Last Bond Movie You Watched



  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I just thought they could have waited until later on for him to deliver it. Felt very forced as he dialed the phone. Lacked any bit of suave or coolness.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 11,189
    Lacked any bit of suave or coolness.
    Exactly. They probably wanted to cram it in as early as they could. It may have worked better when he introduced himself to Kara later on. Who knows.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,711
    Doesn't Kosvov says the line early on as well ?? "James... James Bond !!" right after fleeing from the opera ??
  • Posts: 11,189
    yes he does
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,355
    Lacked any bit of suave or coolness.
    Exactly. They probably wanted to cram it in as early as they could. It may have worked better when he introduced himself to Kara later on. Who knows.
    That line was dubbed. Check out the original as said by Dalton in the trailer - much better. The same thing happened with Connery's introduction in Diamonds Are Forever.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Thanks, @Samuel001. Had no idea. Gonna check out the trailer here in a minute.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 13,355
    At the 1:00 minute mark:

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 11,189
    Nice trailer @Samuel001 and yes it does sound a bit better. I love how the womans voice is completely different too :-))
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Yeah, sounds much better. Thanks for the post, @Samuel001.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited August 2011 Posts: 1,347
    Watched most of TWINE. I was mostly meh and bored, but it reminded me of the fact that Sophie Marceau is one incredibly sexy woman.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    That she is. I think it's why I want Monica Bellucci to be a Bond girl so bad.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,110
    Never done this before, but I had a case of the man flu yesterday. A house to myself and OP was on the telly. So I watched it...twice, back to back.
    Thank-you foxtel. Fox classics followed by Fox classics +2.
    I really should get out more, but if you have a sniffle, then something like this is okay. ;-)

    I enjoyed it as much the second time as I did the first. :-bd
  • Posts: 11,189
    Never done this before, but I had a case of the man flu yesterday. A house to myself and OP was on the telly. So I watched it...twice, back to back.
    Thank-you foxtel. Fox classics followed by Fox classics +2.
    I really should get out more, but if you have a sniffle, then something like this is okay. ;-)

    I enjoyed it as much the second time as I did the first. :-bd
    Good @Benny. I really enjoyed OP the last time I saw it too. It was a lot better than I remembered.
  • do_me_nicelydo_me_nicely Banned
    Posts: 106
    Golden-Eye . Brosnan be smooth , move like a sugar panther .
    Recomended ! :-D
  • X-Men First Class ;) ...fantastic film...every time Fassbender was on screen it oozed Bondian presence and kicked so much a$$ it was almost unbelievable.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,110
    Wrong thread GL, this is the last Bond movie you watched thread.
    Still not seeing that Fassbender as Bond love that some of you guys feel. It's beyond me just yet. As Bond anyway.
  • Posts: 5,634
    last film was earlier today, the 1979 nonsense that was Moonraker

    maybe if I watched it again and I was 20 years younger I could find some humor in it, but some bits were just damn embarrassing, Bond fans or not

    but, but, it is a very active one, Moore does what he can, the re-introduction of Jaws really wasn't necessary, and Bond seemed to be in a different part of the world (and out of it) in each scene he was in

    Lois Chiles must be one of the most dullest bond girls ever, Drax was a lightweight bad guy, but something in it keeps my attention, you won't get bored watching it, there's action going on left right and center throughout it's two hours on film

    it includes maybe the best line ever in 007 history

    'my god what's Bond doing?'

