Where does Sky "fall" in your new Bond rankings?



  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I'm 27 been a fan since the age of 5 in 1990. My first Bond movie experience was seeing Roger Moore with Soliatire tied up above a shark-infested pool.

    Anyway, my top 5

  • edited November 2012 Posts: 6,432
    Not in my top ten, currently barely in top twenty. This may change on further viewings.

    I wouldn't bet on it. If you have SF so far down on your rankings, I'm guessing DAD is No.1 on your favourite list?

    Not quite, DAD and SF are pretty much the same kind of movie in my opinion. FRWL, OHMSS, TB Are my favourite bond films.

    Been thinking about SF and come to the conclusion i can only accept it if i dismiss every film that predated CR. I love CR though with that movie they are pretty much starting from the beginning and reimagining bonds cinema history, much in the same way Star trek has.

    There is not much difference between Matt smiths doctor who referencing something from what is considered the old who, and a reference in SF Referencing 'old' bond.

    so my list would be as follows...

    top three old bond in no particular order.


    top three new bond, post reimagining.

    QoS, CR, SF
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 3,294
    HASEROT wrote:
    Not in my top ten, currently barely in top twenty. This may change on further viewings.

    I wouldn't bet on it. If you have SF so far down on your rankings, I'm guessing DAD is No.1 on your favourite list?

    oh good lord.... i get that people have different tastes and what not - but what is the redeeming value of that pile of crap that a couple people would rate it as their favorite, and in their opinion the best Bond movie ever.. what are they watching / seeing that thousands (if not millions) of others haven't? lol

    He never said DAD was his favourite, the other guy just stupidly assumed he did because he didn't like SF.
    It was actually a joke, and I would rather you refer to me in name than `the other guy.'

    And less of the stupid too, while we are at it.

  • Posts: 3,294
    Not quite, DAD and SF are pretty much the same kind of movie in my opinion.
    Wow!! Just...wow!

  • Not quite, DAD and SF are pretty much the same kind of movie in my opinion.
    Wow!! Just...wow!
    in the sense they both reference the hell out of the series and are tribute films.
  • Posts: 3,294
    Not quite, DAD and SF are pretty much the same kind of movie in my opinion.
    Wow!! Just...wow!
    in the sense they both reference the hell out of the series and are tribute films.

    Other than the occassional nod to the franchise, they are light years apart.
  • My current top 10 are;

    1. Skyfall
    2. Casino Royale
    3. Quantum of Solace
    4. The Living Daylights
    5. From Russia With Love
    6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    7. License To Kill
    8. Dr. No
    9. The Man With The Golden Gun
    10. Never Say Never Again
  • Posts: 3,181
    10-15'ish on my list.
  • Top 10

    Always fun to do these lists, since there are always minor changes. From Russia With Love changes places with Dr.No. Found From Russia quite slow and boring (until the train sequences) last time I watched it and Dr.No a lot of fun, really like that script.

    Skyfall on #7. All the really good reviews got my overhyped, Enjoyed it but was a bit dissapointed overal. Especially the Scotland part which fell totally out of place. Also wasn't impressed with the bond girls. Intro, London, Shanghai, Macau, Craig, Jardem, Fienes are the good things.

    3.Casino Royale
    5.You Only Live Twice
    8.From Russia With Love
    9.The Spy Who Loved Me
    10. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  • After seeing SF three times so far, my current ranking is as follows (top 10 only):

    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Casino Royale
    4. SkyFall
    5. Licence To Kill
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. Goldfinger
    8. Thunderball
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. The Living Daylights
  • Bond movie ranking updated for Skyfall

    1. You Only Live Twice
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Casino Royale
    4. Skyfall
    5. Goldfinger
    6. Thunderball
    7. The Spy Who Loved Me
    8. The Living Daylights
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. Goldeneye
    11. The Man With The Golden Gun
    12. Dr. No
    13. Quantum Of Solace
    14. Octopussy
    15. Live and Let Die
    16. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    17. A View To a Kill
    18. The World Is Not Enough
    19. License To Kill
    20. Tomorrow Never Dies
    21. Moonraker
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
    23. Die Another Day

    I guess some of these are ties or could be shuffled around a bit. Yes License To Kill is ranked low. I think TD is a great Bond but the production suffers from a lack of exoticism and England. It seems like Miami Vice. Benecio DelToro is great of course. I love Renard and Garbage in TWINE but the snow sequence and Denise Richards offer nothing to get excited about. That and Brosnan never quite had the gravitas to me. He seems like he's plaing Bond rather than being Bond. The Brosnan era offered too few surprises and were overly formulaic and enamored with techno nonsense and product placement. GE ranks high because of the PTS and good overall storytelling. And Zenia Onatop of course.
  • After seeing SF three times so far, my current ranking is as follows (top 10 only):

    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Casino Royale
    4. SkyFall
    5. Licence To Kill
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. Goldfinger
    8. Thunderball
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. The Living Daylights

    Hey our top ten is pretty close!
  • Posts: 116
    1. Skyfall
    2. Dr. No
    3. OHMSS
    4. CR
    5. TLD
    6. Goldfinger
    7. From Russia With Love
    8. Thunderball
    9. Goldeneye
    10. LTK

    My personal Top 10.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    royale65 wrote:
    24. I've seen all the films and read Ian Fleming's novels, plus I listen to the soundtracks, and have read numerous Bond-related books. ((my fav is Martins, Girls and Guns)). I suppose you could say I'm a Bond aficionado.

