What Ever Happened To...Sheikh Hosein from TSWLM? (page 41)



  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    edited April 2020 Posts: 18,241
    After the events of LALD the Cab Driver eventually graduated from Princeton University with a First in Cynicism and the Arts. His current whereabouts are unknown but we're assured that "it sure beats the hell outta Harlem!"
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Oh my @Dragonpol that's a great one! LOL!
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,241
    thedove wrote: »
    Oh my @Dragonpol that's a great one! LOL!

    Glad you liked it, @thedove! It came to me earlier today and I just had to share it! ;)
  • DwayneDwayne New York City
    Posts: 2,820
    That’s a great one @DragonPol. However, given the prices of Brown Stone houses in Harlem these days, with that degree, he probably couldn’t afford it anyway.

    He would actually do better if he took over the drug business from “Mr. Big” 😉.

  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,241
    Dwayne wrote: »
    That’s a great one @DragonPol. However, given the prices of Brown Stone houses in Harlem these days, with that degree, he probably couldn’t afford it anyway.

    He would actually do better if he took over the drug business from “Mr. Big” 😉.


    Clearly Harlem has changed a lot since the days of LALD then, @Dwayne!

    As you say, the Cab Driver could have picked up the slack in the drug business after Mr Big/Dr Kananga snuffed it and been on to a nice little earner!
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Okay let's leave New York and our favourite cabbie and return across the pond to Mother Russia! This next "whatever happened to" concerns Russian military General. He was last seen boarding a plane for Siberia. His loved the ladies and enjoyed the decadence of the west. Yes I am talking about everyone's favourite double-crossing Russian General Georgi Koskov!

    Did he ever get back in the good graces of Pushkin and the hierarchy of the Russian military? Did he try to re-connect with Kara who he once claimed to love?

    Mi6 whatever happened to General Georgi Koskov?
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    edited April 2020 Posts: 2,426
    Picking some great characters here @thedove, Georgi has that chubby little naughty schoolboy face that you want to forgive now matter how devious he gets.

    However the KGB don’t forgive so easily. On arrival back in Moscow, Pushkin decided that a simple execution would be far too good for Georgi. Instead a Tantalus-like punishment was soon thought-up, and Georgi received a lovely present of his very own custom made scouring ‘pig’ (the same as the one he escaped from Czechoslovakia).

    However this one only opens from the outside and spends 23 hours a day circling never ending around a small circuit underneath the Kremlin.

    There would be no fun in Georgi starving to death, so for the final hour of each day he is allowed out to be fed a lavish slap-up dinner of foie gras, caviar and champagne from Harrods before returning to his ‘home’.

    This may sound like Georgi is getting off lightly, but Pushkin is fond of lacing the caviar with an industrial-strength laxative.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 8,989
    Georgi Koskov was released from his work camp in Siberia based on a general pardon issued by Boris Yeltsin (while being drunk, of course). He managed to revive his international trade connections and some hidden slush funds to become one of the most successful oligarchs in Russia, carefully avoiding any fall-outs with Putin through the necessary measures. Today Koskov, under a pseudonym, practically controls all of Russia's natural gas production and exports, owns three of the ten longest superyachts in the world and, as a hobby, also acquired Harrod's through middlemen to provide him with decent champagne and caviar no longer available to common Russians. He is currently seeking a way of buying ALL teams on the Premier League from his competitors but hasn't decided if that would be a good idea.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Thanks for the compliment @Max_The_Parrot it's fun to pick the character and then unleash the creative talent of the site do it's work. I love your take on it. I can see Pushkin doing some interesting techniques for punishment.

