Andrew Scott as Denbigh



  • Posts: 14,958
    antovolk wrote: »
    mnhettia wrote: »
    so Andrew is a cheap substitute for chitewl fajhnor! great! thanks Sony!
    actually according to the email Mendes *wanted* Scott, and Sony wanted Chitewel, and after Mendes pitched Scott Sony went "oh, turns out he's cheaper too"
    Well, I'd rather have Scott than Ejiofor, not only because he is cheap, but also because he is just as capable as an actor.
  • Posts: 14,958
    I rewatched the conference announcing SPECTRE and Sam Mendes says that Andrew Scott as Denbigh is "an addition to the Whitehall family". This may indicate that the character will be recurring?
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    I wouldn't mind if he returned in Bond 25. I like the idea that he's an annoying burecraut, but I REALLY hope he is not Blofeld. Too much predictable after doing Moriarty in Sherlock.
  • Posts: 14,958
    Walecs wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind if he returned in Bond 25. I like the idea that he's an annoying burecraut, but I REALLY hope he is not Blofeld. Too much predictable after doing Moriarty in Sherlock.

    That would be completely out of left field and highly.implausible if he was Blofeld. And let's face it: if you have Waltz in your cast you don't want to give the big role to Scott, who for all is talent is rather lightweight in comparison.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,384
    Perhaps Denbigh will be a " Geoffrey Keen" minister / civil servant type ?
  • RareJamesBondFanRareJamesBondFan Touch it. You can touch it if you want.
    Posts: 132
    I honestly thought Max Denbigh was going to be the new M. But then I saw they don't change M every tme. He was a great baddie though. Oh well. Maybe for the next actor.

  • Posts: 14,958
    He'd be far too young to be the new M. I have to say I find Andrew Scott overrated as an actor. His Moriarty never convinced me. By hindsight I would have preferred Sam Throughton as Denbigh. He played Edmund in Mendes' take on King Lear as an evil civil servant that would gave fitted the role perfectly.
  • He reminds me of a newt or a lizard. The roundness of his eyes. Just putting it out there.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Andrew Scott as Denbigh - Yawn. What a boring unassuming pathetic villain.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    Another talented actor wasted thanks to a poor script.

    As soon as Scott walked in the door of M's office you knew very well that he was a villain. The writing was on the wall for this character.
  • Posts: 4,602
    I feared the worst with that clip they released of him arguing with M, it just never worked.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Scott can be a good actor and his Moriarty is supposed to be OTT but here he was just terrible, the actor playing this part should have been more Mallory's age and not so a villain from the get go, another issue that SPECTRE had.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,588
    patb wrote: »
    I feared the worst with that clip they released of him arguing with M, it just never worked.
    That scene looked very bizarre when isolated from the film.
  • edited August 2016 Posts: 4,602
    It looked bizarre full stop. Its also really weird IMHO
  • Posts: 2,483
    Scott was great as Denbigh. He'll doubtless go down as one of the most underrated characters in all of Bond. He certainly equaled--at minimum--Waltz's performance as Blofeld.
  • Posts: 14,958
    Scott was great as Denbigh. He'll doubtless go down as one of the most underrated characters in all of Bond. He certainly equaled--at minimum--Waltz's performance as Blofeld.

    I like the character just not so much Scott in it. I mean he was adequate but nothing outstanding. Thankfully he didn't go the Moriarty road and was restrained overall. I'd agree with @Shardlake that maybe an actor M's age would have fitted better as opposite number. But unlike many here I don't mind that he was obviously villainous from the beginning: we don't require big plot twists and reveals in Bond as much as so many people think and they do get overused.
  • RareJamesBondFanRareJamesBondFan Touch it. You can touch it if you want.
    Posts: 132
    patb wrote: »
    It looked bizarre full stop. Its also really weird IMHO
    Great clip. This is what Bond is all about. M and Moneypenny at the end be all like

  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Scott was great as Denbigh. He'll doubtless go down as one of the most underrated characters in all of Bond. He certainly equaled--at minimum--Waltz's performance as Blofeld.

    The defense of SPECTRE gets to ridiculous levels are you really being serious or is this some kind of joke??

    Waltz just telephoned his performance in.

    I personally would have rather seen Denbigh eased more slowly out as an outright bad guy, it wouldn't need to be too big a twist and the audience could have been on to it before M.

    I will soon post my take on SPECTRE, my idea for Denbigh and I'm far from a script writer is a much better than the hamfisted rubbish P&W foisted on us in the finished product.
  • Posts: 1,296
    I quite nejoyed Denbigh in Spectre, maybe he will be back he is a bureucrat and that's why Bond didn't like him and mades him a villain, I wanted a scene even maybe where he drops a filing cabinet on Bond or literally buries someone in paperwork.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    IGUANNA wrote: »
    I quite nejoyed Denbigh in Spectre, maybe he will be back he is a bureucrat and that's why Bond didn't like him and mades him a villain, I wanted a scene even maybe where he drops a filing cabinet on Bond or literally buries someone in paperwork.

