You Must Be Joking

edited January 2013 in News Posts: 15
I just read that the Oscar producers are not planning on putting the Bond actors on stage for the ceremony.

Are you kidding me?

Bond fans the world over have been waiting for this moment since...always. All the Bonds (Sean is a maybe) in one place? That is WAY overdue and time is slipping away.

So let me get this straight: there will be an Oscar tribute, with all the Bonds in attendance, and the Oscar producers have decided not to take advantage of a glorious situation by presenting six men on stage that would bring down the house? Did I get that right?

My reaction? Remember Dalton bursting the balloon in TLD? THAT'S how I feel.

If this stands, it will be single dumbest decision in modern Oscar history...and then some.

What happened to showmanship? Do these two knucklehead producers realize that its not about them? Do they really believe their montage will have the same impact as six 007s together on stage? What planet are they from?

Upset? You bet I am. I cannot tolerate the kind of arrogant Hollywood mindset that does not understand or respect the feelings of fans. This is the Academy Awards, folks. It is supposed to be a night of glamour and movie magic. Show biz magic, remember that?

A Scaramanga duel at ten paces would do these bums a world of good.

What a wasted opportunity to bring a smile to miilions of Bondfans.

"You're mad! Do you know that?"
"Yes. Isn't everyone?"


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