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Surrey, England
Last Active
Surrey, England
Favourite Fleming Novel
From Russia With Love
Favourite Bond Film
Favourite Bond Actor
Sean Connery


  • Well, yes, it is just about possible that the facility was big enough to stretch from the bottom of a mountain to the top. 007 and 008 infiltrated it from the lower level. For some reason, 007 decided to bungee down to the lower level (where he woul…
  • But surely "contrived stunts" is a part of the appeal of 007? That would be like criticising a carry on film for being politically incorrect or that Fifty Shades as being a a bit naughty
  • The "take the shot" scene doesn't bother me as much as the whole idea of the bad guy allowing himself to be caught so that he will be imprisoned in exactly the spot that he wants and then being able to time a bomb just right so it brings a tube trai…
  • The GE plan jump isn't impossible? So picture the scene ... our highly trained super spy throws himself off the edge of a cliff, gambling that he will be able to catch up with a falling plane. All it takes is for the stick to be off-centre, f…
  • Surely it's the motorbike into a falling plane stunt from Goldeneye? With just about everything else you can say "well, yeah, maybe..." but catching up with a diving plane from a motorbike? That has to be James Bond's fridge moment.,
  • Sad to lose him but 93 is a pretty good innings. One of very few actors to move effortlessly from one major film series to another. Dracula, Bond, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit. A feat nearly (but not quite) equalled by Hugo Weaving an…
  • Today is the last day of the free giveaway for Global Domination for Beginners. So if you were wondering about whether to take the plunge or not, now is the time to decide.
  • You haven't offered any evidence for the existence of America. You say that there is overwhelming evidence, so where is it? Remember, according to your logic, the burden of proof is with the person making the positive assertion. You are making the p…
  • No, you need to prove an assertion whether it is positive or negative. I could claim that ... oh, let's make one up ... I could claim that America doesn't exist. That's a negative, so according to your definition I don't need to prove it. Right, …
  • Sorry, but I can't agree with that. None of us can get inside each other's heads and appreciate what we do and do not know. No-one apart from the Pope can appreciate what the Pope knows, just as no-one apart from me can say what I know. Decisive …
  • Well true. But we also know that people can become indoctrinated by their parents or environment. Children in particular are susceptible to this. So we can't rely on people discarding their religion if their childhood indoctrination is too strong…
  • Per fine ounce. Damn, but that was subtle!
  • Bless you, bless you! Hope you enjoy it. Can I ask a favour? Whether you love it or hate it, can you let me know please? The only way I can get better at this writing thing is if people tell me what they think.
  • Just so that I can be sure, which hell are we talking about? The Greek underworld, the Old Testament underworld or the New Testament place of punishment? And is this hell of those hells that comes equipped with a limbo and/ or a purgatory? A prot…
  • Ah, the old Winston Churchill quote! Always good to see that. It's like meeting an old friend again. The other Churchill quote about democracy that isn't so well known is this: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation wi…
  • Well, when you are thinking up a pen name, you've just got to choose one that sounds like it could come out of a Bond film, don't you? My name, is Once. Will Once. Or ... I see you met my bodyguard, Mr Once. He can't speak, but he is absolutel…
  • Dragonpol wrote: » Welcome aboard @Will_Once. Please tell us more about your book! :) Thanks for being so understanding and welcoming! Here goes... Global Domination for Beginners is the James Bond story told from the other side. What w…
  • For me, James Bond needs to both smooth and brutal. He needs to be immaculate in a DJ, but then have no qualms about strangling a man to death with his own tie. He should be equally at home in an expensive casino or roughing it in the jungle. Ro…
  • There was a DB5 in Skyfall. Complete with an the ejector button. The new Q gives 007 a tracking device which was bigger than the one that the old Q gave him in Goldfinger. The history is a fundamental part of a James Bond story. So I reckon th…
  • Hello. I'm new here. Author and a James Bond fan for more years than I would like to admit to. I've written a spy spoof story which will be free on kindle in the next couple of days. Would the Mods mind if I tell people about it? I don't want to …