Should Mr White meet Blofeld or do you think they already know each other?

edited November 2012 in Bond 26 & Beyond Posts: 122
There is a good chance quantum and spectre are one of the same or in collaboration with each other. Would it not be amazing to see Bond face off both of them over the next few movies
Do White and Blofeld even know each other I bet they do? CR seems to suggest there is higher power at play and we don't really get to the bottom of quantum. could White and Blofeld be working together or are the 2 organisations nothing to do with each other.


  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 2,721
    If they do the cross movie plot line over 24 & 25 they should definitely have Blofeld appear - at the end of 24 but with his identity covered ala FRWL & TB and then reveal him in 25 and keep the actor who is playing him as mega-secret as they can in the lead up. I think Mr White should know Blofeld and Spectre should be the highest echelon of Quantum. It would also finally allow a megalomaniac villain and plot for a Craig film.
  • Posts: 122
    If they do the cross movie plot line over 24 & 25 they should definitely have Blofeld appear - at the end of 24 but with his identity covered ala FRWL & TB and then reveal him in 25 and keep the actor who is playing him as mega-secret as they can in the lead up. I think Mr White should know Blofeld and Spectre should be the highest echelon of Quantum. It would also finally allow a megalomaniac villain and plot for a Craig film.
    someone that agrees with me i was kind of thinking a long the same lines

  • I would not be at all surprised to have Mr. White revealed as Blofeld's chief-of-staff or Aide de camp.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    oorogers wrote:
    There is a good chance quantum and spectre are one of the same or in collaboration with each other. Would it not be amazing to see Bond face off both of them over the next few movies
    Do White and Blofeld even know each other I bet they do? CR seems to suggest there is higher power at play and we don't really get to the bottom of quantum. could White and Blofeld be working together or are the 2 organisations nothing to do with each other.

    Funny you mention this. I'm writing a script at the moment (for myself obviously) for Bond 24. I won't tell you how or why this is applicable but it is.
  • If they do the cross movie plot line over 24 & 25 they should definitely have Blofeld appear - at the end of 24 but with his identity covered ala FRWL & TB and then reveal him in 25 and keep the actor who is playing him as mega-secret as they can in the lead up. I think Mr White should know Blofeld and Spectre should be the highest echelon of Quantum. It would also finally allow a megalomaniac villain and plot for a Craig film.

    I totally agree!!!
  • Posts: 12,511
    To me this seems odd? Quantum and Spectre are not the same type of organisations? Let them be there own entities. Spectre were in 6 films and a sort of hint in a seventh (FYEO). Which is just shy of a third of the movies to date. So lets just Quantum a chance?
  • I'd like to think SPECTRE was a thing of the past, and I hope it is never resurrected or used again, it would seem too out of place in 21st Century Bond, and as for the idea of them and Quantum being the same - hogwash

    Blofeld also once again, a relic of the past, an archaic and outdated character that worked for a certain time, but seems ridiculous to be brought back again, but my greatest fear is they may actually do this, I for one, would be less than impressed

    Why wasn't White and/or Quantum brought back for this year, and what guarantee is there they will return for the next release. They do seem however, much more plausible to return at some stage, but as for Blofeld and/or SPECTRE, it does seem very doubtful right now, you simply can't have the latter in modern day James Bond I truly feel. I have trouble even thinking about such a thing in fact
  • Why do people even want Blofeld to reappear? Even if he did appear I have serious doubts of him being even remotely close to how he was before. There's been three official versions of him, all very different. When people say "We want Blofeld", they have to be more specific.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    I don't want to see Blofeld. If the Quantum storyline continues in Bond 24, I hope the head is nothing like Blofeld.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    This is the closest you'll see Blofeld in a Craig Era thingamajig.
    You see him like once, and he screams like a girl when you push him out of a cable car.

  • We must keep the 'Blofeld must not come back' endeavors burning bright

    And Yes, he hasn't actually even been in a Bond release since 1971 (officially, if we take the ambiguous nonsense away from For Your Eyes Only) and can you imagine what they'll come up with next time, especially if some crazed director takes charge, it's simply best he is left in years past. It's simply unnecessary for a return, and simply wouldn't fit into todays James Bond. People really need to think on this

    Also, to the above response @echo, If they DO bring him back, - I (also) hope the head is nothing like Blofeld

    however, if it has the front of Fatima Blush, the ass of Fiona Volpe and the legs of Barbara Bach, I may just let it in..

    Damn, that would be one strange Blofeld
  • We must keep the 'Blofeld must not come back' endeavors burning bright

    Could not disagree with you more mate!
  • Posts: 372
    So Bond, Q, Moneypenny can come back new style, but not Blofeld?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Stamper wrote:
    So Bond, Q, Moneypenny can come back new style, but not Blofeld?