    'I think he's attempting re-entry Sir'

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 4,622
    License To Kill

    Another solid Dalts entry. He seems to be over his Kara puppy love but he's now mooning for Pam. Dalts really falls for his girls. No wonder women love him. He's so romantic. Actually I think what happened is that he took a little break from Kara, as PKK has suggested, to go to Felix's wedding. Then got caught up in the whole Sanchez revenge escapade, forgot about his love for Kara,( I know-unthinkable but it happened) got sidetracked by Pam, dallied with Lupe, but ultimately stayed true to Pam, as his Dalts/Bond romantic self would require, but once the excitment of the revenge adrenalin had died down, he found himself pining for his true love Kara. Thus he sadly broke up with Pam, who wasn't anywhere near as affected by the break as he was.
    Dalts Bond then raced back to true-love Kara, where they lived happily ever, thus necessitating a full series re-boot, a 6 year layoff, and finally a return of Bond with the Brozzer era.
    Solid Bond movie. Lots of good stuff especially Bond's adventure battling Krest's men on the Wavecrest. Lupe is one smoking Bond girl. "I love James so much" is one of the funniest lines in the series. 10 out 10 stars!


    Great Bond movie. Lots of good OTT Bond adventure. Loved the final villain operations-base. Reminiscent of the YOLT hidden-under-fake-water-surface lair.
    I've figured out Brozzer's main problem as Bond. He's not believeable in the tux and formal wear. Yea he looks good, but he doesn't move well ( not like Sean or George or even Dalts) and lacks Rog's presence. He doesn't fight convincingly as formal Bond.
    Brozzer is in his element though when he's decked out in field wear and rat-tat-tatting away with his machine gun or blasting with his Walther. His close quarter fighting even passes mustard when he's dressed for combat. Brozzer is a good action Bond.
    Miss "Boys with Toys" looks great. Love the way she slapped down Bor-eese at the end of the film. What a worm he was.
    Too bad Brozzer didn't toss his drink at Fembot M when she launched into her, misogynist dinosaur rant. Welcome to the Babs era. And its only going to get worse. The Craig-era and Bond-in-drag PSAs are still to come. Yikes.
    For some reason I feel like buying a case of Perrier water,every time I see this highly enjoyable romp of a Bond adventure.
    10 stars out of ten

    Tomorrow Never Dies

    Brozzer works overtime with the machine gun.Great action packed finale. This was a Mack Bolan Bond finale. I'm not sure who would win a fight between Bond and Wai Lin. Both are pretty skilled.
    Carver is my least favourite Bond villain. He is yecchy. Especilly when he says, "delicious" He utters this twice. Double cringe.
    Brozzer's got some very Bond-worthy lines, insulting Carver. The contempt is palpable.
    Stamper is a formidable physical villain in the super-Ayrian tradtion of Grant, Hans, Kriegler and Necros.
    Teri Hatcher rivals Virginia Hey and Lana Wood for all-time best Bond girl underwear display. In fact I might give her first prize for the lingering rear-view look we were given.
    Great job with the BMW car chase through Hamburg.Nice work on the pts shootem-up and plane battles.
    Solid Bond action film. 10 out of 10 stars

    The World is not Enough

    This one has dropped to the bottom of my Brozzer rankings but still a good Bond adventure even if all the Bond/Elektra melodrama gets tedious. Trick is just to ignore it and focus on Morceau's raw beauty and sexy French accent,("my fami-lee!"), shapely curves, and saucy/sexy spoiled pycho-bitch pretensions, and ignore her wacko meltdown in Bond's bouncy-ball blow-up snowsuit.
    Cigar Girl does a nice job. Looks great in her form fitting wear. Gave Bond a nice withering look in pts, when he remarked on her figures.
    Great Thames boat chase. Liked the parahawk ski-action too. Very well done- both of these extended action scenes. Nicely shot with lots of colour.
    And then there's the glimmer girl herself - "or do you just want a glimmer too" - great line. Richards has a nice swish walk. She really knows how to work her assets, not to mention fill out a wet t-shirt.
    Morceau/Richards is one of the best one-two Bond-girl punches, rivaling Ekland/Adams in TMWTGG and Auger/Paluzzi in TB.
    TWINE is glorious Bond adventure in blazing colour. Nice of Dench to keep the hectoring to the minimum as well. In fact she eats some humble-pie in this romp. Dench is savouring her best rants for poor Craig.
    TWINE looks real good in hi-def. 10 out of 10 stars

