The ROGER MOORE Appreciation thread - Discuss His Life, His Career, His Bond Films

NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
edited February 2017 in Actors Posts: 7,582
For an actor who was Bond for so long, there are very few discussions going on that involve the man they call 'Sir Rog'.

He was Bond for the longest time and the most films. His Bond films were box office smashes. They were light with a few dark shades, but they defined James Bond for a generation.

I would love to see some appreciation for 'Sir Rog' on this thread, but it's all about discussion so the nay sayers must contribute as well. After all he probably divides fans more than any other actor(including Timothy Dalton who seems to get alot more forum time than Rog).

If it hadn't been for a couple of Brozzer Bonds then Sir Rog would be well and truly out on a limb as the 'comedy Bond' despite the fact Moore himself generally played it straight (eg Moonraker - all the chaotic comedy happened around him).

So, join in to discuss where he got it right, where he got it wrong, and what sort of legacy the man has left us.


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2012 Posts: 15,708
    Perfection one walked upon this earth...... Roger Moore !!!

    The gods gave us a wonderful gift on the cold day of the 14th of October 1927..... the birth of the most amazing human being !!

    Sir Rog (he was born a Sir), quickly proved he was a fantastic person. An immense actor, a great comedian with a knack for perfect comedic timing, and his cult classic eyebrow.

    little Sir Rog didn't have any problem with women - he easily charmed and rogerized all the girls in his elementary school, his high school, university and acting school - which was the perfect training to become the utimate woman charmer !!!

    All his teachers at school told him he was going to do great things..... which turned out to be true when Sir Rog illuminated our screens with 'Ivanhoe'.

    Then Sir Rog joined the all time greats when he played in 'The Saint.'

    But his real 'plat de consistance' was his role of James Bond. He made the role his own, and he become a mega ultra star !! young boys all across the world wanted to be him, and women of all age all over the world wanted him in their beds !!

    Sir Rog has an amazing filmography, with such immense films like North Sea Hijack, The Man Who Haunted Himself, The Wild Geese, The Persuaders!, Escape from Athena !!!!

    In his later life, Sir Rog become the ultimate gentleman, and made some amazing humanitarian work - where he single-handidly helped save hundreds of thousands of child from evil hands of child traffickers.

    Sir Rog is more than just a man. He is Sir Rog, the most amazing human being !!

    I, and everyone on this planet are grateful that Sir Rog has graced us with his incredible and perfect presence for the past 84 years.

    Here's to many more, Sir Rog !!!!!!! :) =D>
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 12,837
    He's no Dalton or Brosnan, but Moore was great Bond. Not only did he make some great Bond films (TSWLM is in my top 5, and TWMTGG, OP and LALD are also good), he was also the first actor to really change the part and make it his own. He was great at one liners and he always seemed to have fun.

    He's my 3rd favourite out of all the Bond actors. A great guy in real life too.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 13,355
    I would argue he's the only actor to have left a long shadow on Bond as he did seven films, with no breaks (unlike Connery...). He makes up a huge part of the series' outings.

    A great guy, yes and often played Bond straighter than the public make out. Not as 'smug' as they like to believe.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Sir Roger, the 3rd most charming person to walk this planet.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,582
    Certainly when he took the part on he wasn't the slightest bit phased by Bond or the history of the franchise. It looks like a huge burden on the shoulders of Brosnan and Dalton, but Moore took it all in his stride and embraced the part.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,708
    Sir Roger, the 3rd most charming person to walk this planet.

    Who might the other 2 be ? ( for me Sir Rog is 1st, with Murray Walker 2nd).
  • Posts: 1,052
    I think my opinion of Sir Rog is well known by now, too me he is Bond.

    I think maybe a lot of people form an opinion based on MR being daft and AVTAK where is was knocking on in years, so his entire reign is classed as being a parody but to me LALD, TMWTGG, TSWLM, FYEO and OP are as good as anything in the series!
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 13,355
    Sir Roger, the 3rd most charming person to walk this planet.

    Who might the other 2 be ? ( for me Sir Rog is 1st, with Murray Walker 2nd).

