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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
1964: The Goldfinger soundtrack makes the Billboard chart, eventually reaches #1. Spends 77 weeks in top 200.
1964: Playboy magazine publishes its Ian Fleming interview.
1981: Sólo para sus ojos (Only For Your Eyes, also Catalan title Només per als teus ulls) released in Spain.
1991: James Bond Jr. in syndication releases episode 64 of 65 - "Northern Lights."
2002: Die Another Day released in Australia, the Dominican Republic, and Lebanon.
2002: 007: Otro día para morir (Another Day to Die) released in Mexico.
2014: Spectre films at Solden, Austria, near the glacier and through the tunnel.
2016: Jamaica reports its nine wins at the 23rd World Travel Awards from 4 December.
Bob Q, artist. Jeff Parker, writer.
1915: Curd Jürgens is born--Solin, Munich, Germany. (He dies 18 June 1982 at age 66--Vienna, Austria.)
1925: Dick Van Dyke is born--West Plains, Missouri.
1941: Anouska Hempel (The Australian Girl) is born--Wellington, New Zealand.
1958: Lynn-Holly Johnson is born--Chicago, Illinois.
1958: The first Bond comic strip Casino Royale ends its run in The Daily Express.
(Started 7 July 1958. 1-138) John McLusky, artist. Anthony Hern, writer.
Swedish Semic Comic 1972
(High Game In Monte Carlo - Casino Royale)
Swedish Semic Comic 1981
(High Game In Monte Carlo - Casino Royale)
"Højt spil i Monte Carlo"
[High Stakes in Monte Carlo]
1973: Live and Let Die released in the Netherlands.
1973: Å leve og la dø (To Live and Let Die) released in Norway.
1984: A View to a Kill films the death of Bob Conley.
1991: James Bond Jr. in syndication releases episode 65 of 65 - "Thor's Thunder."
And I'm glad that's over.
2002: Die Another Day released in Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay.
2002: ดาย อนัทเธอร์ เดย์ 007 พยัคฆ์ร้ายท้ามรณะ (Dāy xnạth ṭhex r̒ dey̒ - 007 phyạkhḳh̒ r̂āy tĥā mrṇa; 007 Deadly Tiger) released in Thailand.
2014: EON make a public statement regarding recent incidents at Sony involving hackers absconding with their Spectre script.
2021: Bond Night at the Strand Cinema Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
1923: Janet McLuckie Brown is born--Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
(She dies 27 May 2011 at age 87--Hove, East Sussex, England.)
"Iron lady"
This Is Your Life
1953: Vijay Amritraj is born--Madras, Madras State, India.
1960: Gregory Ratoff (born 20 April 20 1897--Samara, Russian Empire) dies at age 63--Solothurn, Switzerland. Later in 1961, his widow sells the Casino Royale film rights to producer Charles K. Feldman for $75,000.
1967: You Only Live Twice released in Australia.
1971: James Bond 007 - Diamantenfieber released in West Germany. Ahead of the US (17 December) and UK (30 December) dates.
1983: Never Say Never Again UK Royal Charity Premiere at the Warner West End Cinema, Leicester Square, London.
1995: Aranyszem released in Hungary.
2006: Surefone releases the single "You Know My Name".
B-side: Soundgarden song "Black Hole Sun" acoustic version.
2016: Dynamite Entertainment releases James Bond Hammerhead #3.
Luca Casalanguida, artist. Andy Diggle, writer.
2021: James Bond tribute band search for a Christmas party expires unanswered in London.
1948: Cassandra Harris is born--Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
(She dies 29 December 1991 at age 43--Los Angeles, California.
1958: Bond comic strip Live and Let Die begins its run in the Daily Express.
(Ends 28 March 1959. 139-225) John McLusky, artist. Henry Gammidge, writer.
Swedish Semic Comic 1970-71
Swedish Semic Comic 1986
Danish 1965
“Live and Let Die” (1965)
"Leve og lade dø"
1965: Agente 007 - Operazione Tuono (Operation Thunder) released in Italy.
1977: The Spy Who Loved Me released in the Netherlands.
1977: 007: La espía que me amó released in Mexico.
