Bond: Anti-hero or Not? It is a sad day to see Bond move away from his heroic image.

edited February 2012 in News Posts: 15
In a recent article posted on, Bond co-producer Michael G Wilson gives a brief overview of 5 Bonds in USA Today, and I rightly agree that Daniel Craig has brought in a much more rougher and tougher image to Bond which compliments all the past 5 Bond actors. But I fail to agree with Michael's last comment that although there have been many imitators that Bond was the first one that was an anti-hero?

Come on, Michael! Bond had always been a hero until recently. From what we have seen from the times of Sean Connery Bond had never failed to save the World from ghastly organisations and masterminds.

Bond had always come forward to save people's lives. Yes, the Bond character has had his dark side depicted in films but I thought that he had always been in check and that he knew who the good guys were, that is all we needed to know about Bond until now.

When Sean came out to play James Bond, he played the part of a heroic spy. Whilst I do agree that the more recent incarnations of Bond have turned on the heroic nature of the character to bring a more tarnished and greyer scaled characterization of our character, I disagree with the anti-hero depiction towards Bond as a character on this count: Police Forces have an armed unit but they have a responsibility to protect the public. This whole anti-hero debate stems on whether law enforcers should be passive enforcers or not.

The world is not coloured in only two colours (black and white) and Bond has always seen the bigger picture. While I do agree that recent Bond films have shown a more irresponsible Bond this was not how the character was first brought out to be and what he truly stood for. It is a sad day when we hear Bond being called an anti-hero and this is due to the fact that many writers have tried to darken the character and show he lacks judgement and the capacity to distinguish between what is right and what is ethically wrong. The ethics of spying should always be maintained and upheld.
With kind regards,

Neil Mukherjee Esq.


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