Which Is the Most Atmospheric Bond Film?

edited January 2014 in Bond Movies Posts: 2,483
By "atmospheric," I mean that the film creates a certain mood through music, production and cinematography, and sustains that mood throughout the duration of the picture. Atmospheres can be gloomy, cheerful, tense, carefree and a host of other descriptors.

My nomination is Thunderball. As I see it, this film creates an atmosphere that is simultaneously mysterious, ominous and glamorous, and maintains it virtually to the last frame. And to me, this is the film's strong suit and a prime reason I rate it as a near classic.


  • Posts: 11,425
    Not sure. FRWL? But the most stratospheric has to MR ;)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    I can't do 'The' most; I'll just say that GF, TB & TLD were the most 'atmospheric' IMO.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,087
    It would have to be MR for me. Barry's magnificent score pulls me into 'space' from the PTS's first few seconds. The music we hear when the two shuttle thieves appear is enough to make me feel like I'm floating amongst the stars. The main theme of the film is another victory IMO. The smooth, sexy musical outlines of that song continuously remind me throughout the film that we will end up in space. Even in California, Venice or Brazil, MR pulls me in a 'spacey' adventure. I adore MR's atmosphere and I'm not ashamed to admit that.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    FRWL and TB easily.
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 12,837
    Skyfall's last act (the Scotland bit, from when they first arrive right up to the finale) creates an atmosphere of doom, you know something bad is going to happen. There's also really tense atmosphere when Bond is trying to get to the bomb in Octopussy.

    Also, in Goldfinger, the bit in the vault with Oddjob. Not exactly the fight itself, but before that, when Bonds dragging the bomb along and then spots Oddjob. There's no music, just complete silence, and it helps create a really tense atmosphere when Oddjob starts running down towards Bond.
  • DarthDimi wrote:
    It would have to be MR for me. Barry's magnificent score pulls me into 'space' from the PTS's first few seconds. The music we hear when the two shuttle thieves appear is enough to make me feel like I'm floating amongst the stars. The main theme of the film is another victory IMO. The smooth, sexy musical outlines of that song continuously remind me throughout the film that we will end up in space. Even in California, Venice or Brazil, MR pulls me in a 'spacey' adventure. I adore MR's atmosphere and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

    An interesting choice, and not a bad one at that.

  • edited January 2014 Posts: 11,189
    Goldeneye is pretty atmospheric I think with the whole grey cold-war feel.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.
  • Posts: 5,745
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Goldeneye is pretty atmospheric I think with the whole grey cold-war feel.


    1. Goldeneye
    2. Goldfinger
    3. From Russia With Love

    GE has the look, locations, characters, and sound that just magically come together and pull you in.
  • Murdock wrote:
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.

    Nah. That's just the bean dip and sour kraut you were consuming.

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,087
    DarthDimi wrote:
    It would have to be MR for me. Barry's magnificent score pulls me into 'space' from the PTS's first few seconds. The music we hear when the two shuttle thieves appear is enough to make me feel like I'm floating amongst the stars. The main theme of the film is another victory IMO. The smooth, sexy musical outlines of that song continuously remind me throughout the film that we will end up in space. Even in California, Venice or Brazil, MR pulls me in a 'spacey' adventure. I adore MR's atmosphere and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

    An interesting choice, and not a bad one at that.

    Thanks, @Perilagu_Khan. MR has always been an atmospheric film for me. I know exactly how I want to experience it. At home, preferably alone, at night, lights out, volume up. I understand its flaws, but I nevertheless consider it a work of art in several departments.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
    Murdock wrote:
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.

    Nah. That's just the bean dip and sour kraut you were consuming.

    Yuck and Double Yuck! But seriously. Taking the story away for a minute.

    You have the PTS. It's been washed of color, it'd dull and foggy. The atmosphere it gives off is a depressing look at the life of a mad war hungry tyrant in the scary country of North Korea.

    Then you have the very sunny Havana Cuba. You can feel the warm tropical air hit your skin and make your day happy while sitting on a beach enjoying a Mojito.

    Next we have London, Which is portrayed as grey and dull much like the Sequences of North Korea, but it also has the feel of a cold morning as we have to go back to work. Much like Bond about to go back to work with MI6 and investigate Graves.

