Rank the actors



  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    edited April 2011 Posts: 7,582
    Quoting Samuel001:
    Connery - Meat, potato and two veg Pie

    Lazenby - Meat Pie

    Moore - Cheese Pie

    Dalton - Meat and potato Pie

    Brosnan - Custard Pie

    Craig - Beef Pie

    :-c Like it
  • 1.All of em.

    Yeah.... call it the ultimate safety-shot, but I love em all equally..... each one has pros and cons... affected mostly by cinema trends at the time of their release....

    Sir Rog will always warm my heart a shade 'Moore' than the others, simply because he was my introduction to the whole thing....
  • Sean
    The Craig
  • Posts: 172
    1) Daniel Craig
    2) Sean Connery
    3) George Lazenby
    4) Timothy Dalton
    5) Roger Moore
    6) Pierce Brosnan
  • 008008
    Posts: 4
    1. Craig
    2. Dalton
    3. Connery
    4. Moore
    5. Lazenby
    6. Bronsan
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    In terms of pure acting ability alone:

    001) Timothy Dalton
    002) Daniel Craig
    003) Sean Connery
    004) Roger Moore
    005) George Lazenby
    006) Pierce Brosnan

    In terms of how I like them as Bond:

    001) Sean Connery
    002) Timothy Dalton
    003) Roger Moore
    004) George Lazenby
    005) Daniel Craig
    006) Pierce Brosnan
  • For what its worth...
    1 - Connery - essentially created the movie Bond with his hard action scenes, charm, wit, sophistication and grit, although he appeared to be "going through the motions" by the end of his era. Concluding comment - Connery - the reference Bond everyone uses to compare the others - sheriously!!!
    2 - Dalton - always felt slightly sorry for Dalton as I believe that he was taking an honest and scholarly approach to his acting of Bond, basing his Bond on the books. I would certainly have enjoyed to see him doing the proposed third outing. Dalton portrays the cold assassin Bond, to my mind, almost as well as Craig. The only thing that struck me was Dalton was playing a '50s character at the end of the '80s, so seemed a little dated in interactions with women. Sure, Dalton lacks charm and wit certainly doesn't enter into the equation, but so far I'm yet to see if Craig can develop the character from the new recruit/Bond with a vendetta which has been prominent in his first two outings. To my mind, Dalton brought Bond back to life with TLD (especially when compared to the later Moore-era Bond) and LTK brought a new slant on Bond - Bond with a vendetta and with the shark attack on Leiter, the first scene when Bond is emotional since OHMSS. Dalton - certainly the darkest Bond to date.
    3 - Craig - as noted above, I would be very interested to see how Craig develops the character into undertaking a mission, rather than the first mission, or seeking vendence. Really liked his first outing, although to my mind the second outing was poor and really didn't develop the character enough from "vendetta" Bond. Craig - the most promising Bond for a generation.
    4 - Moore - he was playing the part wayyyyy too long and certainly there were a fair few turkeys over the years, but still think that he did a good job as a "Moore plays Bond" character. Live and Let Die was a really good introduction to Moore-era Bond and he played the part (of Moore playing Bond) well, despite increasingly mediocre story-lines, far fetched plots and advancing age. Moore - the most comic Bond to date.
    5 - Lazenby - not enough footage to assess on. I found the introduction to him slightly awkward ("this never happened to the other fella"- again, more script, not the actor), but thought that he gave a good balance between action and emotion - again, one could say that it was more down to an involving script, rather than particularly acting. Probably the most dramatic Bond to date, but certainly wasn't as good with one liners as Connery or Moore. Lazenby - a promising start, but then it ended.
    6 - Brosnan - never really liked Brosnan - always appeared to model his Bond on Moore without the charm. He appears too sleazy for Bond and doesn't have the right blend of aggression which the top 3 actors have. Brosnan - next!!!
  • Posts: 638
    Welcome Sheriouslysean. I agree with almost everything you said and my list is almost exactly like yours except I have Craig as #2 and Dalton as #3 mainly because I feel Craig has a bit more magnetism and charisma than Dalton.
  • Quoting jaguar007: Craig has a bit more magnetism and charisma than Dalton.
    Thanks jaguar007 - I'd agree that Dalton lacked charisma and appears more moody and sinister - more like a hitman/assassin, rather than the suave secret agent (which (worryingly) every hotellier and casino appears to know) that Moore & Brosnan played. Connery was an easy call, Dalton and Craig was much harder - 4th, 5th and 6th were again pretty easy calls.

    In relation to Dalton versus Craig, I felt that Dalton did two solid movies, whereas Craig did an exceptional first and a mediocre second. The only issue I have with Craig is that both films have essentially covered the main character development from CR - the inexperienced Bond who ends up on a vendetta/seeking redemption, whereas Dalton's Bond covered more ground as far as the hard-kicking secret agent of TLD to the renegade agent working undercover to seek retribution of a friend in LTK. I'm aware that Dalton didn't have his second film as a follow-on from his first outing.
  • Posts: 638
    I elevate Craig up a tad from Dalton almost solely based on CR (although both TLD and CR are in my top 5). I have the utmost respect for Dalton and his portrayal of Bond (imo, the closest to the books). I felt both LTK and TLD were huge disappointments after the debut films of each actor. Craig will fortunately get the chance to come back and expand on his Bond where unfortunately Dalton did not. There is a pretty bag gap between my top 3 actors (all 3 who I really love in the role) and the other 3 (who I like okay in the role).
  • Posts: 1,930

    I try to forget the other two
  • Posts: 1,856
    The thing is you can't...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,129
    1) Connery - Dalton - Craig
    2) Moore - Lazenby
    3) Brosnan
  • Posts: 503
    1. Connery
    2. Moore
    3. Dalton
    4. Brosnan
    5. Lazenby
    6. Craig

    Craig is a great actor, but hasn't convinced me as Bond yet. I'll see what I think after B23.
  • Posts: 117
    1) Dalton

    2) Connery
    3) Brosnan
    4) Craig
    5) = Roger / Nelson
    6) Lazenby
  • Posts: 49
    1. Dalton
    2. Lazenby
    3. Connery
    4. Craig
    5. Brosnan
    6. Moore
  • Jazz007Jazz007 Minnesota
    Posts: 257
    6. Brosnan: A projection of the public's shallow perception of Bond -a womanizing, martini-drinking, super hero- with no depth and little trace of Fleming's character.