    Die Another Day

    Brozzer's last effort has shot to the top of my Brozzer rankings and is challenging the Dalts films, for best of the bottom 8, post Connery/Moore era films.
    DAD is one of the best looking Bond films. It spills over with colour, especially the Iceland scenes. It's a treat to watch in glorious blu-ray.
    I've found even more homages to the previous films in this my umpteenth viewing. I stop counting as a rule at 10 viewings. This goes for all Bond films btw.
    Rachel Grant's thigh holster reminds of Pam's similar holster in LTK.
    Jinx's rapelling into Graves' fake diamond mine reminds of Wai Lin's descent into Carver's HQ. Both Bond-girls also had to pop a hatch before dropping down.
    Bond waiting patiently for Graves to arrive for their little " I know who you really are" tete- a-tete, reminds of Bond waiting patiently to do battle with Bouvar, (and also tell him, he knows who he really is) in the TB pts and even Bond's waiting for Dent in DN. These connections might be a bit of a stretch but there are similarities.
    The big-bird (swan?) bed in Bond's ice palace room, reminds of OP's octopuss bed.
    Bond's hanging off the ice cliff for dear life, reminds of Rog's predicament on the mountian face in FYEO.
    Bond's mojito drink, looks a lot like his mint julip drink with GF.
    Bond's parasail landing, after escaping the collapsing ice, reminds of Rog's hang glide touchdown in LALD, sans the cigar.
    When Bond trips up the snowmobile riders, and commandeers one of their snow machines for himself, this is a virtual replay of Sean's tripping up the dune bikers in DAF and taking off on one of their three-wheeled desert machines.
    During the Blades fight we see the same painting hanging on the wall, that Bond's eagle eye noticed in DN's lair. The same painting that in real-world 1962, I believe had mysteriously gone missing. There's a story behind that painting. I just can't remember what it is, but its why Bond took notice. He kind of ignored it this time around though.
    Never mind the non-sensical suspend dis-belief nature of the film, and the relentless action. I like this Bond. Its grand escapist Bond and Brozzer has never looked better as Bond. The film's varied colour palettes are a feast for the eye. Plus Brozzer puts away the machine gun for most of the film- post Korea.
    Brozzer has great lines, egging on Frost - "put your back into it" and "no they left ages ago." Very Bond worthy as was the way he explained she would have to sleep over in his room.
    If you pause the ending and read what MP is typing we learn that the offical explanation for the mayhem in the DMZ zone was caused by an electrical storm which caused an observation plane to crash. How quaint.
    Madge's acting is brutal, as is her title song. Worst song in the series. It barely qualifies as music. A song without a melody. She's so full of herself, she's not even listed in the closing acting credits despite having a speaking part. What! She can't be listed in the middle of the order, like all the other bit part actors. Puh-lease.
    The ice flow car chase is one of my all-time favourite Bond chase/duels. I got no problems with the invisible car. Its not over-used and the science is at least within the realm of possibility. I like Bond films to push the futuristic science envelope real hard.
    The Blades sword battle is epic as well. See - just get Brozzer out of his formal wear and he's a believable action Bond.
    I'm even getting down with the para-sailing scene. Just pretend that's real water and real ice, and then it works, or watch the dvd extras. The filmmakers explain at length how brilliantly realized the scene is. You can take their word for it, if its not working for you.
    DAD earns 10 out of 1O stars.

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,711
    What happened timmer ? You give straight ten's to all 4 Brosnan outings ?? Thought you were a Connery boy !
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Bravo timmer!
  • Posts: 251
    Great reviews Timmer! Makes me want to watch a Brosnan Bond right now, but I`m gonna wait..... next up for my Bondathon is Spy...
  • Posts: 4,622
    What happened timmer ? You give straight ten's to all 4 Brosnan outings ?? Thought you were a Connery boy !
    Don't worry I still consider the first 7 films including OHMSS to be in a special elite category but one can still enjoy the efforts of the other fellows. The Brozzer/Dalts and Craig films are worthy of full marks as well.
    Great reviews Timmer! Makes me want to watch a Brosnan Bond right now, but I`m gonna wait..... next up for my Bondathon is Spy...
    Ah yes. Enjoy, you are entering the classic Rog/Lewis Gilbert era of Bond. Wonderful stuff!
  • Posts: 4,762
    Thunderball (1965)

    What can I say? Just an all around classic! I really enjoyed it this time around.

