[for non-native English speakers] Names of Bond films in your language

edited May 2012 in Bond Movies Posts: 172
I'm Lithuanian.
In Lithuanian only DAD was named not like original name. Translation of it would be "Say hello to death another day".
And, Skyfall's name still hasn't been revealed.
So, the list:
DN - Daktaras Ne
FRWL -Iš Rusijos su meile
GF - Auksapirštis
TB - Kamuolinis žaibas
YOLT - Gyvenk du kartus
0HMSS - Jos Didenybės Slaptojoje Tarnyboje
DAF - Deimantai amžiams
LALD - Gyvenk ir leisk mirti
TMWTGG - Žmogus su auksiniu pistoletu
TSWLM - Šnipas, kuris mane mylėjo
MR - „Moonraker“
FYEO - Tik Tavo akims
OP - Aštuonkojė
AVTAK - Vaizdas į žmogžudystę
TLD - Į dienos šviesą
LTK - Leidimas žudyti
GE - Auksinė Akis
TND - Rytojus niekada nemiršta
TWINE - Ir viso Pasaulio nagana
DAD - Pasveikink mirtį kitą dieną
CR - Kazino „Royale“
QOS - Paguodos kvantas
SF -?

So, let's post Bond film's names in your languages :)


  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,491
    This is a good idea! I'd like to read more. My native language is English, though; I will try to find out what the Japanese translations are (they are usually different - sometimes way different - than the English title).
  • Posts: 172
    This is a good idea! I'd like to read more. My native language is English, though; I will try to find out what the Japanese translations are (they are usually different - sometimes way different - than the English title).

    But then give transscription and translating :)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,491
    W_PPK wrote:
    This is a good idea! I'd like to read more. My native language is English, though; I will try to find out what the Japanese translations are (they are usually different - sometimes way different - than the English title).

    But then give transscription and translating :)

    I'll do my best but it may take a day or two ...

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited May 2012 Posts: 12,491
    Okey dokey, then. I just Yahoo'd it (not google) and found the klast.net website. Here is the link: http://www.klast.net/bond/translat.html It has many Bond movie titles in languages and many translated into English! For example, the Living Daylights in Japanese is translated as "Death Has the Scent of Roses". Interesting, eh? ;) Gotta love it.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    In Portuguese (with translation in case the title differs from the original):
    007-Agente Secreto (Secret Agent)
    007-Ordem Para Matar (Order to kill)
    007 Contra Goldfinger (against Goldfinger)
    007-Operacao relâmpago (operation lightning)
    007-Só se vive duas vezes
    007-Ao serviço de sua magestade
    007-Os diamantes são eternos
    007-Vive e deixa morrer
    007-O Homem da Pistola Dourada
    007-O Agente Irresistível (The irresistible agent)
    007-Aventura no espaço (Adventure in space)
    007-Missão ultra secreta (Ultra secret mission)
    007-Operação Tentáculo (Operation tentacle)
    007-Alvo em movimento (Moving target)
    007-Risco Imediato (Imediate risk)
    007-Licença para Matar
    007-O Amanhã nunca morre
    007-O mundo não chega
    007-Morre outro dia
    007-Casino Royale
    007-Quantum of Solace
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 6,070
    Here they are, in french:

    James Bonbd 007 contre Dr. No
    Bons Baisers de Russie
    Opération Tonnerre
    On Ne Vit Que Deux Fois
    Casino Royal
    Au Service Secret de Sa Majesté
    Les Diamants Sont Éternels
    Vivre et Laisser Mourir
    L'Homme Au Pistolet d'Or
    L'Espion Qui M'Aimait
    Rien Que Pour Vos Yeux
    Jamais Plus Jamais
    Dangereusement VÔtre
    Tuer N'Est Pas Jouer
    Permis de Tuer
    Demain Ne Meurt Jamais
    Le Monde Ne Suffit Pas
    Meurs Un Autre Jour
    Casino Royale
    Quantum Of Solace

    One can be thankful that they didn't chose the first french titles of the novels for the movies.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 2,107
    In finnish ;