    5. Moore: His strong presence and delivery makes for a full-out entertaining, hilarious, and often times thoughtful 007.

    4. Lazenby: Gives a genuine-feeling and physically imposing performance, yet he is lacking a bit in the acting chops department.

    3. Craig: Gritty, emotive, and captivating- a broken blunt instrument; modern cinema's Bond with a large helping of Fleming.

    2. Connery: Iconic, tough, and fun- often times carried some depth along with that swagger; classic cinema's Bond with a large helping of Fleming.

    1. Dalton: A subtle, cool, and dimensional portrayal of Fleming's Bond; he is as impressive as he is entertaining.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,711
    6. Moore
  • Posts: 49
    I know I'm not the only one who believes Lazenby did an incredible job as BOND considering it was his first acting gig. He came off quite well with the fight sequences and his accent was done quite good.

    I am of the belief that given more films, he would have surpassed Connery. He gave off just the right amount of charm, without being overly charismatic. It would have been interesting to see him in DAF (with a better script) and I would have loved to see him in LALD.
  • Jazz007Jazz007 Minnesota
    Posts: 257
    @gregdaulton I think Lazenby was a great Bond too - he did not have the acting ability to give Bond more than what was on the page but he did have an incredible physical presence that made him perfect in an action scene as well as a genuine humanity that played well during the more vulnerable and/or tender moments.

    It is actually kind of a close call for me for the #3 and #4 spots.... the toughness and natural-feeling of Lazenby or the brooding depth of Craig? I give Craig the edge for his depth but had Lazenby had the time to get better from film to film he could have been a better Bond than Craig - or Connery for that matter, his performance in OHMSS is already more impressive than the post-TB Connery from my point of view.
  • Posts: 1,856

    Connery - Meat, potato and two veg Pie
    Lazenby - Meat Pie
    Moore - Cheese Pie
    Dalton - Meat and potato Pie
    Brosnan - Custard Pie
    Craig - Beef Pie
    I'll Have A Lazenby and a moore please with frys thank you

  • Posts: 92
  • Posts: 49
    Why is Lazenby so low on many of your lists?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited May 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Why is Lazenby so low on many of your lists?
    Because Connery, Dalton and Craig are better ;) Lazenby did a solid job though. I have Moore ahead of him as well. Beaten by the best really, Lazenby did a stellar job.
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,189
    Lazenby did a commendable job and I DO like him, but he wasn't as memorable as the others IMO.

    Also, the fact that quite a large portion of his lines were dubbed didn't help. It's not so much a problem with supporting characters (e.g. Draco, Tania, Honey etc) but it didn't seem right with Bond - especially as the sudden change in voice was pretty obvious.

    Anyway, thats just my view.
  • Posts: 49
    he was only dubbed by George Baker with the Sir Hilary Bray scenes (about 1/4th of the film). But besides that his 1 picture was an excellent indication of his Bond potrayal and if Lazenby had taken the 7 picture deal offered to him, he would have outshined Connery, no doubt about it. Even Peter Hunt thought so, which makes the animosity reported by the press bogus, for the most part.
  • Posts: 251
    1) Connery. The blue print for all that followed, and still my favourite, as long as I don`t watch DAF

    2) Brosnan. Not a popular choice around here, but I find his take on Bond supremely cool and convincing. Played a big part in bringing the masses back to Bond, no bad thing.

    3) Moore. Grew up on his Bonds, so there is a little bias there. Last of his kind of actor, I fear....

    4) Dalton. Love his take on Bond, as it was so different from what came before. His time was too short sadly....

    5) Craig. Clearly the most talented actor here, but not my favourite Bond. Somedays I like his take more than others, and maybe within a couple more Bond films he could be up there behind Connery.

    6) Lazenby. Some say he made a brave attempt at acting, I say a blind attempt at acting.
    He does look good throwing punches though, and has a good build. It`s the speaking bits that let him down, although at least we are spared them for a while.
  • Posts: 49
    Moore's first 2 films were enjoyable and more believable as he hadn't aged dramatically and, especially in LALD, the tone was more serious
  • Posts: 11,189
    "2) Brosnan. Not a popular choice around here, but I find his take on Bond supremely cool and convincing. Played a big part in bringing the masses back to Bond, no bad thing".

    Shoreline, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)

  • Posts: 11,189
    he was only dubbed by George Baker with the Sir Hilary Bray scenes (about 1/4th of the film). But besides that his 1 picture was an excellent indication of his Bond potrayal and if Lazenby had taken the 7 picture deal offered to him, he would have outshined Connery, no doubt about it. Even Peter Hunt thought so, which makes the animosity reported by the press bogus, for the most part.
    I'm sure he would have made a great Bond but I still have a bit of an issue regarding the dubbing. I can't imagine any of the others getting away with it. IMO it does undermine his presence a tad.

    And I certainly agree that OHMSS was one of the best flicks btw.

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