Google's "Bard" website wrote this 007 story.

brinkeguthriebrinkeguthrie Piz Gloria
edited May 2023 in Fan Creations Posts: 1,400
I typed in 'write a James Bond story.' This is what it came up with:

James Bond was summoned to MI6 headquarters for a briefing on his latest mission. His boss, M, informed him that Spectre, a terrorist organization that had been active for decades, had developed a new strain of the Ebola virus that was 100% fatal. Spectre planned to release the virus in major cities around the world, causing mass panic and death.

Bond's mission was to infiltrate Spectre and stop them from releasing the virus. He was given a new identity and sent to London, where he met with a contact who gave him more information about Spectre. Bond then traveled to Paris, where he met with another contact who helped him get closer to Spectre.

In New York, Bond finally met with the leader of Spectre, a man named Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Blofeld told Bond that he was going to release the virus in New York City. Bond was able to escape from Blofeld and track down the virus. He found it hidden in a shipping container at a dock.

Bond managed to disable the security system and open the shipping container. He was exposed to the virus, but he was able to get the virus to a safe location. The virus was then destroyed and Spectre was defeated.

Bond was a hero. He had saved the world from a deadly virus. But the mission had taken its toll on him. He was physically and emotionally exhausted. He needed time to recover.

Bond took a leave of absence from MI6 and went to Switzerland. He spent his time skiing, hiking, and relaxing. He slowly started to heal. He began to feel like himself again.

After a few months, Bond returned to MI6. He was ready to face new challenges. He was ready to continue fighting for what was right.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 13,410
    This is the Bond adventure fans have been longing for.

    And deserve.

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,026
    James Bond as written by Dan Brown.

  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,318
    This is the Bond adventure fans have been longing for.

    And deserve.

    Yep, the most original story for Bond in years.
  • mattjoesmattjoes TINY TIM
    Posts: 6,950
    I like how the story goes into near-pornographic detail on how each contact Bond met helped him get closer and closer to Spectre.
  • mattjoesmattjoes TINY TIM
    edited May 2023 Posts: 6,950

    Write a James Bond story.


    Title: Silent Deception

    Agent 007, James Bond, found himself on a mission unlike any he had encountered before. Code-named "Silent Deception," this assignment took him deep into the heart of Moscow, Russia. Bond's mission was to dismantle a secretive organization known as "Phantom Syndicate" that specialized in high-tech cyber warfare and international espionage.

    Posing as a wealthy businessman attending a gala event, Bond began his investigation by charming his way into the inner circle of the syndicate's enigmatic leader, Viktor Petrov. Bond quickly discovered that Petrov possessed a dangerous technology capable of crippling global communication networks. This device, known as "Silent Shadow," had the potential to bring the world to its knees.

    To stop this threat, Bond teamed up with a brilliant Russian computer hacker named Anya Ivanova, who had defected from the Phantom Syndicate. As they delved deeper, the duo unraveled a web of betrayal and conspiracy that extended far beyond Petrov and his organization.

    Their pursuit led them to the snowy peaks of the Caucasus Mountains, where Petrov planned to auction the Silent Shadow to the highest bidder. Bond and Anya infiltrated the mountaintop fortress, engaging in heart-pounding firefights and skillful evasion of security forces.

    During a tense confrontation with Petrov, Bond discovered that the true mastermind behind the Phantom Syndicate was a former MI6 agent, Ivan Drakov, seeking revenge against the agency that had abandoned him. Drakov aimed to use the Silent Shadow to unleash chaos and discredit international intelligence agencies.

    Bond's resourcefulness and combat expertise were put to the ultimate test as he raced against time to disable the Silent Shadow and prevent its activation. With Anya's assistance, Bond engaged in a thrilling duel with Drakov, ultimately overcoming him and securing the dangerous device.

    In the aftermath, Bond ensured the capture of Drakov and Petrov, dismantling the Phantom Syndicate once and for all. Bond's actions prevented a catastrophic global cyber attack, earning him the gratitude of world leaders and the recognition of MI6.

    As the story concluded, Bond bid farewell to Anya, acknowledging her as a true ally and leaving the possibility for future collaborations. Bond's silent triumph over the Phantom Syndicate had once again showcased his unwavering determination and ability to outwit his adversaries, proving that he was the world's greatest secret agent.

    A nice stew, but someone dropped the whole jar of GoldenEye in it.
  • George_KaplanGeorge_Kaplan My contract states that my liver is to be buried separately with honours
    Posts: 595
    Sounds like a cross between GE and SF.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    I like how it proudly says ‘a mission unlike any he’s been on before’ when it’s really quite similar to most of them! It’s pretty impressive though, it gets most of the beats in there.
  • Posts: 2,116
    Better than P&W 😏😏
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou. I can still hear my old hound dog barkin'.
    Posts: 8,834
    The "Bard" story is simplistic and primitive. And they forgot the "And they all lived happily ever after". The ChatGPT product at least reads like an overly short IMDb synopsis of a nondescript Bond movie, however, anything but "unlike any he had encountered before".
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,026
    j_w_pepper wrote: »
    The "Bard" story is simplistic and primitive. And they forgot the "And they all lived happily ever after". The ChatGPT product at least reads like an overly short IMDb synopsis of a nondescript Bond movie, however, anything but "unlike any he had encountered before".

    That could just be what they call "marketing BS" to drum up interest much like Cubby always saying the latest Bond film was the best, even when it was AVTAK he was talking about.
  • Posts: 3,428
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    j_w_pepper wrote: »
    The "Bard" story is simplistic and primitive. And they forgot the "And they all lived happily ever after". The ChatGPT product at least reads like an overly short IMDb synopsis of a nondescript Bond movie, however, anything but "unlike any he had encountered before".

    That could just be what they call "marketing BS" to drum up interest much like Cubby always saying the latest Bond film was the best, even when it was AVTAK he was talking about.

    Admittedly 'unlike anything he had encountered before' isn't as good as Cubby's 'we're not science fiction we're in fact science fact' but I see your point.
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