Bond Title Sequences-Don't you just love them?

edited November 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 16
Bond title sequences(graphics working with music) have become almost a genre in themselves! The retro feel of CR and the magnificent Skyfall opening graphics have evolved from the early films - yet I think they have the same feeling in many ways.

My uni dissertation is going to address how Bond has changed/evolved - yet managed to maintain a successful formula by keeping true to strong 'Bondisms' or Bond Roots!
I feel the opening credits(after the initial mini action scene) are a good example of how Bond has evolved to remain relevant, yet held on to its roots - what are your thoughts?

Which opening credits are the best and why?
I know music is a major part of the magic...but it is the graphics I really want your opinions on.

Do you think they have retained a formula, or evolved...and if they have evolved-How?
Really interested it what you think...AG
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