    Then we come to Iceland. The fantasy really comes here. It's a cold winter land filled with the color of Neon lights and harsh Blue's. Evil disguised by Nature and comes full circle once you get under the Bio Dome's of Grave's lair.

    Coming around fill circle back to where we started. North Korea.

  • Posts: 15,024
    FRWL and TB for me.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,480
    atmospheric - something I do enjoy a lot in a Bond film :

    1) You Only Live Twice
    2) Skyfall
    3) From Russia With Love
  • Murdock wrote:
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.

    Nah. That's just the bean dip and sauerkraut you were consuming.

    =)). That was exactly what I was thinking. If atmosphere equaled flatulence...

    I'll also go with YOLT.

  • edited January 2014 Posts: 2,341
    I would like to cast my vote for

    The love theme and that haunting main title for the former and the moody space march music along with the Japanese sounds for the latter.
  • Murdock wrote:
    Murdock wrote:
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.

    Nah. That's just the bean dip and sour kraut you were consuming.

    Yuck and Double Yuck! But seriously. Taking the story away for a minute.

    You have the PTS. It's been washed of color, it'd dull and foggy. The atmosphere it gives off is a depressing look at the life of a mad war hungry tyrant in the scary country of North Korea.

    Then you have the very sunny Havana Cuba. You can feel the warm tropical air hit your skin and make your day happy while sitting on a beach enjoying a Mojito.

    Next we have London, Which is portrayed as grey and dull much like the Sequences of North Korea, but it also has the feel of a cold morning as we have to go back to work. Much like Bond about to go back to work with MI6 and investigate Graves.

    Then we come to Iceland. The fantasy really comes here. It's a cold winter land filled with the color of Neon lights and harsh Blue's. Evil disguised by Nature and comes full circle once you get under the Bio Dome's of Grave's lair.

    Coming around fill circle back to where we started. North Korea.

    For me, a film's atmosphere should be coherent and sustained. If the atmosphere changes substantially from setting to setting, the effect is disrupted and I don't get an overarching tone that defines the film.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
    Murdock wrote:
    Murdock wrote:
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.

    Nah. That's just the bean dip and sour kraut you were consuming.

    Yuck and Double Yuck! But seriously. Taking the story away for a minute.

    You have the PTS. It's been washed of color, it'd dull and foggy. The atmosphere it gives off is a depressing look at the life of a mad war hungry tyrant in the scary country of North Korea.

    Then you have the very sunny Havana Cuba. You can feel the warm tropical air hit your skin and make your day happy while sitting on a beach enjoying a Mojito.

    Next we have London, Which is portrayed as grey and dull much like the Sequences of North Korea, but it also has the feel of a cold morning as we have to go back to work. Much like Bond about to go back to work with MI6 and investigate Graves.

    Then we come to Iceland. The fantasy really comes here. It's a cold winter land filled with the color of Neon lights and harsh Blue's. Evil disguised by Nature and comes full circle once you get under the Bio Dome's of Grave's lair.

    Coming around fill circle back to where we started. North Korea.

    For me, a film's atmosphere should be coherent and sustained. If the atmosphere changes substantially from setting to setting, the effect is disrupted and I don't get an overarching tone that defines the film.

    That's not what's being debated. I was just pointing out that Die Another Day has atmosphere too.
  • Posts: 15,024
    Murdock wrote:
    Murdock wrote:
    Die Another Day gives off some interesting Atmosphere at times.

    Nah. That's just the bean dip and sour kraut you were consuming.

    Yuck and Double Yuck! But seriously. Taking the story away for a minute.

    You have the PTS. It's been washed of color, it'd dull and foggy. The atmosphere it gives off is a depressing look at the life of a mad war hungry tyrant in the scary country of North Korea.

    Then you have the very sunny Havana Cuba. You can feel the warm tropical air hit your skin and make your day happy while sitting on a beach enjoying a Mojito.

    Next we have London, Which is portrayed as grey and dull much like the Sequences of North Korea, but it also has the feel of a cold morning as we have to go back to work. Much like Bond about to go back to work with MI6 and investigate Graves.

    Then we come to Iceland. The fantasy really comes here. It's a cold winter land filled with the color of Neon lights and harsh Blue's. Evil disguised by Nature and comes full circle once you get under the Bio Dome's of Grave's lair.

