Adele - 'Skyfall' title song discussion



  • she sounds like Shirley bassey in fact she sounds like a poor version of shirley bassey.
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the funniest post ever. She sounds nothing like SB she sounds like a soul/blues queen - not SB's signature.

  • I think this only reinforces my point of not wanting her as next Bond artist

    To keep it short, don't listen to her music, probably the first time I've heard her sing, may have been another but 'conveniently forgotten', bottom line is, I sincerely hope they take a different path with the theme intros, I don't know, maybe I just grew up on different sounds with James Bond and appreciate the older tunes better, this seems better suited to sixteen year olds or something

    This sounds just like a variation of QOS, no no no, please take a different route :L
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 7,653
    She is an awesome singer and chosing her for the theme would be the first choice so far that I like.

    Musically she a very special person, she is outside the mainstream and yet folks like her.

    That garbage that has been doing the job the last movies should never be allowed to return. The best rocktheme for the 007 franchise has been done by Paul McCarthy and has not yet been challenged by any later songwriter. They just don't have the musical genius in my book.
  • Can't argue with McCartney and Wings providing the best Bond tune =D>

    The last impressive female effort was Sheryl Crow, but then again she is a fine artist so no problems there
  • Good idea as long as Adele doesnt turn the song into a rant about her Ex-boyfriend.
  • Can't argue with McCartney and Wings providing the best Bond tune =D>

    The last impressive female effort was Sheryl Crow, but then again she is a fine artist so no problems there
    TWINE had a better tune than TWINE imo.

    on topic, i like adelles music but i dont want her to sing the bond theme. i always prefered the rock tunes to the big, soulful voices (mcartney>>>bassey).

    i kept praying for oasis to do a bond theme but they split up. and i dont want liam doing one solo, (or the new band whos name i forget)...

    kasabian or kings of leon could pull out a cool bond theme imo. or maybe foo fighters, now there's an idea....
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Can't argue with McCartney and Wings providing the best Bond tune =D>

    The last impressive female effort was Sheryl Crow, but then again she is a fine artist so no problems there
    Good God, Sheryl's singing in TND made me want to off myself. If I even make it through it while listening to a Bond theme playlist I slap myself for ignorance and stupidity, making sure to wipe away the flecks of blood spooling out of my ears.
  • Posts: 1,894
    "Ah see et in yaah ize, too-morrow nevar dize!"
  • I'd take Crow over that criminal leather faced pile of cat litter effort they had last time around any day of the week, at least Crow is a well recognized and respected artist


    I still have trouble listening to the last intro, or even better, I turn audio off if I browse through any bits on Youtube

    It's imperative they forget about the 12-16 year old group for next time out and go with something uplifting and gritty, something that makes you sit in the theater and think 'this could be a good outing'
  • Posts: 1,894
    It's imperative they forget about the 12-16 year old group for next time out
    Then this will be the end result:


    You cannot simply forget an audience demographic to appease another. Especially one as important as the 12-16 years olds, which - like it or not - is quite possibly the most important demographic of all. Most fans first experience the James Bond films at a younger age, inside the teenager demographic. And that experience influences their like or dislike of the franchise or years to come. If you isolate and alienate a demographic - especially one that is as impressionable as that age group - then all you're going to do is drive potential fans away from the franchise for years to come. Even if they like effects-heavy, action-centric films. I'm sure that when you were 12-16 years old, your tastes weren't nearly as sophisticated as they are now. I know I wasn't; I was 15 when DIE ANOTHER DAY came out, and at the time, I thought it was fantastic. My opinion changed once I grew up a little more and saw the other films. But you can't just cut out a key demographic because it suits you.

    And there is no evidence that Another Way to Die was chosen as the theme because it tested well with 12-16 year-olds.
  • Posts: 232
    No, I'm afraid they didn't play anything off those albums. 2 songs from the Wedding Album though, as well as the 1st, Rio and the most recent one.

    Duran Duran is really putting out quality material lately, and I think they still could make another awesome Bond theme.

    Though, I really think the Bond producers should use an artist they haven't used already. I think someone like Paul Weller (from The Jam and The Style Council) would be perfect, but also Bryan Ferry, David Bowie and Scott Walker would be awesome.
    Adele could be interesting if the song is well written.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    she sounds like Shirley bassey in fact she sounds like a poor version of shirley bassey.
    Clearly, you don't have an ear for sound. Adele sounds nothing like SB.

  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    she sounds like Shirley bassey in fact she sounds like a poor version of shirley bassey.
    Clearly, you don't have an ear for sound. Adele sounds nothing like SB.

    My thoughts as well.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited October 2011 Posts: 15,711
    Theme songs from 1997-2008 = The nadir of Bond music. Where has the magic of AVTAK, Nobody does it better, All time high, LALD, DAF, GF, TB, YOLT gone ? The only song I liked from 1995-2008 was GE, with Surrender being passable.
  • Theme songs from 1997-2008 = The nadir of Bond music. Where has the magic of AVTAK, Nobody does it better, All time high, LALD, DAF, GF, TB, YOLT gone ? The only song I liked from 1995-2008 was GE, with Surrender being passable.</blockquote

    I disagree. I thought TWINE tried capturing the tone of the films you mention above, and personally, "You know my name" was one of the better title songs in a decades.

