It Follows--a refreshing and promising film for 2015

So far, I have not been impressed with what the cinemas have to offer. This spring has been kinda disappointing to say the least. Should we just wait for the summer when the Spy flicks and (heaven forbid) the Superhero flood begins?

I like a good horror story and even that has not offered much. some of the films get such limited release these days and I find myself having to wait on the DVD release.
One delightful exception we are being treated to is "It Follows". Upon hearing the premise, one doesn't get too excited but from the reviews, you have to catch it.

I was impressed with this little tale. And unlike most horror releases these days, it seems to have gotten wide distribution as it is playing in several theaters in and around my city.

The premise is quite interesting and unique as it harkens back to the old outdated taboo associated with pre marital sex. It has many creepy scenes that were well set up and shown on screen.

This one I highly recommend.
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