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Slowly been getting into the recent Silent Hill 2 release, then hopefully I'll be starting up Returnal after I'm done that.
Now doing my fourth platinum run on Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy as I love that game! Have done it on PS3, PS4 and PS Vita, now PS5.
Then on to Dying Light 2 and Dead Space Remastered over the christmas break.
Crimson Rector Percival is no more. He's just been..... excommunicated. ;) I really struggled with this guy. That damn healing power he kept using. My bow/axe combo (I am running an Agiligy Ranger class character), just couldn't counter his healing. I know you can use those blue orbs to disrupt him, but I could never get him in place long enough. I decided to put him out of my mind, as he's an optional boss, and move on. Since then, I switched out my axe/shield for twin daggers (axe/shield combo, didn't sit right as a ranger). The daggers have been upgraded (as has my bow). I went back to give Percival another go. OOOOF. The speed and damage of my daggers (plus my bow), was enough to counter his healing attempts. Crimson Rector Percival? More like Crimson Rectum Percival after that ass whooping he just received.
The Spurned Progeny has slowed down my progress. I have tried a few times, and I think I have it's moves mapped out in my mind. But i'm still having a little trouble. I might take a break from trying, and go and investigate further behind the bell door in Vestige Of Marco The Axe. I have gone into the tunnel some way, and it looks like there might be a boss there, as the tunnel opens out into a cavern.
The Skinstealer is dead. Had a bit of trouble with that fight. The area was so narrow, I struggled to fight with my bow. I ended up switching to poison grenades, and dodging his attacks, then throwing grenades at it. As soon as the fight was over, I went straight back to my bow. :)) I don't doubt the use of fighting it with a bow is possible, it's just that this fight, I couldn't quite open a window big enough to get a powerful shot off. I could have used a less powerful shot, but there you go. Maybe on NG+. I'm really loving the map design, how the areas are connected, and discovering shortcuts gives a feeling of accomplishment.
Great game
BC1 and BC2 were some of my favorites in the series. The last one I loved was BF4, haven't remotely enjoyed any of the later installments after that.
I haven't owned a BF game since 3 on my PS3. Never upgraded to PS4 but played my friend's BF4 and BF1. BF1 in WW1 was excellent I thought. BF5 I never played, no 2042. I would love to return to the franchise if it's ever worth it again.
I've finally got the Assassin's Bow, and upgraded it to the maximum. I also found the Weighted Arrows. Now nothing can stand in the way of my bow/dual dagger wielding Lampbearer...
Finished the game. The last boss took me by surprise, it was surprisingly easy to defeat. Now I am going back for NG+0, to get as many other trophies as I can, before going on to NG+1 for the platinum.... if I can get it.
I played some more Last Revelation on Steam to get me ready, I will be able to blast through the first quarter of Tomb Raider IV Remaster as very fresh in memory.
One of those PS2 games that I remember playing the demo of from OPS2Magazine UK, but didn't, at the time, get around to buying it. I recently picked up a copy for my collection and have been enjoying it. The seamless transition from on foot to piloting the spacecraft deserved more attention.
Just about to use the controller for the first time, I pause in anticipation.
Controls pretty much the same though smoother, right at the start there is a completely new section... Interesting.
This game is still incredibly frustrating 😂 looks great graphics wise though always did.
I am losing the will to live trying to get a bloody key off a ledge, think I will look at the other games and come back to this in 2045.
Edited: just remembered modern control settings trying it with them. Need to find a way to get rid of the text prompts next. God I hate this game.
The Last Revelation this is more like it, once you switch to Tank controls and new graphics wow, this is the game to buy the trilogy for.
I want to say i havent loved a game this much since Arkham origins 2013… though if we include that i love the story and the game play we have to go back to 2010 bloodstone or maybe 2009 arkham asylum
It's that good, huh?
Genuinely blown away
Happy to hear.
Same here. It should be out by the end of the second quarter (July at the latest).
I've just bought the 1-3 remastered collection for PS5. I haven't played those early games in what feels like a lifetime.
The first three games are fantastic thoroughly enjoyed the Remasters especially the second game which has some of my all time best TR levels.
Just playing Angel of Darkness again, enjoying it now I have the hang of it. I am a bit confused though as there is a large area I have never seen before at the start of the game, I either never opened that door or it was a segment they never finished. I will have to look at the old version of Angel... on Steam to see if it existed before.
Yeah, the physical release. I forgot about it at the time, and only remembered a few days ago, when the IV-V-VI release was incoming.
You can toggle between the new and old graphics to get comparisons during game play. India and South Pacific in TR3 are stunning. I opted for the Tank controls because of the original block design of the early games, modern controls I was not keen on.
I am several sections into Angel of Darkness they have totally fixed this game , Lara appears alot quicker, Angel of Darkness 20+ years later finally feels developed.