1983: Never Say Never Again released in the UK and Australia. (Compare to US release 7 October.)
1995: GoldenEye released in Iceland and Switzerland.
1995: 007: GoldenEye released in Mexico.
1995: 007 Contra GoldenEye released in Brazil.
2006: Casino Royale released in Pakistan and Uruguay.
2006: 007: Cassino Royale released in Brazil.
2014: Vodka producer Belvedere showcases two limited edition 007 bottles at a London Film Museum launch party.
Daniel Craig and Rory Kinnear were spotted in London yesterday when the
latest James Bond boat was filmed cruising up the Thames
2020: Dicebreaker reports on James Bond role-playing games.
James Bond RPG - Character Creation (25:37)
Past Event
1967: Bond comic strip The Hildebrand Rarity ends its run in The Daily Express.
(Started 29 May 1967. 429-602) Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer.
India Star Comics
Swedish Semic 1986
Swedish Semic 1977
Danish 1969
"U-båd savnes" ("Submarine missing")
1983: Never Say Never Again released in Ireland and Sweden.
1983: Neka aldrig två gånger (Never Deny It Twice--Swedish title) released in Finland.
1995: 007 ゴールデンアイ (007 Gōruden'ai; 007 Golden Eye) released in Japan
(Catalan title El demà no mor mai or Tomorrow Does Not Die).
2002: New York Times article "North Korea Denounces Bond Film" reports North Korea denounces Bond film.
2014: Spectre films at Notting Hill.
2020: That 1969 Mercury Cougar goes to auction at Bonhams.
2021: Bloomsbury Publishing releases Fashioning James Bond - Costume, Gender and Identity in the World of 007 by Llewella Chapman.
1964: London premiere of Goldfinger.
1965: James Bond 007 - Feuerball (Jame Bond 007 - Fireball) released in West Germany.
1968: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang released in the UK.
1971: Diamonds Are Forever released in US and Canada.
1973: Lev og lad dø released in Denmark.
1982: Octopussy films OO7 and Octopussy attacked in her bedroom.
1997: Mary Fanning Wickham Bond dies at age 89.
(Born 8 Jun 1898.)
1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Switzerland and Kuwait.
1997: Demain ne meurt jamais released in France.
2018: Ian Fleming Publications gives Season's Greetings.
2020: Artists involved in creating the title theme "No Time To Die" discuss their experience during Variety’s Virtual FYC Festival.
(Born 16 February 1945--Market Harborough, England.)
For Your Eyes Only
2021: James Bond The Musical at the Coronado Playhouse, California.
1914: James Marne Kumar Maitland is born--Kolkata, India.
(He dies March 1992 at age 77--Rome, Italy.)
1959: Ivar Bryce questions whether he will continue with the Bond project.
1967: Bond comic strip The Spy Who Loved Me begins its run in The Daily Express.
(Ends 3 October 1968. 603-815) Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer.
The 18th and final Bond comic for them.
Swedish Semic 1977
Swedish Semic 1989
[Operation Ghost Flight]
[The Night of Horror]
Danish 1969
"Operation spøgelsesfly ..." [Operation Ghost Plane)
Danish 1970
"Rædslernes nat" [Night of Terrors]
1968: On Her Majesty's Secret Service films the start of the ski chase with OO7 and Blofeld.
1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service London premiere at the Leicester Square Odeon.
1969: Agent 007 i Hendes Majestæts hemmelige tjeneste (Agent 007 In Her Majesty's Secret Service) released in Denmark.
1984: Mai Dire Mai (Never Say Never) released in Italy.
1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Switzerland, Lebanon and the Netherlands.
1997: James Bond 007 - Der Morgen stirbt nie released in Germany.
1999: 007 언리미티드 (007 Un-lee-mee-tee-deu; 007 Unlimited) released in the Republic of Korea.
2001: Billie Eilish is born--Los Angeles, California.
2002: Die Another Day released in Indonesia and Kuwait.
2019: Claudine Oger (Auger) dies at age 78--Paris France.
(Born 26 April 1941--Paris, France.)
Claudine Auger in London in 1968. She was a star in Europe,
but her American projects were few and far between.