    Sean Connery was great as 007, making one of his best performances along with FRWL. Everything from his side quips to his cool demeanor and down to his brutality, he shined throughout!

    The villains were really great also. Emilio Largo was a fantastic villain, maybe a bit dull sometimes, but nonetheless a worthy villain. I got chills up my spine during the scene where he tortures Domino, chomping on a cigar, holding the torture items in the dark lit cabin. Man, that was frightening! Fiona Volpe made a great henchwoman, especially during her scene with Largo at Palmyra. I love how she is reprimanding the #2 man of SPECTRE, knowing full well he has power over her. She's quite brave! I also really liked Vargas, even if he did have a smaller role. I would have liked to have seen more of him, but what we got was still good. I love the hand grenade scene with him! The other minor villains were nice as well, especially Angelo Palazzi. Demanding more money from SPECTRE? What a boss!

    The action was fairly consistant, with some gaps being a little dull. The PTS was pretty nice, but not my favorite. The jetpack was kind of random. I would have enjoyed it better if he had just escaped out a back stairwell or something. The action after this becomes minor and nothing fantastic until Vargas' hand grenade attack. After that, the action gets better. All action from here until the climax are excellent! Then of course, there is the actual grand finale, and you know how epic it is! One of the most thrilling in the whole series.

    The locations were absolutely stunning! Everything was eye-popping, even Shrublands!

    The music was just all-around amazing. John Barry really out-did himself! I found myself humming along with each of the cues, which made it even better! One of my favorite soundtracks in the series.

    All in all, a worthy spot on my Top Ten! Haven't decided where, but probably about #7. Seems like a good spot. Next up, TSWLM!

  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    Goldfinger in HD on Itv this very afternoon. Looked gorgeous. Itv spent loads on getting the Lowry prints - well done them. Beautiful.
  • Posts: 2,107
    Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    Thunderball (1965)

    What can I say? Just an all around classic! I really enjoyed it this time around.

    Sean Connery was great as 007, making one of his best performances along with FRWL. Everything from his side quips to his cool demeanor and down to his brutality, he shined throughout!

    The villains were really great also. Emilio Largo was a fantastic villain, maybe a bit dull sometimes, but nonetheless a worthy villain. I got chills up my spine during the scene where he tortures Domino, chomping on a cigar, holding the torture items in the dark lit cabin. Man, that was frightening! Fiona Volpe made a great henchwoman, especially during her scene with Largo at Palmyra. I love how she is reprimanding the #2 man of SPECTRE, knowing full well he has power over her. She's quite brave! I also really liked Vargas, even if he did have a smaller role. I would have liked to have seen more of him, but what we got was still good. I love the hand grenade scene with him! The other minor villains were nice as well, especially Angelo Palazzi. Demanding more money from SPECTRE? What a boss!

    The action was fairly consistant, with some gaps being a little dull. The PTS was pretty nice, but not my favorite. The jetpack was kind of random. I would have enjoyed it better if he had just escaped out a back stairwell or something. The action after this becomes minor and nothing fantastic until Vargas' hand grenade attack. After that, the action gets better. All action from here until the climax are excellent! Then of course, there is the actual grand finale, and you know how epic it is! One of the most thrilling in the whole series.

    The locations were absolutely stunning! Everything was eye-popping, even Shrublands!

    The music was just all-around amazing. John Barry really out-did himself! I found myself humming along with each of the cues, which made it even better! One of my favorite soundtracks in the series.

    All in all, a worthy spot on my Top Ten! Haven't decided where, but probably about #7. Seems like a good spot. Next up, TSWLM!