    Major Smythe and Lady Smythe?
  • When I was growing up Sir Roger Moore for me was James Bond...there was that other not the other fella...but the other fella Sean Connery who I always thought of as the old fashioned James Bond!...The films with him in were not as cool or as action packed or as fun...Obviously as you get older your tastes change. However even today all of Sir Roger's films are highly entertaining and you can see that he was enjoying every single minute of playing James Bond. I think he made a huge contribution to the universe of 007 and a lot of his films are iconic. I don't like to rate the actors playing Bond - I think their films fit into the eras that they were produced and each actor has their own take on the character. Moores Bond fitted the 70's and early 80's well. I enjoy Moore as Bond and some of his films are some of my favourites in the series. I honestly think Sir Roger would have loved to have continued playing Bond...
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Perfection one walked upon this earth...... Roger Moore !!!

    The gods gave us a wonderful gift on the cold day of the 14th of October 1927..... the birth of the most amazing human being !!

    Sir Rog (he was born a Sir), quickly proved he was a fantastic person. An immense actor, a great comedian with a knack for perfect comedic timing, and his cult classic eyebrow.

    little Sir Rog didn't have any problem with women - he easily charmed and rogerized all the girls in his elementary school, his high school, university and acting school - which was the perfect training to become the utimate woman charmer !!!

    All his teachers at school told him he was going to do great things..... which turned out to be true when Sir Rog illuminated our screens with 'Ivanhoe'.

    Then Sir Rog joined the all time greats when he played in 'The Saint.'

    But his real 'plat de consistance' was his role of James Bond. He made the role his own, and he become a mega ultra star !! young boys all across the world wanted to be him, and women of all age all over the world wanted him in their beds !!

    Sir Rog has an amazing filmography, with such immense films like North Sea Hijack, The Man Who Haunted Himself, The Wild Geese, The Persuaders!, Escape from Athena !!!!

    In his later life, Sir Rog become the ultimate gentleman, and made some amazing humanitarian work - where he single-handidly helped save hundreds of thousands of child from evil hands of child traffickers.

    Sir Rog is more than just a man. He is Sir Rog, the most amazing human being !!

    I, and everyone on this planet are grateful that Sir Rog has graced us with his incredible and perfect presence for the past 84 years.

    Here's to many more, Sir Rog !!!!!!! :) =D>

    Good to see you've written his eulogy. I truly hope you're invited to the funeral. When the man finally dies (at around the same time as the Queen, when we crash into the sun), at least he can die knowing that at least one human being on the planet saw him as a god.

    Now for the actual appreciation.

    Moore was a good Bond (I will not call him great. That is reserved for Connery and Craig. Good for Brosnan, Dalton and Moore, and decent for Lazenby). My first Bond film was a Moore film (Live and Let Die). My first favorite was a Moore film (The Spy Who Loved Me). My first despised was a Moore film (at the time, A View to a Kill, but I've warmed up to that film in the last few years). If I'd played a Bond game with Moore in it, then my first everything regarding Bond (besides novels) would have involved Moore in some way. The Bond franchise couldn't have continued without Moore. By the same token, it also couldn't have continued if he hadn't left the role. Personally, I think he should have dropped out after Octopussy, but only because I've never liked that film.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Who might the other 2 be ? ( for me Sir Rog is 1st, with Murray Walker 2nd).

    Put it this way, there is no number 2. Terry-Thomas is number one due to him being infinitely charming and downright awesome. Because of that, anyone that follows in his wake as #2 would be vapourised. Hence Sir Rog as #3.

    I bet you all thougt i'd say Dalton, didn't you. :P I like Tim as an actor and Bond, but we're talking charm, and T-T is the ultimate embodiment of that.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,708
    Now for the actual appreciation.

    My post was an actual appreciation. maybe a bit exaggerated, but we are talking about Sir Rog ;)
  • Posts: 11,189
    As it stands in 2012 Moore is probably my second or third fav behind Connery and possibly Craig. One can't fault his utterly charming utterly Entertaining persona but it occurred to me the other day, sometimes it feels like I'm watching Roger Moore first and Bond second. He just looks and acts too much like...Roger Moore :p

    True he played it straight more often than people think but still, his voice, his smirk, his little grunts when fighting.

    Enough criticism. Moore himself is awesome and, of all the Bonds, he is easily the one I'd like to meet the most. I actually did once at a talk/book signing where I shook his hand. I remember my body shaking as I was waiting in line :p
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Now for the actual appreciation.