    @j_w_pepper The Rise of Georgi! Did he ever date a cello player again? LOL
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Since he has been living in a diplomatic bag, he was the only survivor of the virus epidemic in the Siberian work camp, and managed to get on a plane to Moscow.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited April 2020 Posts: 8,989
    thedove wrote: »
    @j_w_pepper The Rise of Georgi! Did he ever date a cello player again? LOL


    He dated the entire female segment of the string section of the Bolshoi Ballet Orchestra, just kept away from Czech and Slovak nationals.
  • BibiBibi Washington
    Posts: 23
    What about Green-Four? That guy managed to fight Necros and almost beat him.
  • Posts: 5,976
    After his performance, he was inducted in the 00 programme, I would say.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Since he has been living in a diplomatic bag, he was the only survivor of the virus epidemic in the Siberian work camp, and managed to get on a plane to Moscow.

    I always had trouble envisioning the bag he was placed in! LOL!

    It would have been fun to bring him back for a future adventure. I heard Krabbe was interested in coming back.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Lovely discussion. Since I recently watched DN again, lets revisit one of the characters who appeared in the film and lived to see another day. They were both kind and sweet to our man! They were worried about making the arrival of hero and Honey just right. They were able to provide many things to James and Honey, except airline tickets to London.

    Yes I am talking about Sister Rose and Lily. How did these sweet ladies end up working for the Doctor? Did they know the coffee was drugged when they gave it to our hero and heroine? Where did they go when Crab Key was no longer a viable evil lair?

    What say you Mi6? Whatever happened to Sister Rose and Lily?
  • Posts: 1,009
    It's a fact that at least 20 to 40 of Dr. No's goons reached the escape boats in time. If Sisters Lily and Rose were between them, they most likely went back to Jamaica, where MI6 looked for all possible survivors in order to question them about that new SPECTRE thing.
    Soon after, Jamaica gained its independence and MI6 relaxed its search. Lily and Rose were still into hiding when a young white Jamaican called Chris Blackwell put an ad on the Gleaner searching for experienced secretaries. Sure they were! He was looking to start something on the music business.
    Lily and Rose answered and they were eventually hired. Nowadays they live a golden retirement in Miami after years on that Island.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    I guess Chris was a poor dear who needed guidance and help from the sisters! LOL! I like the thought of them retiring to Miami. Add in a couple more characters from the franchise and we could have a Bond themed Golden Girls! LOL!
  • Posts: 2,914
    Let's not forget that Chris Blackwell eventually became the owner of Goldeneye. Perhaps Sisters Lily and Rose are working there still...
  • Posts: 15,069
    I actually always found them quite sinister. Yes, they are very warm, polite and serviceable. But they're acting on orders of Dr. No. Had the orders been different, what would they have done to Bond and Honey?

    To answer the question, part of me suspects they were arrested, tried and charged for belonging to a crime syndicate and, depending of the evidence, of a few other nasty things, probably involving torture or violence of some sort.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited April 2020 Posts: 8,989
    Ludovico wrote: »
    To answer the question, part of me suspects they were arrested, tried and charged for belonging to a crime syndicate and, depending of the evidence, of a few other nasty things, probably involving torture or violence of some sort.
    Say, @Ludovico ..., which part of you is it that suspects that?
  • DwayneDwayne New York City
    Posts: 2,820
    After the events of Dr. No, Sister Rose and Lily moved to the United States and opened up their own chain of Hotels. Called “Take Your Chances Inn“, their motto stated that “the service comes with a sly evil smile, really strong coffee and a deadly spider on your pillow (instead of the boring chocolate mint).” Oddly, their Hotel chain proved to be very popular with masochists and women hoping to knock off rich older men.