    Nice TB review, 00Beast! :-bd

    I always welcome TB love.
  • Posts: 5,634
    Don't know why but Connery's 1965 caper never got the pulse rating, still remains to this day one the less eagerly anticipated Bonds to see again if ever there was a chance.

    Haven't seen it in it's entireity for some years, but can piece together everything that went on from all that i've seen

    May well have been Connery's last committed role as 007, he left the franchise during the filming of the next Bond chapter, by that time I think he had just had enough or grew tired of the role, although did feature again in one or two future Bond entries, official or otherwise.

    I found the underwater scenes in Thunderball went on a little too long, it was difficult sometimes to see who was who and what was going on and it had a rather unsatisfactory ending, although there was plenty of other things going on to keep the viewer busy.

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 251
    The Spy Who Loved Me.
    Okay, it`s the `70`s, and we are in a very different era to Connerys, but there is so much to like about this movie. May I just start off saying that I really dig the music! I know it has disco elements, but it kicks along nicely, and was very modern sounding in 1977. Also, that`s a cool guitar sound playing the Bond riff over those beats! I also really like the orchestration of the title song, very romantic....and what a title song! The piano intro sounds as if it has had a couple of martinis itself.....and the lyric is absolute Bond! One of my favourites, I know some would say it sounds like muzak, but it works so well for me. Brilliantly composed.
    The film itself remains pretty cinematic all the way through, from the incredible pts ski jump, to Stomburgs underwater base. I`m a soft spot for any aquaticness in Bond films, you may have guessed, and the idea of living underwater rather appeals to me!
    Spy retains a real sense of fun throughout. Jaws is a great character,(although I wish they had used Horror aswell) and triple x is exotic looking enough to keep a casual fan hooked!
    Roger has some awesome moments, not least the dissposal of Sandor. yes, Moore does tough too, let it never be said otherwise!
    They got the humour right with this one too, unlike the awful DAF, or far to middleing LALD.... "can it play any other tune?" remains a favourite line of Moores.
    So this film holds a real exotic aura, something that I think all the best Bonds have.
    Oh, and an underwater car (Lotus!) I remember as a kid, this itself proved many playground disscusions as to if it was at all possible! (The retractable wheels are the problem!)
    Love it!
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,711
    The Spy Who Loved Me.
    triple x is exotic looking enough to keep a casual fan hooked!
    Calling Luds... Calling Luds...
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 11,189
    The Spy Who Loved Me.
    Okay, it`s the `70`s, and we are in a very different era to Connerys, but there is so much to like about this movie. May I just start off saying that I really dig the music! I know it has disco elements, but it kicks along nicely, and was very modern sounding in 1977. Also, that`s a cool guitar sound playing the Bond riff over those beats! I also really like the orchestration of the title song, very romantic....and what a title song! The piano intro sounds as if it has had a couple of martinis itself.....and the lyric is absolute Bond! One of my favourites, I know some would say it sounds like muzak, but it works so well for me. Brilliantly composed.
    The film itself remains pretty cinematic all the way through, from the incredible pts ski jump, to Stomburgs underwater base. I`m a soft spot for any aquaticness in Bond films, you may have guessed, and the idea of living underwater rather appeals to me!
    Spy retains a real sense of fun throughout. Jaws is a great character,(although I wish they had used Horror aswell) and triple x is exotic looking enough to keep a casual fan hooked!
    Roger has some awesome moments, not least the dissposal of Sandor. yes, Moore does tough too, let it never be said otherwise!
    They got the humour right with this one too, unlike the awful DAF, or far to middleing LALD.... "can it play any other tune?" remains a favourite line of Moores.
    So this film holds a real exotic aura, something that I think all the best Bonds have.
    Oh, and an underwater car (Lotus!) I remember as a kid, this itself proved many playground disscusions as to if it was at all possible! (The retractable wheels are the problem!)
    Love it!
    Great review there. One thing that struck me the last time I saw Spy (only about three weeks ago) was how vibrant it looked. I also liked the score - especially Ride to Atlantis and The Tanker.

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