    My post was an actual appreciation. maybe a bit exaggerated, but we are talking about Sir Rog ;)

    Your post was a glorified "Best Man" speech. "A bit exaggerated" doesn't even come close to what you wrote.
  • Posts: 11,425
    NicNac wrote:
    For an actor who was Bond for so long, there are very few discussions going on that involve the man they call 'Sir Rog'.

    He was Bond for the longest time and the most films. His Bond films were box office smashes. They were light with a few dark shades, but they defined James Bond for a generation.

    I would love to see some appreciation for 'Sir Rog' on this thread, but it's all about discussion so the nay sayers must contribute as well. After all he probably divides fans more than any other actor(including Timothy Dalton who seems to get alot more forum time than Rog).

    If it hadn't been for a couple of Brozzer Bonds then Sir Rog would be well and truly out on a limb as the 'comedy Bond' despite the fact Moore himself generally played it straight (eg Moonraker - all the chaotic comedy happened around him).

    So, join in to discuss where he got it right, where he got it wrong, and what sort of legacy the man has left us.

    For me the reason there is so little discussion around him is because he was so self-evidently awesome. What moore is there to say?
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 13,978
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Enough criticism. Moore himself is awesome and, of all the Bonds, he is easily the one I'd like to meet the most. I actually did once at a talk/book signing where I shook his hand. I remember my body shaking as I was waiting in line :p

    Don't let Brosnan see that. ;)
  • Posts: 11,189
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Enough criticism. Moore himself is awesome and, of all the Bonds, he is easily the one I'd like to meet the most. I actually did once at a talk/book signing where I shook his hand. I remember my body shaking as I was waiting in line :p

    Don't let Brosnan see that. ;)

    I'd probably shake much more if I met Broz. He was my childhood idol afterall.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Not my favorite as many know, but Sir Rog is a real class act. A charming chap who seems to be one of the kindest men on the face of the earth. I respect him for his charity work, and his dedication and love in participating in Bond-related events. He truly adores the character and holds no grudges against EON, which is more than can be said for other Bonds.
  • Posts: 12,526
    OMG ladies and gents! I have just reserved tickets to An Evening with Sir Roger Moore! I am so excited! Never thought i would get the opportunity to perhaps meet him let alone see him in person! \m/

    It's actually also a joint treat for my Mum who is deaf and unable to speak, and also bless her has a few memory issues. I have literally just this minute told her and her face lit up and her eyes!

    This will be awesome as it was my mum who introduced me to Bond with Live And Let Die all those years ago! What a special treat for both of us it will be! No idea how these things work? But frankly i don't care. Sir Roger is a very man indeed especially will all his good work that he does with UNICEF.

    October is gonna be a very special month! Its at the Forum theatre Malvern for any fan living nearby?
  • Posts: 1,092
    A True Bond Legend. Moore was awesome and my favorite man to ever wear the tux. Even when his films weren't the greatest (and I can admit some were subpar) HE was great. His command of the role grew and grew with each film. He was too old in AVTAK but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm glad he did seven films. I'm glad he hung on for as long as possible.

    His films are the most fun b/c he was fun and his enjoyment of what he was doing came through in every frame.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
    Sir Rog is in my top 3 of Bond actors, He's been some of my favorite bond films and never disappointed. His acting was always top notch and the fun of a film was always in the movies he starred in. here's to you ROGER MOORE! :-bd
  • Posts: 299
    In all fairness, he is easily the worst choice of all six actors to play this part. He just doesn't fit it at all, not whatsoever. And yet, in his own way, he fits it perfectly. That's because he didn't become James Bond, but rather, he made James Bond into Roger Moore. And to his credit, it was a joy to watch. Will always have a special place in my heart for his Bond. It was certainly a lot of fun. And as far Sir Rog, the person... what's not to admire?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited June 2012 Posts: 28,694
    I haven't ever heard a single person say "I personally hate Roger Moore".

    Now that is special.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,087
    Roger Moore is a wonderful man, a great humanitarian and a fine actor even though he himself might disagree with the latter. He's not the greatest Bond that ever graced the screen IMO but the man behind the role is the greatest of them all for sure.
  • Posts: 1,492
    Although I rate Craig and Dalton higher I cannot but help but have a warm glow when thinking of Roger Moore.