    Coming around fill circle back to where we started. North Korea.

    For me, a film's atmosphere should be coherent and sustained. If the atmosphere changes substantially from setting to setting, the effect is disrupted and I don't get an overarching tone that defines the film.

    Exactly. And I don't think DAD has much atmosphere, it is all very superficial, very much like a pop videoclip. Compare this to TB, which has a real sense of place.
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,314
    FRWL, TB, YOLT, and MR would be my picks. It's amazing the places that Barry's score can take you. He truly is the integral part of the Bond formula that can never be replaced. He will be forever missed.
  • Seven_Point_Six_FiveSeven_Point_Six_Five Southern California
    edited January 2014 Posts: 1,257
    Skyfall's last act (the Scotland bit, from when they first arrive right up to the finale) creates an atmosphere of doom, you know something bad is going to happen.

    I agree. I don't know if its just the recency effect, but Skyfall is the first that come to mind. Particularly the scene where Bond says to M "Storms coming" as they they look over the valley. Then the beautiful sweeping cinematography as the DB5 barrels down the highway. And finally when they roll through the gate at Skyfall. The cinematography, music, and environmental sound effects really create an excellent atmosphere.

    The Shanghai scenes are great too. Great music and cinematography. .

    I love the blue hue on the freeways in this scene.

  • I find DRNO quite atmospheric. The soundtrack has a number of leitmotifs and quirky audio cues and the mystery and suspense of the main villain is gradually escalated as the story progresses. Of course by the time the villain is unveiled there's not really much film left for him to do very much, but the build up is one of the best in the series.
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,185
    Octopussy is very atmospheric from where I'm standing.
  • To me it would have to Skyfall. The whole movie is very atmospheric but @TheLivingRoyale hit the nail on the head about the final act. Everything that takes place in Scotland has an eerie and uncomfortable quietness to it. Something bad is going to happen and we have to await for it with our hero in a desolate old house in the middle of nowhere. One of my favorite sections from any Bond film.
  • My nomination is Thunderball. As I see it, this film creates an atmosphere that is simultaneously mysterious, ominous and glamorous, and maintains it virtually to the last frame. And to me, this is the film's strong suit and a prime reason I rate it as a near classic.

    Agreed on this one. What really sold it for me was when Barry's orchestra does the big DUN-DUUNNNNN everytime they show the bombs.

    Another one I feel really sucks you into its world is TWINE. I loved the cool yet classy, exciting, modern feel. I liked getting to know Elektra and seeing her and Bond's relationship develop, and when she was revealed to be the villain I was genuinely shocked the first time I saw, and from there the film does a great job with Elektra's plan being revealed and coming together. When Christmas talks smart-talk it drags it down a bit, but thankfully those scenes are sparse.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    I guess I need to add YOLT to my list...
  • Posts: 1,817
    I think it's SF but YOLT, OHMSS and GE come pretty close. Also, I don't know why but AVTAK has some an interesting atmosphere at times, for example when Stacy is driving home and Bond is following her. But perhaps I'm just extending too much the concept of atmospheric and it's just the great music I find in AVTAK what I appreciate.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,476
    I've always found GE to be the most atmospheric, due to its Cold War themes and even colder synth tracks.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Good idea @Perilagu_Khan

    YOLT - the first half hour, especially. So full of intrigue. One can tell this is "the big one"

    LALD - Great atmosphere, very colourful, what with it's voodoo elements, 70's fashion and Martin's funky score.

    MR - see @DarthDimi's excellent post above.

    TLD - the last of the cold war Bond's. Full of deadly earnest and intrigue, plus one has Dalton as Bond, the last score by the inimitable Barry and a cunning plot, which all combines to be one of the most atmospheric Bonds.

    GE - Post cold war, put Bond is deviantly the same, and proves his worth. The scenes in Russia are the most atmospheric - cold, grey and steely. Although I dislike his score, Serra's synth sounds make this unique.

    QoS - bleak ambience.


    FRWL - One gets the villains plot early on. It's up to Bond to try and escape the deadly machinations. And to top it all of, the screenplay is full of danger, intrigue, romance and complexity, put together with care and class.
  • Good calls on LALD and QOS, royale65. The former has that gritty, urban 70s vibe, and the latter is indeed bleak. Depressing even.
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