    My top ten is

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Licence To Kill
    4. Casino Royale
    5. The World Is Not Enough
    6. Thunderball
    7. The Living Daylights
    8. Dr No
    9. The Spy Who Loved Me
    10. Goldfinger

    I think Skyfall, provisionally at least, hovers around 6-8ish.

    Skyfall has moved up to 7th, after seeing it again for the second time;

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Licence To Kill
    4. Casino Royale
    5. The World Is Not Enough
    6. Thunderball
    7. Skyfall
    8. The Living Daylights
    9. Dr No
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me
  • Posts: 3,333
    1. FRWL
    2. OHMSS
    5. CR
    6. DR. NO
    7. LALD
    8. YOLT
    9. TSWLM
    10. SKYFALL (Though this might change after 2nd viewing)
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,970
    1. The Living Daylights
    2. Licence To Kill
    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    4. From Russia With Love
    5. Dr No
    6. For Your Eyes Only
    7. You Only Live Twice
    8. Tomorrow Never Dies
    9. Thunderball
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me
    11. GoldenEye
    12. The World Is Not Enough
    13. Octopussy
    14. Live And Let Die
    ***15. Skyfall***
    16. The Man With The Golden Gun
    17. Goldfinger
    18. Casino Royale
    19. Die Another Day
    20. Moonraker
    21. Quantum Of Solace
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
    23. A View To A Kill
  • Saw Skyfall again over the long weekend; it's just getting more and more entrenched in my number 1 slot. Wonderful film!
  • Posts: 1,310

    I just couldn't put it anywhere else.
  • Posts: 161
    Its number 1 on my list with Casinor royale number 2. Craig's Bond really has given the Bond Franchise a royal good kicking in the backside. I've seen Skyfall 6 times and it gets better and better.
  • I'm 18 years old, seen all the films, read all the IF books. Here's my top ten:
    1. Goldfinger
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. The Living Daylights
    4. Licence to Kill
    5. Casino Royale/Skyfall (tie; I can't decide which is better)
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. Live and Let Die
    8. GoldenEye
    9. Tomorrow Never Dies
    10. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  • Posts: 1,052
    SF would sit somewhere around mid table, maybe 13th, 14th.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    After seeing SF three times so far, my current ranking is as follows (top 10 only):

    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Casino Royale
    4. SkyFall
    5. Licence To Kill
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. Goldfinger
    8. Thunderball
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. The Living Daylights

    That's not a bad top 5 sir. I would swap LTK and TLD around but not bad at all. Shame like many you have to rate TB so high but no ones perfect.
  • That's not a bad top 5 sir. I would swap LTK and TLD around but not bad at all. Shame like many you have to rate TB so high but no ones perfect.
    I'm right there with you with regard to Thunderball. I don't hold it in the same high regard as a lot of other people seem to.

  • AliAli
    Posts: 319
    Top 10, maybe top 5. I really need to put them on bits of paper and work this out!
  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    edited November 2012 Posts: 2,721
    Aged 37 - watched every film (and seen every one at the cinema since TLD) and read every Fleming novel.

    Top 10:

    1. FRWL
    2. CR
    3. OHMSS
    4. GF
    5. SF (time will tell on this but how I'm feeling at the moment)
    6. LTK
    7. FYEO
    8. TSWLM
    9. TLD
    10. GE

    I'm a Dalton apologist and not that much of a fan of the Moore era - although I do like watching View To A Kill more often than is justifiable!

    (Just found this forum and feeling at home!)
  • My top 7, which are separated from the pack :

    1. CR
    2. OHMSS
    3. SF
    4. TB
    5. TSWLM
    6. FRWL
    7. LALD
  • I am 31 and I have read all the Fleming Novels. My top Bond movies are:
    1 CR / FRWL
    3-5 TLDL/ SKYFALL / GF
    6-9 GE/ DN/ QOS/ LTK
  • Skyfall would be my second favorite Bond film on my list.
  • Jazz007Jazz007 Minnesota
    Posts: 257
    This is subject to change upon further re-watches of SF....

    1. TB
    2. DN
    3. OHMSS
    4. CR
    5. TLD
    6. TSWLM

    7. SF
    8. FRWL
    9. GF
    10. QOS
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