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Spectre Island
Last Active
Spectre Island
Favourite Fleming Novel
From Russia With Love
Favourite Bond Film
From Russia With Love
Favourite Bond Actor
Sean Connery


  • TheWizardOfIce wrote: Could even drag Gert Frobe, Bernard Lee and Desmond Llewelyn up in their coffins. Why not Fleming and Cubby too while we're at it? Somehow, I think Fleming would have been wickedly amused if they did trot out his decayed…
  • hoppimike wrote: Martin Campbell, please! ^_^ I hope Campbell returns later for Bond 25 or Bond 26. I'm very curious to see what Mendes and Logan might accomplish with Bond 24. The stage is now set with all the staple characters in position (…
  • Definitely the Egyptian rooftop scene in The Spy Who Loved Me... Dangling on the roof's edge, the fat henchman grabs Moore's tie. Moore coldly asks him: "Where's Fekkesh?" Despite the henchman betraying his boss, Moore kills him anyway. Gritty sc…
  • Judging by Mendes' response at BAFTA and knowing that Logan submitted a treatment for Bond 24 in August, it seems that Mendes wants to greatly re-shape the existing Bond 24 storyline more to his liking. I hope he is allowed to do so. His suggestions…
  • Agent007391 wrote: I think he's harkening back to the reason License to Kill was renamed from License Revoked. The reason was that, supposedly, Americans wouldn't know what the word "revoked" meant. Odd. Almost every American teenager who lea…
  • Agent007391 wrote: SaintMark wrote: fanbond123 wrote: Nah, I don't think it's a good idea. Most Americans won't understand the title: "Who the heck is Carte Blanche?" :D Why the idea that the average American is thick, car…
  • thelivingroyale wrote: I thought the Ice Palace was a pretty good set. Hmm. For me, Lamont's Ice Palace set had a slight 1980s vibe that seemed more appropriate for an older Timothy Dalton-era Bond film. I'm pleased that Gassner has been r…
  • SlyFox007 wrote: Interesting article I found, pointing out the contradictions in Craig's, Forster's, and Haggis' stories about the script's progress before, during, and after shooting on QoS. http://hmssweblog.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/what-real…
  • Hmm. My ideas/picks... Preferred Directors for Bond 24: - Fernando Meirelles (City of God, The Constant Gardener) - Tomas Alfredson (Let the Right One In, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) - Joe Wright (Atonement, Hanna) - Anton Corbijn (The Ameri…
  • I agree that Felix should be played by the same actor if the character returns, but I am unsure if the character should return for Bond 24. In contrast to the now-deceased Mathis, Eve Moneypenny, the new boyish Q or even Ralph Fiennes' M, I am disin…
  • I wouldn't mind if Adele returned, but I hope the Bond producers choose a singer who is thematically appropriate. For example: The selection of Jack White and Alicia Keys for "Quantum of Solace" title song was thematically inappropriate and almost j…
  • I just hope the villain's objective is realistic. Le Chiffre wanted enough money to recoup his losses; Green wanted water rights; Silva wanted revenge against M and MI6, etc. I would be disappointed if the Bond producers rehashed the Brosnan era by …
  • Pierce2Daniel wrote: I just want Mendes to come back. He knows what he's doing. Best Bond director yet. I agree. Although John Logan is a talented screenwriter, Sam Mendes was the creative force responsible for Skyfall's best segments. Accord…
  • Personally, I want Sam Mendes to return. He was responsible for inserting all the elements into Skyfall that I enjoyed (e.g., the Shanghai and Macau sequences which were dictated by him to John Logan). I also would love to see Ralph Fiennes retur…
  • Perhaps send another card to Sam Mendes? After listening to the Skyfall podcast with screenwriters Purvis and Wade, it was quite clear that Mendes' creativity was primarily responsible for the elements that made Skyfall an entertaining film. One cou…
  • On a side note... When you analyze Fleming's novels, his character of James Bond exhibits all the psychological traits of an ardent neo-fascist. With each passing decade, the Bond producers has attempted to strip these traits from the character, …
  • The accusation that James Bond is a neo-fascist is actually quite common and dates back to the 1950s. When "Doctor No" was first published, literary critic Paul Johnson of The New Statesmen publicly attacked the Bond phenomenon as a crypto-fascist g…