Credit...Dove/Daily Express, via Getty Images
2020: Peter Curtis Lamont dies at age 91.
(Born 12 November 1929--London, England.)
GOLDFINGER, from left: Sean Connery, Harold Sakata, 1964
Courtesy Everett Collection
Compered by Caroline Munro.
James Bond Concert Spectacular Theatre Promo by Q The Music Show
1937: Albert Moses is born--Kandy, Sri Lanka.
(He dies 15 September 2017 at age --London, England.)
Albert Moses with Roger Moore
1960: Fleming assigns Thunderball to Trustees – Glidrose Productions.
1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service released in the UK and USA.
1969: The New York Times reviews the latest Bond film.
1973: James Bond 007 - Leben und sterben lassen released in West Germany
1974: The Man With the Golden Gun premieres Leicester Square Odeon, HRH Prince Philip in attendance.
1985: 007: En la mira de los asesinos (007: In the Sights of the Murderers) released in Mexico.
1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in the US, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Israel.
Danish Teaser
1997: A&M releases the "Tomorrow Never Dies" single.
1999: Desmond Llewelyn dies at age 85--Firle, East Sussex, England.
(Born 12 September 1914--Newport, Wales. UK.)
2002: Die Another Day released in Chile.
2002: Halj meg máskor (Hang On at Another Time) released in Hungary.
2019: Ian Fleming Publications gives Season's Greetings.
Sourced from their own
Reassuring, yet probably met with eye rolling.
1959: The Atticus column of the Sunday Times presents some thoughts from Ian Fleming on Christmas.
1963: Agent 007 jages (Agent 007 is Chased) released in Denmark.
1966: Paul Ritter is born--Kent, Engand.
(He dies 5 April 2021 at age 54--Faversham, Kent, England.)
1971: Les diamants sont éternels (Diamonds Are Eternal) released in France.
1971: Diamantfeber released in Sweden.
1974: De man met de gouden revolver (Flemish title) released in Belgium.
Not to be confused with.
1974: Daily Variety reports The Man With the Golden Gun's budget under $7 million. Product placement (free) includes Nikon, Sony, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Dunlop, American Motors Corporation, and Colibri (lighter, fountain pen, cuff link).
1975: William Lundigan dies at age --Duarte, California.
(Born 12 June 1914, Syracuse, New York.)
Lundigan in The Fabulous Dorseys (1947)
1985: A View to a Kill released in the Philippines.
1995: GoldenEye released in Belgium, France, and Spain.
2002: ప్రపంచ హీరో (Prapan̄ca vīruḍu 007; World Hero 007, Telugu title) released in India.
2011: Hodder & Stoughton publish a special limited holiday James Bond Edition of Jeffery Deaver's novel Carte Blanche, designed by Bentley Motors.
Luca Casalanguida, artist. Andy Diggle, writer.
1961: Dr. No screen tests for the role of Miss Taro.
Liha Margo
Zena Marshall
Violette Marceau
Talitha Pol (Talitha Dina Getty)
(Compare to UK premiere 17 September in London. Followed by Hollywood, CA 25 December.
Then US general release 9 January 1965.)
(Followed by US general release 22 December. UK release 29 December. The true world premiere was earlier: December 9, Hibiya Cinema, Tokyo, Japan.)
1967: Casino Royale released in Austria, the Netherlands, and West Germany.
1967: James Bond 007 - Casino Royale released in Denmark.
1968: On Her Majesty's Secret Service principal shooting ends. (Began: 21 October.)
1969: Ilse Steppat dies at age 51--West Berlin, Germany.
(Born 30 November 1917--Barmen, Germany.)
1973: Leven en laten sterven released in Belgium.
1982: Moonraker released in Iceland.
1995: 新鐵金剛之金眼睛 (Xīn tiě jīngāng zhī jīn yǎnjīng; Golden Eyes of New Iron King Kong) released in Hong Kong.
2006: 007 카지노 로얄 (007 kah-gee-no low-yal; 007 Casino Royale) released in the Republic of Korea.
2010: BOND 23 resumes pre-production, halted most of this year as related to MGM financial issues.