    He's in my favourite films and to be frank the five Rog films I saw when they came out each summer were a big part of my youth. They were big spectacles. You knew what you were getting. It was all up there up on screen and he took the role and shook it by the scruff of the neck. Bond was never the same after Rog took the role. Of course he was playing Roger Moore. If they cast him as Richard III he'd play it as Roger Moore. Every role he has had has been Roger Moore.

    But there is a warmth to his portrayal. There is a gentleness, an affability which is utterly unfleming but seems to work. When he comforts Melina in FYEO about her parents death or gently admits to killing Anyas lover in TSWLM. He, in his last three films, could be tough. John Glen put a boot up Rogs' arse in FYEO, OP and AVTAK in a way we don't see under Lewis Gilbert or Guy Hamilton. And they are his best scenes.

    But he also looked the part. A truly charming man. Watching him being interviewed he just disarms interviews with that famous sense of humour. He's not perfect. He walked out on two wives leaving them to have breakdowns. But the warmth and charm of the man just sets himself up as one of the great Bonds.

    One of the great human beings. We were lucky to have him.
  • Posts: 11,189
    actonsteve wrote:
    Although I rate Craig and Dalton higher I cannot but help but have a warm glow when thinking of Roger Moore.

    He's in my favourite films and to be frank the five Rog films I saw when they came out each summer were a big part of my youth. They were big spectacles. You knew what you were getting. It was all up there up on screen and he took the role and shook it by the scruff of the neck. Bond was never the same after Rog took the role. Of course he was playing Roger Moore. If they cast him as Richard III he'd play it as Roger Moore. Every role he has had has been Roger Moore.

    But there is a warmth to his portrayal. There is a gentleness, an affability which is utterly unfleming but seems to work. When he comforts Melina in FYEO about her parents death or gently admits to killing Anyas lover in TSWLM. He, in his last three films, could be tough. John Glen put a boot up Rogs' arse in FYEO, OP and AVTAK in a way we don't see under Lewis Gilbert or Guy Hamilton. And they are his best scenes.

    But he also looked the part. A truly charming man. Watching him being interviewed he just disarms interviews with that famous sense of humour. He's not perfect. He walked out on two wives leaving them to have breakdowns. But the warmth and charm of the man just sets himself up as one of the great Bonds.

    One of the great human beings. We were lucky to have him.

    Once again, great post. It'll be a sad day when the man passes.

    I didn't mean to ne critical of RM earlier. All I meant was, at one point or another, I could look at the other actors and say "that's James Bond" rather than Sean Connery, Daniel Craig, Tim, Pierce etc. I'm not sure why but with Moore I'm not sure I've had that (at least not as much).
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 40,867
    @DaltonCraig007, nice to see someone with such love for Moore as I have for Brosnan.

    I loved Moore's films, and they rank high up with some of my Bond favorites. With every new Bond comes a new persona, Moore had a very comedic, laid back approach to Bond that we haven't seen in a long, long time, it feels like, and I love that he had the opportunity to show us what he could bring to the table for those films he was in. I hope we do see a bit more comedy in SF, would be a nice touch.
  • Posts: 1,548
    While he's my 6th favourite Bond, by all accounts RM is a top bloke to work with and obviously does alot of good things in this world. So fair play to the geezer/
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Maybe not the best on-screen Bond, but definitely the best off-screen Bond.
  • Posts: 5,634
    Not my favorite Bond by any distance, and not the best Bond by an ever greater distance, but I went to see most of his releases in theaters at the time from 1973-85 and all said, as an individual, Roger Moore is a stand up guy, a man of real substance and all round gentleman but his James Bond tenure was a bit of a disappointment for me, started off well, but after For Your Eyes Only, Agent 007 just degenerated into farce and ass clown antics and well, Moore was playing the part, and that's where we have to look to. Obviously the greatest 'humor Bond' of the six, but there were some genuine cold moments and seriousness here and there, no need to elaborate as we are all aware of the instances in question

    Roger Moore wasn't the best Bond, never was, never will be, but what he did provide in the series were some damn fine releases and good action sequences, it was a bit of a mixed bag all said, inbetween the stupid dumb tarzan yells, sitting tigers, double taking pigeons and alligator suits, there was some tangible evidences of the character that Fleming would of been proud of

    Moore is well worth an appreciation, if there hasn't been one done already ?

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