[Short News] Hugh Jackman regrets for having not accepted the James Bond role

X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
edited December 2012 in News Posts: 2,635


SÃO PAULO – Hugh Jackman regrets a lot of a decision made back in 2006. Back at the time, he was invited to give life to James Bond in Casino Royale, but he heeded to decline the role.

That's because back then, he was on fire with the X-Men movie filming, and thought that he couldn't concile both.

And now, the actual James Bond, Daniel Craig, made the contract for 2 more movies on 007 franchise. About that, Hugh made a joke: "I'll wait. Cos', how old is Daniel now? 62? He's a heap of junk. I'll keep telling him: 'i'm ready, don't matter when you'll leave, i'll be ready'. The best of all is that i've also got an english passport", he affirmed, laughing, to the journal "The Sun".


Not a great decision of him. Daniel Craig makes a great bond, but Hugh would get the hell out of the past 3 movies. He really has the charm and the style; So hereafter, i think he'd make a good Bond - IF he don't gets too old.


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