    There's a difference. Bond, Q, and MP are welcome, Blofeld doesn't need done. HE HAS HAD HIS TIME.
  • There's something confuses me about Blofeld and SPECTRE. Let's make it short, the rights were owned by Kevin McClory, and some say after he died, the rights were acquired by EON and some say it belongs to McClory's estate. Which one is right?
  • Stamper wrote:
    So Bond, Q, Moneypenny can come back new style, but not Blofeld?

    There's a difference. Bond, Q, and MP are welcome, Blofeld doesn't need done. HE HAS HAD HIS TIME.

    If they hadn't lost the rights he probably would've been in lots more films. And now they have the rights back he can be.
  • There's a difference. Bond, Q, and MP are welcome, Blofeld doesn't need done. HE HAS HAD HIS TIME.
    I could not disagree with you more. I would love to see a reinterpretation of Blofeld. Not doing so would be like not reinterpreting Doyle's Moriarty to threaten a reinterpreted Holmes.

  • Posts: 278
    Didn't you know, Mr White and Blofeld have afternoon tea at the new restaurant clled 'under the volcano' in Soho, every Friday afternoon. Only whisper it though otherwise the Paparazzi will start to go there.
  • After a stand alone pre-title sequence, I want Bond 24 to open with Mr. White in Dubai, traveling to the Burj Khalifa for a meeting. When he enters the office, there will be a board room for Quantum similar to the scene in TB, and here we will be introduced to Blofeld, who's face will remain hidden.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    Stamper wrote:
    So Bond, Q, Moneypenny can come back new style, but not Blofeld?

    There's a difference. Bond, Q, and MP are welcome, Blofeld doesn't need done. HE HAS HAD HIS TIME.

    If they hadn't lost the rights he probably would've been in lots more films. And now they have the rights back he can be.

    I'm not so sure Eon has the rights to Blofeld. They have the rights to Casino Royale--that's how Sony entered the picture.

  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 2,721
    echo wrote:
    Stamper wrote:
    So Bond, Q, Moneypenny can come back new style, but not Blofeld?

    There's a difference. Bond, Q, and MP are welcome, Blofeld doesn't need done. HE HAS HAD HIS TIME.

    If they hadn't lost the rights he probably would've been in lots more films. And now they have the rights back he can be.

    I'm not so sure Eon has the rights to Blofeld. They have the rights to Casino Royale--that's how Sony entered the picture.

    I don't get this Blofeld rights business. Is it any new development of Blofeld would mean they have to co-sign agreement with a second party? (and split earnings with them?) But they can use the old images and stories a million times over? E.G Blofeld appearing in 007 Legends?
  • Blofeld became less and less menacing with each film. I think the new directors and writers can do a lot of good with the character, especially if he is played by Anthony Hopkins, which is unlikely not happen. I don't think he should interract directly with Mr. White; he was a memorable, likeable villain who deserved to get away in the end and to be self-sufficient.
  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864
    EON now have the rights to SPECTRE and Blofeld exclusively, so anything is possible.
    Frankly, I was disappointed when CR's The Organisation was named in QoS as Quantum. It felt contrived.
    However, that is what it is called now and QoS left a lot of possible loose threads to follow up.
    Personally, I quite like the idea of a return of SPECTRE, so long as it didn't become cartoonish. I thought CRs Organisation felt properly sinister and if SPECTRE and Blofeld do return, I hope it would remain in this vein. Perhaps with Quantum compromised, they reform and restructure as SPECTRE.

    Interestingly, one of the threads on the old forum dealt with a SPECTRE-like organisation returning for Casino Royale. Funny how these things end up happening.
  • @doubleonothing After CR and all this talk of orgnisations, etc, I really thought Blofeld and SPECTRE would be back for the next one. I didn't mind a different named organisation but instead of Blofeld we got..... Greene :|
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    edited December 2012 Posts: 6,116
    EON now have the rights to SPECTRE and Blofeld exclusively, so anything is possible.

    What's your source?

    My understanding is that McClory's heirs (surely not Eon, after all the bad blood) still have the film rights to remake Thunderball. Film rights don't just disappear. McClory's last lawsuit was whether he had the rights to *Bond*, not SPECTRE.

    And since the organization first appears in the Thunderball scripts in which McClory had a hand, my educated guess is that Blofeld/SPECTRE reside in a legal gray area. MGW, being a lawyer, wisely will not touch SPECTRE now.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    This is interesting. How naive we were in '12. ;-)
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    At last now we finally know where P+W got the idea from :P
  • Posts: 14,958
    This is a fascinating thread to revisit.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    Indeed. :-) It's fascinating to remember the naysayers. "No way are they EVER bringing back Blofeld!"
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    Indeed. :-) It's fascinating to remember the naysayers. "No way are they EVER bringing back Blofeld!"

    Given how it was handled perhaps better if they hadn't?
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