2016: Dynamite Entertainment releases James Bond #12 (Eidolon Chapter 6).
Jason Masters, artist. Warren Ellis, writer.
Sourced from.
2021: No Time To Die released on DVD and Bluray.
1962: Ralph Fiennes is born--Ipswich, Suffolk, England.
1964: Bosley Crowther reviews Goldfinger in The New York Times.
1965: Thunderball released in the US.
1967: Casino Royale released in Spain, Finland, and France.
1967: James Bond 007 - Casino Royale released in Italy.
1971: Diamantes para la eternidad (Diamonds for Eternity) released in Spain. (Diamants per a l'eternitat, Catalan title.)
1982: Octopussy films OO7 hunted and hissing off.
1983: Jamais plus Jamais; Never Again Never) released in Belgium.
1995: GoldenEye released in Luxembourg and Malaysia.
2006: Casino Royale released in Panama.
2014: Richard Graydon dies at age 92--England.
(Born 12 May 1922--London, England.)
Richard Graydon at home in Surrey in 2000 Photo: REX FEATURES
Graydon on top of a cable-car above Rio de Janeiro in Moonraker (REX FEATURES)
2021: James Bond Themed Trivia at Original Westshore Pizza South Tampa, Florida.
The MI6 Christmas card parodies the James Bond opening sequence
1944: Ian Fleming arrives in Colombo, Ceylon, and strikes up a friendship with Wren Clare Blanshard.
1964: Variety reports Goldfinger breaking US records in New York at the DeMille and Coronet theaters. The New York Times says as a result, the Coronet plans midnight screenings. The DeMille says it will run the film 24 hours through year's end to meet demand.
1965: Thunderball released in Australia.
1970: Anatole Taubman is born--Zurich, Switzerland.
1971: Diamonds Are Forever released in Australia and the Netherlands.
Disclaimer: not this one.
1983: 내버 새이 내버 어개인 (Nay-buh say-ee nay-buh uh-gay-een) released in the Republic of Korea.
1997: 007 - Il domani non muore mai released in Italy.
1999: 007, el mundo no basta released in Argentina.
2013: Ian Fleming Publications unveils its new logo.
2020: The Hollywood Reporter reports on a Star Trek episode inspired by Bond.
Paramount Pictures/Photofest
DS9 Garak the wingman (Our Man Bashir)
"Our Man Bashir Suite", Jay Chattaway Star Trek DS9
1931: Nora Noel Jill Bennett is born--Penang, Malaysia.
(She dies 4 October 1990 at age 58--Kensington, London, England.)
Jill Bennett in trailer for The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968)
1941: Michael Billington is born--Blackburn, Lancashire, England.
(He dies 3 June 2005 at age 63--Margate, Kent, England.)
1971: James Bond comic Starfire comic finishes its run in Daily Express.
(Started 30 August 1971. 1709–1809) Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer.
Not Found:
Swedish Semic Comic 1989 #6 - Stjärnornas Herre (Starfire)
Danish 1973
"Stjernernes herre" [Star Lord]
1969: Gene Siskel"s "Bond and de Sade" reviews On Her Majesty's Secret Service in the Chicago Tribune
1971: Diamanten zijn eeuwig (Diamonds Are Eternal, Flemish title) released in Belgium.
1982: Octopussy films Gobinda arming the bomb.
1983: ネバーセイ・ネバーアゲイン (Nebāsei nebāagein) released in Japan.
1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Singapore.
1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Cyprus, Ecuador, Peru, plus Trinidad and Tobago.
1999: 007 - O Mundo Não é o Bastante released in Brazil.
2019: yahoo!movies reports on Empire Magazine's interview with Daniel Craig and why he returned for No Time To Die.
James Bond (Daniel Craig) prepares to shoot in NO TIME TO DIE,
a DANJAQ and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film.
(Credit: Nicola Dove. © 2019 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.)
1964: Goldfinger US premiere--Hollywood, CA.
(That's after the New York City premiere, and before the 9 January US general release.)
1965: Pallosalama (Fireball; Åskbollen, The Thunderbolt, Swedish title) released in Finland.