    Salainen agentti 007 ja tohtori No ( sometimes formerly translated as Tohtori Ei ) ; Secret agent 007 and Dr. No
    Salainen agentti 007 Istanbulissa ; Secret agent 007 in Istanbul
    007 ja Kultasormi ; 007 and Goldfinger
    Elät vain kahdesti
    Hänen majesteettinsa salaisessa palveluksessa
    Timantit ovat ikuisia
    Elä ja Anna Toisten Kuolla
    007 ja kultainen ase ; 007 and The Golden Gun
    007 rakastettuni ; 007 , My Beloved
    Kuuraketti - Moon rocket
    Erittäin salainen - Highly classified
    Octopussy - Mustekala ; Octopus
    007 ja kuoleman katse ; 007 and the gaze of death
    007 vaaran vyöhykkeellä ; 007 in the danger zone
    007 ja lupa tappaa
    007 ja kultainen silmä
    Huominen ei koskaan kuole
    Kun maailma ei riitä ; When The World is Not Enough
    Kuolema saa odottaa ; Death Can Wait ( it actually sounds better than Die Another Day)
    Casino Royale
    Quantum of Solace
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,359
    This makes for great reading and knowledge. Thank you.
  • Posts: 4,619
    The most ridiculous Hungarian titles translated back into English:

    Strictly Confidential
    In Deadly Terror
    The Lonesome Agent
    In Tomorrow's Grasp

    Can you guess the original titles? :)
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    In Greek (most altered titles in bold):

    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007 εναντίον Δρος Νο (James Bond agent 007 versus Dr No)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007, Από Τη Ρωσία Με Αγάπη (James Bond agent 007, From Russia With Love)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007 εναντίον Χρυσοδάκτυλου (James Bond agent 007 versus Goldfinger)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Επιχείρηση Κεραυνός (James Bond agent 007: Operation Thunderball)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Ζεις Μονάχα Δυο Φορές (James Bond agent 007: You Only Live Twice)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Στην Υπηρεσία Της Α.Μ. (James Bond agent 007: On Her Majesty's Secret Service)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Τα Διαμάντια Είναι Παντοτινά (James Bond agent 007: Diamonds Are Forever)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Ζήσε Κι Άσε Τους Άλλους Να Πεθάνουν (James Bond agent 007: Live And Let Die)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Ο Άνθρωπος Με Το Χρυσό Πιστόλι (James Bond agent 007: The Man With The Golden Gun)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Η Κατάσκοπος Που Με Αγάπησε (James Bond agent 007: The Spy Who Loved Me) - NOTE: "the spy" is female</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Επιχείρηση Μουνρέικερ (James Bond agent 007: Operation Moonraker)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Για Τα Μάτια Σου Μόνο (James Bond agent 007: For Your Eyes Only)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Επιχειρηση Octopussy (James Bond agent 007: Operation Octopussy)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Επιχειρηση Κινούμενος Στόχος (James Bond agent 007: Operation Moving Target)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Με Το Δάχτυλο Στη Σκανδάλη (James Bond agent 007: With The Finger On The Trigger)</li>
    <li>James Bond πράκτωρ 007: Προσωπική Εκδίκηση (James Bond agent 007: Personal Revenge)</li>
    <li>Επιχείρηση Χρυσά Μάτια (Operation Golden Eyes)</li>
    <li>Το Αύριο Ποτέ Δεν Πεθαίνει (Tomorrow Never Dies)</li>
    <li>Ο Κόσμος Δεν Είναι Αρκετός (The World Is Not Enough)</li>
    <li>Πέθανε Μια Άλλη Μέρα (Die Another Day)</li>
    <li>Casino Royale</li>
    <li>Quantum Of Solace</li>
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    The swedish translations is kinda odd. I put the english words on what the swedish means.

    Agent007 med rätt att döda ( Agent 007 with licence to kill )
    Agennt007 ser rött ( Agent 007 sees red )
    Åskbollen (Thunderball)
    Man Lever Bara Två Gånger ( YOLT )
    I Hennes Majestäts hemliga tjänst ( OHMSS )
    Diamantbefer ( Diamondfever )
    Leva Och Låta Dö ( LALD )
    Mannen Med Den Gyllene Pistolen ( TMWTGG )
    Älskade Spion ( Loved Spy )
    Moonraker ( MR )
    Ur Dödlig Synvinkel ( A View To A Kill, yep this is strange isn't? )
    Octopussy ( OP )
    Levande Måltavla ( Living Target )
    Iskallt Uppdrag ( Icecold mission )
    Tid för hämnd ( Time For Revenge )
    Tomorrow Never Dies
    Världen Räcker inte till ( The World Is Not Enough
    Die Another Day
    Casino Royale
    Quantum Of Solace
    Skyfall ( Which means rain in swedish, so we will see the swedish translation )
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    The most ridiculous Hungarian titles translated back into English:

    Strictly Confidential
    In Deadly Terror
    The Lonesome Agent
    In Tomorrow's Grasp

    Can you guess the original titles? :)

    In Tomorrow's Grasp has to be Tomorrow Never Dies.
    Strictly Confidential - For Your Eyes Only?
  • Posts: 6,070
    In German:

    James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No
    Liebesgrüsse Aus Moskau
    Man Lebt Nur Zweimal
    Casino Royale
    In Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät
    Leben Und Sterben Lassen
    Der Mann mit dem Goldenen Colt
    Der Spion der mich Liebte
    Moonraker: Streng Geheim
    In tödlicher Mission
    Sag Niemals Nie
    Im Angesicht des Todes
    Der Hauch des Todes
    Lizenz zumTöten
    Der Morgen stirbt nie
    Die Welt ist nicht genug
    Stirb an einem anderen Tag
    Casino Royale
    Ein Quantum Trost
  • Posts: 6,070
    And in Italian:

    Licenza di Uccidere (yes, that's Dr. No. For how they translated License to Kill, see below)
    Dalla Russia con amore
    Missione Goldfinger
    Thunderball: Operazione Tuono
    Si Vive solo due volte
    Casino Royale
    Al Servizio Segreto di Sua Majesta
    Una Cascata di Diamanti
    Vivi e Lascia Morire
    L'Uomo dalla Pistola d'Oro
    La Spia que mi amava
    Moonraker - Operazione Spazio
    Solo per i tuoi occhi
    Octopussy - Operazione Piovra
    Mai dire mai
    Bersaglio Mobile
    Zona Pericolo
    Vendetta Privata
    Il Domani non muore mai
    Il Mondo non basta
    La Morte puo attendere
    Casino Royale
    Quantum of Solace
  • Posts: 4,619
    gt007 wrote:
    The most ridiculous Hungarian titles translated back into English:

    Strictly Confidential
    In Deadly Terror
    The Lonesome Agent
    In Tomorrow's Grasp

    Can you guess the original titles? :)

    In Tomorrow's Grasp has to be Tomorrow Never Dies.
    Strictly Confidential - For Your Eyes Only?

    Yes. :)
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    gt007 wrote:
    The most ridiculous Hungarian titles translated back into English:

    Strictly Confidential
    In Deadly Terror
    The Lonesome Agent
    In Tomorrow's Grasp

    Can you guess the original titles? :)

    In Tomorrow's Grasp has to be Tomorrow Never Dies.
    Strictly Confidential - For Your Eyes Only?

    Yes. :)

    I'd say Deathgallop could be AVTAK, In Deadly Terror TLD and The Lonesome Agent LTK?
  • Posts: 4,619
    gt007 wrote:
    I'd say Deathgallop could be AVTAK, In Deadly Terror TLD and The Lonesome Agent LTK?

    Correct. :) Deathgallop was easy, The Lonesome Agent wasn't that difficult either but how did you know In Deadly Terror was TLD?
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    edited May 2012 Posts: 1,182
    gt007 wrote:
    I'd say Deathgallop could be AVTAK, In Deadly Terror TLD and The Lonesome Agent LTK?

    Correct. :) Deathgallop was easy, The Lonesome Agent wasn't that difficult either but how did you know In Deadly Terror was TLD?

    Well, the title The Living Daylights is hard to translate and keep the same meaning. I thought it has to be the one that can't be translated. Over here they called it With The Finger On The Trigger, which is also irrelevant to the original title.
    Plus, if Deathgallop is AVTAK and The Lonesome Agent is LTK, and supposing you listed the Hungarian titles in chronological order, it could only be TLD. :P
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited May 2012 Posts: 1,347
    Yeah, using "Ur dödlig synvinkel" ("From a deadly point of view", sort of) for FYEO messed things up a bit when AVTAK came, forcing it to become Levande Måltavla/Living Target.

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