No Time to Die fan arts



  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Great work guys, @Denbigh, @NS_writings @AgentJamesBond007 & @Fire_and_Ice_Returns fantastic work.

    Loving that @NS_writings one with the Aston in and @Denbigh the two gun barrel ones are hugely impressive.

    EON should employ all of you, I wait cautiously to see what they will use for the official teaser and theatrical, although they'll struggle to top these I think.

    As much as I've been a big fan of this era, it's only been the CR & SF teaser I've thought have been that impressive.

    You guys show how photoshop can still look artistic and impressive.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,294
    Cheers @Shardlake I am a relative novice, learning as I go along. Having looked through the entirety of this thread there really is some brilliant work on here
  • Posts: 4,405
    Not mine, but I adore this logo above the official one chosen.


    I hope Eon realise that the logo is a little dodgy....
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited August 2019 Posts: 5,889
    Hmmm I dunno @Pierce2Daniel, the title in this feels more like a 90's video game, like Far Cry or Max Payne. The other one is definitely more Bondian, and even aligns with some of the promotional material from the Connery-era.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,588
    That version is pretty bland. I like the one EON chose a lot better.
  • NS_writingsNS_writings Buenos Aires
    Posts: 544
    Once again @Shardlake, my gratitude is enormous. I'm not a graphic designer pro and I use MS PowerPoint to do all of my artworks (even my latest book cover, which you can see in my avatar) , so I feel deeply thankful!

    Here comes another one, made with a little more time ;)

    upload pic
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,294
    Excellent work @NS_writings
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489

    Once again @Shardlake, my gratitude is enormous. I'm not a graphic designer pro and I use MS PowerPoint to do all of my artworks (even my latest book cover, which you can see in my avatar) , so I feel deeply thankful!

    Here comes another one, made with a little more time ;)

    upload pic

  • NS_writingsNS_writings Buenos Aires
    Posts: 544
    Once again @Shardlake, my gratitude is enormous. I'm not a graphic designer pro and I use MS PowerPoint to do all of my artworks (even my latest book cover, which you can see in my avatar) , so I feel deeply thankful!

    Here comes another one, made with a little more time ;)

    upload pic


    @Fire_and_Ice_Returns Thanks mate and thanks a lot @Thunderfinger, you gave me a huge laugh! :D
  • NS_writingsNS_writings Buenos Aires
    Posts: 544
    Another one!

  • ResurrectionResurrection Kolkata, India
    Posts: 2,541
    @NS_writings those are just brilliant keep it up.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited August 2019 Posts: 5,889
    I thought I'd attempt a character poster for Nomi :)

  • Posts: 6,690
    That's fabulously done, @Denbigh. Perfect.

    But am I the only one who never cared about character poster? Ever?
  • Dude, @NS_writings I love your idea of combining a clock (for No ~Time~ To Die) and the scope. That would be great for a poster. I just hope they go back to the collage of images once again to complement the poster. Please!!
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Another one!


    Another terrific work.
  • Posts: 6,690
    Dude, @NS_writings I love your idea of combining a clock (for No ~Time~ To Die) and the scope. That would be great for a poster. I just hope they go back to the collage of images once again to complement the poster. Please!!

    Yes, it really is a brilliant idea to mix the two. Maybe Kleinman could work it out for the titles.
  • Posts: 17,529
    jake24 wrote: »
    That version is pretty bland. I like the one EON chose a lot better.

    The NTTD title logo has a bit of character to it. The people at Empire Design did well with this one. Even the sans-serif font picks of SF/SP – Neutraface (I think) and Gotham (although altered to create that effect) – are good ones.
  • Posts: 6,690
    jake24 wrote: »
    That version is pretty bland. I like the one EON chose a lot better.

    The NTTD title logo has a bit of character to it. The people at Empire Design did well with this one. Even the sans-serif font picks of SF/SP – Neutraface (I think) and Gotham (although altered to create that effect) – are good ones.

    Agreed. I love the new title logo. And the animation they made of it.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    It is a great logo, and the font is pure Bond.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,294
    Its one of the better title logos in recent films IMO
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,889
    Univex wrote: »
    That's fabulously done, @Denbigh. Perfect.

    But am I the only one who never cared about character poster? Ever?
    Thank you @Univex, and it depends on how they're done I think :)
  • licencetocreatelicencetocreate Melbourne, Australia
    edited August 2019 Posts: 59
    Thought I'd attempt to create a movie poster for the upcoming James Bond film: No Time to Die. The photo of Daniel Craig is a screen shot from the teaser video (sorry it's low res). Feel free to share the image but please be sure to credit me: (licencetocreate). Enjoy!6bbg8Jz.jpg
  • Posts: 1,165
    I love it! It looks completely legit.
  • licencetocreatelicencetocreate Melbourne, Australia
    Posts: 59
    TR007 wrote: »
    I love it! It looks completely legit.

    Thank you!
  • Posts: 6,690
    Thought I'd attempt to create a movie poster for the upcoming James Bond film: No Time to Die. The photo of Daniel Craig is a screen shot from the teaser video (sorry it's low res). Feel free to share the image but please be sure to credit me: (licencetocreate). Enjoy!6bbg8Jz.jpg

    Classy. Won't get better than that, I'm sure. Congrats!
  • Posts: 4,405
    Just saw this on Twitter and it made me laugh

  • licencetocreatelicencetocreate Melbourne, Australia
    Posts: 59
    Univex wrote: »
    Thought I'd attempt to create a movie poster for the upcoming James Bond film: No Time to Die. The photo of Daniel Craig is a screen shot from the teaser video (sorry it's low res). Feel free to share the image but please be sure to credit me: (licencetocreate). Enjoy!6bbg8Jz.jpg

    Classy. Won't get better than that, I'm sure. Congrats!

    Very kind of you! Thanks!
  • Agent7777Agent7777 England
    Posts: 37
    Thought I'd attempt to create a movie poster for the upcoming James Bond film: No Time to Die. The photo of Daniel Craig is a screen shot from the teaser video (sorry it's low res). Feel free to share the image but please be sure to credit me: (licencetocreate). Enjoy!6bbg8Jz.jpg

    Excellent work, should be the official poster!
  • Posts: 3,164
    Yeah that's pretty much spot on perfect @licencetocreate, amazing work!
  • Posts: 7,506
    Eon will have to outdo themselves to create something only half as good as some of the work on here!
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