1969: 鐵金剛勇破雪山堡 (Tiě jīngāng yǒng pò xuěshān bǎo; Iron King Kong Breaks Through the Snow Mountain Fort) released in Hong Kong.
1971: Los diamantes son eternos (Diamonds Are Eternal) released in Colombia.
1995: GoldenEye released in Panama.
1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Colombia and Panama.
1999: Само един свят не стига (Only One World Is Not Enough) released in Bulgaria.
2001: Russia DVD premiere for From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice.
2002: Die Another Day released in Bolivia and Jamaica.
2006: Casino Royale released in Bolivia.
2015: Radiohead releases their unused Bond theme for Spectre.
2021: The Cubby Broccoli Cinema at the National Science and Media Museum, Bradford, England, is closed for the Christmas Holiday.
1943: Ian Fleming's mistress--society hostess Maud Russell--records in her diary details of war planning, influenza.
Maud Russell, a fashionable society hostess who met Fleming in 1931 when he was just 23
Credit: Cecil Beaton courtesy of Emily Russell
Ian Fleming in his Naval Uniform during the war
Credit: Courtesy of Emily Russell/A Constant Heart
1964: Agent 007 contra Goldfinger released in Denmark.
1971: Diamanter varer evig released in Norway.
1983: Aldri si aldri (Never Say Never) released in Norway.
Not to be confused with.
1995: GoldenEye released in Australia, Norway, and New Zealand.
1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Australia and New Zealand.
1997: 007: Igavene homne (007: Eternal Tomorrow) released in Estonia.
1997: Yarin Asla Ölmez released in Turkey.
(Born 11 November 1948--Brooklyn, New York, New York.)
Schiavelli and then-wife actress Allyce Beasley on September 20, 1987
Vincent Schiavelli's tombstone in Polizzi Generosa graveyard
2011: Pedro Armendáriz Jr. dies at age 71--New York City, New York.
(Born 6 April 1940--Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico.)
2020: SPYSCAPE HQ in New York City has special ticket prices for James Bond Exhibition attendance today through 10 January 2021.
2021: Boxing Day in the Commonwealth.
2021: The Junkanoo street parade in the Bahamas resumes tonight through New Year's Day.
1960: Maryam d'Abo is born--London, England.
1972: Live and Let Die films 007 surveilling his hotel room for bugging devices. Also the last day of filming in Jamaica includes Ross Kananga at Jamaica Swamp Safari, Falmouth.
Later video marketing.
Not to be confused with.
1981: Hoagland "Hoagy" Carmichael dies at age 82--Rancho Mirage, California.
(Born 22 November 1899--Bloomington, Indiana.)
Hoagy Carmichael.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
"Stardust", Hoagy Carmichael.
Have and Have Not, "Am I Blue", Hoagy Carmichael, 1944.
Have and Have Not, "Georgia", Hoagy Carmichael, 1944.
2019: The New Year Honours List recognizes Samuel Alexander Mendes to become a Knight Bachelor, Order of the British Empire, for services to Drama.
The riband and badge of the
"Companions of Honour"
2021: 007xSPYSCAPE presents their immersive James Bond exhibition in New York City, New York.
1956: Fleming writes a letter to Wren Howard questioning his own "enthusiasm for Bond and his unlikely adventures."
1971: Comic strip Trouble Spot begins its run in the Daily Express.
(Ends 10 June 1972. 1810–1951) Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer.
Swedish Semic Comic 1973
(Fatal Message -Trouble Spot)
Swedish Semic Comic 1979
(Fatal Message -Trouble Spot)
Swedish Semic Comic 1989
(Trouble Spot)
Danish 1974
“Trouble Spot” (1974)
"Dræbende budskab"
[= Lethal Message]
1991: Cassandra Harris (Sandra Colleen Waites) dies at age 43--Los Angeles, California.
(Born 15 December 1948--Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.)
2002: BBC airs James Bond - A BAFTA Tribute celebrating 40 years of the film series.
