amazing looking. Though she didn't look Stacey vulnerable, I never thought she looked like a man.

    The sheep's head was a bit much. Put me off hard-boiled eggs for days.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,026
    As bad as scenes with Jaws, Bondolas, winking pigeons, and Jinx are, I still can't neglect several other scenes.

    1. Sheep's head for dinner in Octopussy. I can safely say that the popcorn, raisinets, and drink I was enjoying while watching this in the theater in 1983 suddenly became a bit uncomfortable.

    2. Carmen duSautoy/Saida in TMWTGG. Rog should have got hazard pay alone for that scene. Somehow I just know that Harry had something to do with her hire.

    3. Madonna as Verity. Her lines rated right there with Berry's for cringeworthy.

    4. Sam Bond and virtual sex with Bond. Who could forget this cinematic gem?

    5. Rog in bed with Grace Jones and her big black dildo. Forget about hazard pay. Bigger share of residuals, please!

    Well, you should have seen the proposed scene where Bond is forced to bed an addled old whore (Saida) if you thought the version that we got was bad, @SirHenryLeeChaChing!
  • Dragonpol wrote:
    As bad as scenes with Jaws, Bondolas, winking pigeons, and Jinx are, I still can't neglect several other scenes.

    1. Sheep's head for dinner in Octopussy. I can safely say that the popcorn, raisinets, and drink I was enjoying while watching this in the theater in 1983 suddenly became a bit uncomfortable.

    2. Carmen duSautoy/Saida in TMWTGG. Rog should have got hazard pay alone for that scene. Somehow I just know that Harry had something to do with her hire.

    3. Madonna as Verity. Her lines rated right there with Berry's for cringeworthy.

    4. Sam Bond and virtual sex with Bond. Who could forget this cinematic gem?

    5. Rog in bed with Grace Jones and her big black dildo. Forget about hazard pay. Bigger share of residuals, please!

    Well, you should have seen the proposed scene where Bond is forced to bed an addled old whore (Saida) if you thought the version that we got was bad, @SirHenryLeeChaChing!

    I can't even think about that. I was already scarred for life after scene #5.

    @Kitty- sorry my dear friend, I don't get your Jones appreciation. I didn't think she looked like a man, mind you. But I have insisted for many years that a cardboard cutout of her on my front porch steps would scare the neighborhood kids away- even during Halloween!

  • edited September 2013 Posts: 98
    Does Ms. Jone's transcendence Of Gender Roles scare you, ?

    For me, finally I watched OHMSS yesterday, and the last scene was really unneccessary.
  • All the scenes with Elliot Carver...

    DC in the shower with Vespa - cold emotional emo crap
    DC in a burning hotel with Tom boy - hot emotional emo physco crap
    DC drinking beer and being a moody teensger in Skyfall - Bond should never be seen this broken
    Q disappearing before our eyes in TWINE....too sad, lump in throat moment...
  • Posts: 140
    Dr. No: "Fetch my shoes."

    I really wish that bit would just disappear from the movie. Fetch your own damn shoes, white man!
  • Posts: 34
    I'm not defending the "fetch my shoes" but it was a very different time , wrong but different.

    Therefore has a place in the film

    The Only defence I have is I can imagine Sean's bond telling anyone regardless of creed, religion or colour to " fetch his shoes"

  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    I agree with tony about the demand being made to anyone working for Bond.

    The "Fetch my shoes" line was about Quarrel being Bond's assistant. If we look, we will find other examples of Bond giving directions throughout the movies.

    It is our modern sensitivity to racism that makes that particular one stand out.
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