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Favourite Fleming Novel
Casino Royale
Favourite Bond Film
On Her Majestys Secret Service
Favourite Bond Actor


  • That article has one of the most surreal Bond headlines ever: Penguins dance past James Bond ;)) Adjusted for inflation, Furiosa is the third lowest grossing Memorial Day weekend number one since modern box office records began in 1980…
  • 1280px-The_Hollywood_Reporter_logo.svg.png » show previous quotes George Miller's action-packed 'Mad Max 5' is drawing very strong early praise, with some qualifications. Will it jumpstart this summer's box office? Er.. no. Lowest memoria…
  • 007HallY wrote: » He looks a lot like Connery, but he really gives a different vibe as an individual and as an actor. I'm not sure if I can see him as Bond. I sew nothing Bond type masculine about him. I accept he's not acting here but even…
  • Creasy47 wrote: » Brosnan playing a drunken werewolf hunter? Sure, why not? 😂 I suppose the film poster tagline could be... 'If the werewolf doesn't kill him, the booze will.' 🤭
  • Given the woke times we live in... maybe it will be Felicity Leiter. 🤭
  • Well the scene with Bond/Dalton appearing on the roof was real. Some of that was filmed on location. But the rest was on a set? I never knew that. The deleted scene isn't that great anyway. Had the police got in their cars and chased Bond and the…
  • This car chase in Argylle looked cartoonish in an obvious cgi way. I guess it's the cost of filming a jeep racing through narrow Greece streets and the potential risk of damage to property, insurance claims, legal disputes vs doing it all with cgi c…
  • M_Balje wrote: » Now he is official not doing a voice For Sonic 3, how long it wil take before Eon wil anouch Hayden Christensen as new Bond. Born in 1981 he is mabey already to old, but mabey not for three movie's. He's Canadia…
  • DEKE_RIVERS wrote: » Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » I think Bond actors need a certain uniqueness to their look, and Cavill, Suter, James just look like "non-descript attractive man" to me. As much as I don't like his films, even Craig had a distinct lo…
  • sandbagger1 wrote: » Colonel_Venus wrote: » How would you feel if the picked your dream director, they picked your dream Bond actor, you found everything about Bond 26 incredibly encouraging and then they announced (Spoiler) ? I was c…
  • I doubt Ewan McGregor and Hugh Jackman would have been Bond. The reason - wanting too much money. McGregor would have used the success of the Star Wars prequels as leverage to ask for an astronomical fee (three Bond films is a lot of cash). 💰 Had…
  • ColonelSun wrote: » Risico007 wrote: » Cavill needs to be bond For me he's not the greatest actor. He's often pretty flat and displays limited range, plus, although he does look the part, Eon will probably consider him too old now for a…
  • 007HallY wrote: » A balance is needed. The problem with Tom Hiddleston (this is not a criticism of him or him as an actor by the way, just an issue with his Bond potential) is that he is and comes across as a child of public school. It’s easy to i…
  • It struck me Aaron Taylor-Johnson's name sounds like a romance novelist. I suppose if the acting work dries up he can have a go at romance novels. ;))
  • Posted on the Daily Mail message section which is known for its raw comments. Sam Taylor-Johnson addresses rumours that her husband Aaron is set to become the next James Bond as speculation continues to swirl By Kirsten Murray For Mailonline 2…
  • A Daily Mail reader gave this reason why Aaron Taylor-Johnson shouldn't be Bond: Alfi123 SYDNEY, Australia 17h ago His hair is too woke to be Bond ;)) I dunno if he was serious or not. 🤭 Never heard of woke hair!
  • According to the insider, an event will be held where the remaining living Bonds – including George Lazenby, 84, Timothy Dalton, 78, Pierce Brosnan, 70, and Daniel, 56 – will be asked to attend to pass on the torch. ;))
  • Denbigh wrote: » @peter @bondywondy What happens if he’s cast as a villain? Do you each send eachother $75? ;))
  • peter wrote: » bondywondy wrote: » My gut feeling is Aaron Taylor-Johnson will be the next Bond (there are two big reasons why I say that and I think one big reason I think he may not be Bond). Reason 1) He's having an affair with Bar... …
  • This was inevitable... RACIST film fans have threatened to boycott the next James Bond movie if Jewish actor Aaron Taylor Johnson is confirmed in the role. The Sun told last week that the star, 33, has been offered the part — but he has since…
  • mtm wrote: » If Kraven were to be a hit (although the point is somewhat moot) he definitely wouldn't be Bond as he'd be tied to making more Kraven films. Well the Bond producers and the Kraven producers could come to a mutually beneficial a…
  • My gut feeling is Aaron Taylor-Johnson will be the next Bond (there are two big reasons why I say that and I think one big reason I think he may not be Bond). Reason 1) He's having an affair with Bar... Sorry that's not it. 🤭 Er... where…
  • Reflsin2bourbons wrote: » bondywondy wrote: » Denbigh wrote: » talos7 wrote: » What some see as generic, others see as classic and traditional ; I make no bones about it, I want traditional and classical. I also think a more tradi…
  • Denbigh wrote: » talos7 wrote: » What some see as generic, others see as classic and traditional ; I make no bones about it, I want traditional and classical. I also think a more traditional and classical looking Bond would be interesting…
  • DarthDimi wrote: » buddyoldchap wrote: » DarthDimi wrote: » bjmdds wrote: » This is who could EASILY be a successful Bond, Aidan Turner: https://i2-prod.irishmirror.ie/incoming/article7985761.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/0_I160516_155855_82365…
  • Colonel_Venus wrote: » Do people at the Sun really sometimes just sit down and completely make up stories? I mean them hearing insider rumours about AJT and reporting it as a done deal is different from completely making it up. If they completely …
  • bjmdds sounds like he's trapped in 2006. Gnarls Barkley had the best-selling UK single of 2006 with "Crazy". The song spent eleven weeks in the top 10 (including nine weeks at number one). If you feel very upset with the franchise (2…
  • Well it's the evening here in the UK and no breaking news from Eon Productions or Amazon that Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been signed. Hold on a moment... let me just check again.... ;))
  • Sam Heughan Quote: Heughan did audition for the role several films back—Bond 21, but as for the talk he will be the next James Bond, he told Parade.com a while back that those are nothing but rumors. “Absolutely rumors,” he said. He's in …
  • Can someone answer this question. It's not a trolling question. If Henry Cavill is so popular, why hasn't he had any successful films when starring as the lead? After Superman, obviously. ????? If Henry were so popular after Man of Steel (…