2015: Big Comics Special Edition reprints Takao Saito's manga 007 series for 女王陛下の007 (Jo'ō Heika no Zero Zero Sebun/Her Majesty's Secret Service) and 黄金の銃を持つ男 (Ōgon no Jū o Motsu Otoko/The Man with the Golden Gun). Serialized monthly in Shogakukan's Boy's Life magazine December 1964 to August 1967.
1981 reprint.
Sean Connery, December 1971. Photograph: Don Morley/The Guardian
Sean Connery as James Bond in Diamonds Are Forever (1971). Photograph: Allstar/UNITED ARTISTS
1959: A letter from Ian Fleming to friend and partner Ivar Bryce considers possibilities. Including diminishing Kevin McClory's involvement in the Bond film project.
1965: Thunderball released in the UK--premiere at the London Pavilion and Rialto theaters. At the Pavilion, includes a midnight gala benefiting the British Rheumatism & Arthritis Association.
1965: Τζέημς Μποντ, πράκτωρ 007: Επιχείρηση Κεραυνός (James Bond, Agent 007: Enterprise Thunderbolt) released in Greece.
1971: Gyémántok az örökkévalóságnak (Diamonds For Eternity) released in Hungary.
1995: GoldenEye released in Austria.
2016: South China Morning Post reports on 2D game I Expect You To Die from Schell Games.
A still from I Expect You to Die. The James Bond theme is evident.
I Expect You To Die - Launch Trailer (1:07)
A still from the game I Expect You To Die.
I Expect You To Die VR FULL WALKTHROUGH [NO COMMENTARY] 1080P 60FPS (1:11:17)
2020: CineFix offers YouTube watchalong of GoldenEye with Martin Campbell and Famke Janssen in attendance.
1865: Joseph Rudyard Kipling is born--Bombay, Bombay Presidency, British India.
(He dies 18 January 1936 at age 70--Middlesex Hospital, London, England.)
1920: John Joseph Patrick Ryan (Jack Lord) is born--New York City, New York.
(He dies 21 January 1998 at age 77--Honolulu, Hawaii.)
1965: Thunderball premieres in Belfast, Northern Ireland. (UK general release follows 13 March 1966.)
1970: The San Francisco Examiner reports John Gavin and Burt Reynolds tested for the Bond role.
Concept art
Later video marketing.
1998: The New Year Honours List recognizes Roger Moore to become a Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his UNICEF work.
Grand Cross's star of the
Order of the British Empire
2012: Skyfall reaches £100 million ($161.6 million) in the UK (a first for a film there), plus the landmark $1 billion point for worldwide box-office.
2016: Game over--shutdown of the Glu Mobile servers brings an end to James Bond: World of Espionage.
1945: Barbara Carrera is born--Bluefields, Nicaragua.
1961: The Susan Barnes Sunday Express interview "Women and Me — by the Screen's James Bond" ends on violence towards women and Barnes abruptly exiting actor Sean Connery's apartment.
1963: Deed of Assignment executed this date states Ian Fleming, Ivar Bryce, and publisher Jonathan Cape assign rights to Kevin McClory for "all the copyright in the film scripts and the exclusive right to re-produce any part of the novel Thunderball in films and for the purpose of making such films to make scripts." And specifically from Fleming, "the exclusive right to the character James Bond as a character in any such scripts or film of Thunderball."
1994: Chivers North America publishes a large print version of John Gardner's Bond novel Never Send Flowers.
2002: 007 어나더데이 (007 Uh-nah-duh-day-ee; 007 Another Day) released in the Republic of Korea.
(Born 12 July 1933--Brooklyn, New York, New York.)
Don (center) doing the interrogating.
New York City, 1959
Ancram, New York – Winter, 2001
Credit: David Jennings for The New York Times
Cover art by Paul Mann
2011: Reports say Craig almost quit the Bond role after Quantum of Solace.
2020: CinemaBlend reports why Steven Soderbergh turned down directing a Bond movie.
Daniel Craig in No Time to Die
2021: Last day for The Bond Experience in Chicago. And Pittsburgh. And San Francisco.
2021: New Year's Eve 15 key moments from 2021 with the London Eye include James Bond.
Virtually. In a two-minute light display.