  • Posts: 1,310
    Best songs of the franchise for me:

    Goldfinger, Live and Let Die, Nobody Does It Better, A View to a Kill and You Know My Name. I'll throw in Surrender, too, even though it wasn't a main title song. (It should have been though)

    I'll agree that the Bond songs, in general, were better 20 or 30 years ago than they are now (although I love Cornell's 'You Know My Name'). I find nothing remarkable from GE, TND or TWINE....they're not BAD songs, mind you, but just unmemorable. Madonna's Die Another Day was mind numbingly bad, and I just don't get Another Way to Die. For the record, AWTD works with QOS's title sequence...but when I listen to the song by itself, something is really off. It almost seems like Alicia Keys and Jack White are singing off key (especially when they are singing together). And what is with the ending, 'Yeah...yeaaahhh.....YEEEAAAAAAHHH-AYYY!' from Alicia Keys? It sounds like she was reaching her climax or something. That song is just so bizarre.

    I don't think Adele is a bad choice at all. She has a somewhat unique quality to her voice that would be well suited for Bond. I think she could for sure give us a better song than 'Another Way to Die'!!!!!! But then again, so could many.....

    Anyway, I'd be fine with Adele doing the theme.
  • 007007
    Posts: 42
    I am not sure when they record the title song, but this may mean Adele won't be singing it....

    Adele has been forced to cancel her 2011 shows in order to “undergo surgery” on her throat.

    The 23-year-old singer has been diagnosed with a vocal cord haemorrhage. Adele will not be able to perform for the rest of the year as a result.

    "[Adele] is to undergo surgery to alleviate the current issues with her throat and a full recovery is expected,” read a statement released on her behalf.

    “As a result, doctors have ordered her to rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments."

    Adele is not happy with having to cancel her shows, which would have seen her performing across the UK this autumn.

    "It is with deep regret that Adele has been forced to cancel her remaining live dates and promotional appearances in 2011,” the statement read further.

    Adele has had issues with her throat all year long. She cancelled a 10-date tour of US shows earlier this month and was battling illness throughout the summer.

    The singer’s voice is expected to heal entirely if she rests thoroughly throughout the remainder of the year. Adele will not risk permanent damage to her vocal chords.

    "I have absolutely no choice but to recuperate properly and fully, or I risk damaging my voice forever," the songstress said on her website earlier this month when her US performances were cancelled.

    "Singing is literally my life - it's my hobby, my love, my freedom and now my job."

  • Posts: 1,894
    Yeah, that's already been posted.
  • she has a year before the film comes out - so say give her about 9 to 10 months to recover. She'll be fine. I wonder if it's in the can already?

  • Posts: 9,841
    i wonder if someone besides Adele does the theme how many will be surprised and say "but I thought is was confirmed Adele is doing it"
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 2,782

    Another lady popped up in the rumor mill at post-production moving picture company. I was there today and some engineers were talking about this band and 007, plus they these guys did some work on Bond films in the past. Maybe Risico you are right?

    I prefer this lady as an alternative to Adele:

  • Posts: 5,745

    I never thought of Florence and the Machine.
    Shes interesting, and very talented. She, of course, is Florence, but the Machine is the title of whatever band a certain song of her requires. She doesn't have specific band mates, usually just one group per album to create a certain sound.

    I think she'd do very good with an orchestra!
    I'm thinking her over Adele right about now.. but I'd be happy with either.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,189
    I won't elaborate but i don't want this singer as the next artist to do Bond, Duran again is an interesting idea, it worked back in 1985 as they were one of the biggest acts on the planet at the time and fitted in with Moore as Bond but in todays day and age and with Craig as 007 something stands out they just wouldn't seem appropriate in todays climate or for a 2012 release

    All I ask if something above the absolute chicken litter they came up with for QOS, bring us back something like what Cornell gave us, or even bring Garbage back if they can, after all, a good Bond theme can play an important part to what the overall impression is to some people

    Have you hears Adele sing? Man she is awesome. I defy you to give one musical reason why she can't do it.

    I hope she's fit and able to give us a belter of a song. My hairs on the back of my er back are standing on eand just thinking about it.

    Can't wait for the be confirmed.
    As @forgot I too got the impression you never heard any Adele songs. I'm only 31 and am often accused of beeing at least 72 as I dislike many modern singers. However, Adele is clearly not your average ' chicken litter', as you call it. This woman has a voice, singing quality and personality not parrallelled by any modern artist. She SHOULD do the Bond23 song.
  • Hey Commander I think you've got your briefing wrong. I love Adele. Just check back and place peoples quotes with the right people. Cheers.
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 940
    More weight to the Skyfall theme: (no pun intended) ;)

    Adele has suggested that she will release a brand new song by the end of the year, further strengthening rumours she will record the official theme song for the next James Bond film.

    Speaking to French radio station NRJ over the weekend, Adele discussed the future of her career and rumours that she may take five years out to make the follow up to her album '21'.

    Denying this, Adele said: "I'm not going on a break for that long! I have to write another record, if I didn't write my own songs i'd be out next week with a new album, but because I write my own songs I have to take time and live a little bit. There was a good two years between my first and second album, so it will be the same this time."

    "There will be a new song probably coming out at the end of the year, and then it depends how quickly I write some new songs - but it won't be for a good two years."

    Adele previously suggested she might be making the official Skyfall theme during an interview with Jonathan Ross last year.

    Meanwhile, it has been claimed that Adele has lost over a stone in weight since she turned vegetarian at the start of the year.

    Thanks for the link to this page @Samuel001.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The name of this thread is misleading. The title suggests that she is factually linked to doing the song. What we know now about her is exactly the same to what we knew last year.
  • Posts: 469
    Still could be a duet and my money is still on Sir Tom Jones
  • Posts: 12,837
    Now they're back, I wouldn't mind the Stone Roses doing a bond theme.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Oh goodness I hope not! If that's the case, I'll probably never even watch the main titles except for when I see it in theaters, and even then I might go out of the theater to be spared from the torture!
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 2,598
    I heard them ripping the p**s out of this (Adele only recording one song before the end of the year) on the radio and one of the DJ's said "don't over do it Adele!" LOL.
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