The Netherlands: Hard Covers of the novels ??. Update: DAF and TMWTGG in April 2016

M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
edited February 2016 in Merchandise Posts: 4,489
For the first time in The Netherlands, it look like Dutch fans soon can buy 4 of the Bond novels in Dutch in a better condition.. Mabey there wil release the other ones later.. It look like there wil start with DR NO, Goldfinger, Live and let die and Casino Royale.

July, 1st 2015 in The Netherlands: Hard Covers of the novels!! will be released by Nederlands
Veltman Distributie inzake Just Publishe

The first three there ask € 17,50 for CR € 17,95. Bookprices if there going to cell them local will be same, there are not aloud to stunt with book prices.




  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Casino Royale looks very pretty. Is that Vesper?
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited April 2015 Posts: 4,489
    Update: FRWL & OHMSS confirmd for 15 May 2015, that's earlier then the other 4.
    Price is also 17,95.

  • Posts: 7,653
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Tracy looks beautiful too.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,026
    They all look stunning.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited February 2016 Posts: 4,489
    In April 2016 there will release Diamonds Are Forever and The Man With The Golden Gun



    Price is14,95 and that also count now for other six. The one from TMWTGG in my opnion look like to much on Rosie Carver from LALD. Also whyle last year it look like it going to be hardcovers, it wil be paperbacks... The fact it look like this be limited to online store it be dificult to know how big there are.
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