2021: Bollywood Never Dies (a James Bond Theme Party) at the Boleo Rooftop Bar, The Kimpton Gray Hotel, Chicago, Illinois.
Owner Ross Simon at his Bitter & Twisted Cocktail Parlour in downtown Phoenix. Details:
1 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix. 602-340-1924,
2021: A Bond-themed New Year's Eve party at Le Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre, Dubai.
2034: With the end of the 70th year following author Ian Fleming's death, in theory his books and stories enter the public domain. (Though remedied by Danjaq LLC's registered trademarks for James Bond and 007.)
1925: Zena Marshall is born--Nairobi, Kenya.
(She dies 10 July 2009 at age 84--London, England.)
Marshall with Sean Connery as James Bond in Dr No (1962)
Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext/UNITED ARTISTS
1937: Suzy Kendall is born--Belper, Derbyshire, England.
1938: Kenneth Tsang is born--Shanghai, China.
1941: Simón Andreu is born--Sa Pobla, Balearic Islands, Spain.
1961: Ian Fleming returns to his Goldeneye estate and begins writing the ninth Bond novel. In failing health, he uses a screenplay from a 1958 project as its basis.
1962: The Dr. No production hands out a draft shooting schedule to the crew.
1965: Agente 007 - Missione Goldfinger (Agent 007 - Goldfinger Mission) released in Italy.
Not to be confused with.
1968: Dr. No re-release in the UK.
Strange Tales Vol 1 #164
Captain America Vol 1 #401 (second appearance)
1972: Diamenty sa wieczne (Diamonds Are Eternal) released in Poland.
1977: Dr. No re-release in the UK.
1981: For Your Eyes Only films at Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, from today through February. Delivery of snow is needed for the street scenes.
1992: This month Marvel Comics publishes James Bond Jr #1 "The Beginning", sourced from the first episode of the cartoon series with Scumlord and Jaws.
Mario Capaldi, artist. T. Pederson; F. Moss and Cal Hamilton, writers (adaptation).
Colin Fawcett, ink. Mario Capaldi and Colin Fawcett, cover.
Gary Caldwell. artist. Don McGregor, writer. Christopher Moeller, cover.
Claude St. Aubin, pencils. Rick Magyar, ink. Don McGregor, writer. Brian Stelfreeze, cover.
1997: This month Playboy magazine publishes an abridged version of the Raymond Benson short story "Blast From the Past". The complete story is later included in The Union Trilogy anthology.
2000: 縱橫天下 (Zònghéng tiānxià; Across the World) released in Taiwan.
(Born 13 October 1923--London, England.)
2003: Πέθανε μια άλλη μέρα (He Died Another Day) released in Greece.
2010: The original date Ian Fleming material would have entered the Public Domain (based on Casino Royale's 1953 publish date, plus 28 years for the copyright period, plus another 28 year renewal). [But the US law changed 1976 and went into effect 1978.]
2015: James Bond becomes public domain in Canada. (The books and stories, not the films. Based on the Berne Convention allowing a copyright for 50 years after Fleming's death.)
2022: In New Year's Honours, Daniel Craig is set to receive the same title as James Bond.
2035: Under the Copyright Extension Act of 1998 (applying the year of the author's death plus 70 years), Fleming books and stories enter the public domain.
2049: Under US copyright law in effect from 1978 (applied to products published 1950-1964), the copyright period lasting 95 years from the author's death ended the previous day. So it's public domain for Fleming books and stories everywhere. [Legal commentary welcome.]
1937: Terence Christopher Gerald Rigby is born in Erdington, Birmingham, England.
1964: In The Daily Express, Fleming proposes to interviewer John Creusemann that "Bond is Scottish. On both sides."
1975: Roger Moore is photographed at London's Gerrick Club with wife Luisa and co-star Susanna York from their film Heaven Save Us From Our Friends.
1991: Untitled screenplay for a third Dalton mission dated this day. Credited to William Osborne, William Davies, Al Ruggerio, Michael G. Wilson. OO7 investigates a stolen British stealth fighter traveling to Vancouver, Las Vegas, Hong Kong, China, Libya.
2003: Die Another Day released in New Zealand.