    Not sure you we're paying attention during Spectre, but Denbigh dies at the end. Little hard for him to come back.

  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 2,721
    Everything about this character was misjudged from the opening frame his visage, demeanour, dialogue and ambitions screamed 'traitor!' and lo and behold...that's exactly what we got. Considering they had already done something similar with Fiennes himself in Skyfall - the pleasing thing is that they subverted that suspicion - but also kept you guessing as to Fiennes' character and loyalties until he started firing heroically in the courtroom defending M. Then you knew he was onside - but Denbigh had nothing surprising. It would have been better if he had appeared to be approving of the 00 section and Mi6 - but secretly using them to his own nefarious ends - rather than railing against their obsolescence (like we need THAT trope again!) If he was a friendly, benevolent face; even older and respected tied in to the establishment it would have been better. Added to which they cast Andrew Scott - who is a solid actor but made Sherlock near unwatchable with his poor acting choices (I get it - he played Moriarty as a psychopath - but that got pantomime villain within seconds!)
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    edited August 2016 Posts: 16,340
    When you make a face like this a quarter of the way in the movie.

    It's so obvious he was Blofeld's puppet.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited August 2016 Posts: 9,117
    Murdock wrote: »
    When you make a face like this a quarter of the way in the movie.

    It's so obvious he was Blofeld's puppet.

    This shot in the trailer took away any mystery that he might or might not be a villain.

    They might as well have had scenes early on showing him reporting back to SPECTRE as its so obvious he's a villain from the start and it's not like the fact he's a traitor is even any sort of big reveal, probably because by this time everyone in the audience knows.

    Bond: I suppose C is one of your lot?
    Blofeld: Yeah.

    That's how you write a killer twist.
  • Posts: 4,602
    Major B, you are spot on. Getting the audience to think a little and try to work things out, not knowing exactly the context and motivations of characters has got to be seen as a good thing and the doubt cast over M within SF with the "redemption" of him being a hero worked very well. They simply did not try to do this with SP, just lazy and that includes the Denbigh character. Badly written and badly acted
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,574
    Shardlake wrote: »
    Scott was great as Denbigh. He'll doubtless go down as one of the most underrated characters in all of Bond. He certainly equaled--at minimum--Waltz's performance as Blofeld.

    The defense of SPECTRE gets to ridiculous levels are you really being serious or is this some kind of joke??

    Waltz just telephoned his performance in.

    I personally would have rather seen Denbigh eased more slowly out as an outright bad guy, it wouldn't need to be too big a twist and the audience could have been on to it before M.

    I will soon post my take on SPECTRE, my idea for Denbigh and I'm far from a script writer is a much better than the hamfisted rubbish P&W foisted on us in the finished product.

    No, I believe he's just offering his opinion. He's allowed to.
  • Posts: 4,325
    Murdock wrote: »
    When you make a face like this a quarter of the way in the movie.

    It's so obvious he was Blofeld's puppet.

    This shot in the trailer took away any mystery that he might or might not be a villain.

    They might as well have had scenes early on showing him reporting back to SPECTRE as its so obvious he's a villain from the start and it's not like the fact he's a traitor is even any sort of big reveal, probably because by this time everyone in the audience knows.

    Bond: I suppose C is one of your lot?
    Blofeld: Yeah.

    That's how you write a killer twist.

    The trailer showed him fighting with M - unless you thought M was going to go to the dark side, you knew it before watching the film.
  • Posts: 14,958
    Everything about this character was misjudged from the opening frame his visage, demeanour, dialogue and ambitions screamed 'traitor!' and lo and behold...that's exactly what we got. Considering they had already done something similar with Fiennes himself in Skyfall - the pleasing thing is that they subverted that suspicion - but also kept you guessing as to Fiennes' character and loyalties until he started firing heroically in the courtroom defending M. Then you knew he was onside - but Denbigh had nothing surprising. It would have been better if he had appeared to be approving of the 00 section and Mi6 - but secretly using them to his own nefarious ends - rather than railing against their obsolescence (like we need THAT trope again!) If he was a friendly, benevolent face; even older and respected tied in to the establishment it would have been better. Added to which they cast Andrew Scott - who is a solid actor but made Sherlock near unwatchable with his poor acting choices (I get it - he played Moriarty as a psychopath - but that got pantomime villain within seconds!)

    But Denbigh's villainy was never written as a twist. It was revealed early on and foreshadowed even earlier. In fact like many pointed out it was revealed as early as the trailer. So it's not like it was even meant to be a surprise. That said I agree with you that Andrew Scott plays far too much pantomime villain. I didn't like at all his take on Moriarty.
  • I want to make sweet love with Andrew Scott as Denbigh on a bed of soft roses. A quite marvellous and complex character of many layers. In the top five best Bond villains (counting the main ones) imo. Maybe even in the top three.
  • Posts: 315
    Maybe no reveal at all. He should have been shown as a member of Spectre first and then we see him walk into Ms office knowing he is a traitor and would build more tension in that respect.
  • edited August 2016 Posts: 90
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