    Alas, their hotels declined in popularity as their sadistic methods were adopted and expanded upon by Hilton, Holiday Inn and others in the 1980s.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Great one @Dwayne That was a good laugh! I agree with you @Ludovico that they were more sinister then they appeared. Like the person who is overly nice to you, you just know there is something going on under the surface.
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,426
    Ah the sisters so gentle, meek and mild. Perfect candidates for the hospitality business, I’m sure they would have wanted to continue their vocation by setting up their own little boutique guest house in the Jamaican hills. But there’s always a wolf under the sheep’s clothing, and bitter cat fights ensued over whether to name the establishment ‘Rose and Lily’s B&B’ or ‘Lily and Rose’s B&B’. I suspect it ended up with Rose’s B&B on the opposite side of the island to Lily’s B&B, and accusations of fake poor reviews on Trip Advisor have been thrown in both directions ever since!
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    edited April 2020 Posts: 5,351
    Wonderful addition to their story @Max_The_Parrot I found the fake nice off putting and think they were more evil then you'd notice on first blush. Separate and fighting for the same clients! Cut throat indeed.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    edited April 2020 Posts: 5,351
    Okay in honour of Honor Blackman's passing lets revisit the wonderful character who was a feminist before the word was in the lingo of society. She had a flying circus of talented ladies who all played a part in Operation Grand Slam putting the baby to sleep. Equally adept at flying a plane or helicopter. She knew judo but very little about guns in airplanes.

    Yes lets dive into whatever happened to Pussy Galore. In the films she said she was going to buy a private island and place a no trespassing sign on it. In the books she came to live with Bond for a spell after the GF adventure in Trigger Mortis. In the books she was a lesbian in the films she was a bit of a mystery. Telling Bond to cut the charm she was immune.

    So what say you Mi6? Whatever happened to Pussy Galore?
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,426
    Pussy is indeed a rare breed, and although the idea appealed she could never just settle down on an island hideaway. Instead after too many mint juleps one evening she came up with the inspired idea of turning Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus into a literal flying circus. Tapping into her criminal connections she reached a mutually beneficial arrangement with Octopussy to make use of her circus animals during the off-season. Her sell-out display tours across America became the talk of the town as people gathered to gasp in awe at the elephants loop the looping while strapped to the wings of the planes. The tigers performed aerial gymnastics from ropes trailing behind, and the chimpanzee clung onto the wheels and threw bananas at the audience.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Love it @Max_The_Parrot 2 Bond ladies become a dynamic duo! Yes I tend to agree I don't think Ms. Galore would have liked life on an island. I wonder if the pilots had to be blonde or whether she got Miss Tiffany Case to sell her some wigs to change up the colours! LOL
  • Posts: 1,009
    Well, I actually wrote some fanfics retelling Bond stories by adapting parts of the screenplays and the novels to characters I liked from various Japanese media which formed the Omega Section, a bunch of misfists (essentially supernatural beings) the UN drew upon when even the Interpol was useless. That brought alliances and confrontations with the MI6, CIA, FSS or Mossad. I stopped when I was adapting Goldfinger as "Objective: Platinum".

    All this for what? Well, I actually thought about a fate for the character who was to be Pussy's Captain Ersatz.
    So, Pussy engaged on a short-lived romance with Bond, but her indepedendent nature and Bond’s marriage to his job made it impossible, so they parted in friendly terms (you can't imagine how delighted I was when I read Trigger Mortis and the basic story turned to be similar). Pussy then attempted to re-build her Flying Circus when she recieved an offer he couldn't refuse: After visiting the White House with Bond and learning about her skills on emergency landings, the President of the USA took an interest to her and offered her the job of piloting the Air Force One (in secret, of course). She ended up serving all presidents until Reagan's mid-term, when she decided to retire to Bermuda.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited April 2020 Posts: 8,989
    Pussy Galore retired to her little island in the Bahamas, hung up a "No Trespassing" sign and went back to nature.

    Fifty-five years and countless lovers of both sexes later she realised she had been raped by Bond and became a central figure in the Bahamas Me-Too Movement. Her notoriety increased when she erroneously staged a bonfire burning all available copies of Birds of the West Indies in protest.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,351
    Good one @j_w_pepper I can see her standing on the beach with a blazing Bondfire...I mean bonfire! LOL!

    Did she retire from piloting when she bought her island. By the way @bigladiesman send me a link to some of your fan fiction...if it's online.
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