2003: Dnes neumírej (Today Do Not Die) released in the Czech Republic.
2003: The New York Times publishes Seoul Journal's article "The Power of Film: A Bond That Unites Koreans".
(Born 2 April 1925--Carlisle, Cumberland, England.)
Credit HarperCollins, about 2004
The first Flashman novel.
2022: Peterson Automotive Museum continues to host Bond In Motion at Los Angeles, California.
1922: Dana Natol (later Dana Wilson Broccoli) is born--New York City, New York.
(She dies 29 February 2004 at age 82--Los Angeles, California.)
(He dies 8 March 2016 at age 90--Colesshill, Oxfordshire, England.)
George Martin with the Beatles at Abbey Road. Photograph: BBC/ Apple Corps Ltd/BBC
1962: In a letter to Geoffrey Boothroyd, Ian Fleming sends greetings. "I feel safe in wishing you a Prosperous New Year, and if the tax man becomes too difficult, I suggest you shoot him."
1971: The Palm Beach Post reports American John Gavin may be the next actor in the Bond role.
1972: 007 - Os Diamantes São Eternos released in Brazil.
1988: Joie Chitwood dies at age 75--Tampa, Florida.
(Born 14 April 1912--Denison, Texas.)
Joie Chitwood
2003: "Two Koreas Blast New James Bond Film", so reports The Associated Press and multiple news outlets.
2008: Quantum of Solace main unit filming kicks off at Pinewood (originally scheduled for 10 December 2007).
2016: The Independent reports that Christoph Waltz is signed for two more Bond films. As long as Craig returns.
Christoph Waltz makes his debut as Franz Oberhauser ( Spectre )
2021: After falling ill Christmas eve, Tanya Roberts is incorrectly reported as deceased.
1900: Ornithologist James Bond is born--Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
(He dies 14 February 1989 at age 89--Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.)
1962: Michael France is born--St. Petersburg, Florida.
(He dies 12 April 2013 at age 51--St. Pete Beach, Florida.)
1973: Live and Let Die films OO7 meeting Solitaire at the Fillet of Soul.
1984: The Hollywood Reporter reports David Bowie was considered for the Max Zorin role that eventually went to Christopher Walken.
1990: John Cleese spoofs James Bond in a Schweppes soft drinks commercial.
(Born 26 May 1909--New York City, New York.)
1996: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd release the John Gardner novelization of Goldeneye.
1996: Zlaté oko (The Golden Eye) released in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
2000: The World Is Not enough released in the Philippines.
2004: Jeff Nuttall dies at age 70--Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales.
(Born 8 July 1933--Clitheroe, Lancashire, England.)
2013: Activision and Steam remove online copies and pages for Quantum of Solace, Blood Stone, 007 Legends.
2021: Victoria Leigh Blum (Tanya Roberts) dies at age 65--Los Angeles, California.
(Born 15 October 1955-- The Bronx, New York City, New York.)
1945: Roger Spottiswoode is born--Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
1970: 007 - A Serviço Secreto de Sua Majestade (007 - To Her Majesty's Secret Service) released in Brazil.
1984: Sir Richard Joseph Hughes CBE dies at age 77--Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong.
(Born 5 March 1906--Prahran, Melbourne, Australia.)
Richard Hughes worked directly to Ian Fleming, his boss at the Sunday Times.
Hughes and Fleming during a tour of Southern Japan in 1959. They became good friends, and Fleming drew on Hughes’ character, writing him into his last James Bond book, as Dikko Henderson, head of Australian security in Japan. (Pictured in Japan in 1962.)
Richard Hughes in Laos in 1959 when he had his curious meeting
with the Blind Bonze of Luang Prabang.
You Only Live twice (Dikko Henderson) | The Honourable Schoolboy (Old Craw)
2006: Player One publishes a mobile game based on Charlie Higson's Young Bond novel SilverFin.
2010: Reports say Sam Mendes is connected with BOND 23. (MGM at the time denies he's signed as director. EON later confirms he was hired as a consultant until MGM worked out its financial issues.)
2015: Spectre films at Lake Altaussee, Austria.
2022: China mines James Bond to mock privacy concerns in a short film.