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  • doubleoego wrote: Sorry, not buying any of that for a second. Sounds like you're giving excuses for those involved to not get on and do their jobs, as if engaging in hard work is some impossible task. Working hard is obvious and EoN do that, the q…
  • I think the last filing from Metro-Godwyn-Mayer was in 2005, @Suivez, as that's when the company was dissolved as your link shows. For more recent ones look for "MGM Holdings II" - the company that now owns the studio - again, it's tough going as th…
  • All very interesting @Perdogg. I've been rereading the Fleming's recently so they're quite fresh in my mind. I'll add a few thoughts: Perdogg wrote: Bond – James Bond People tend to have different interpretations of the original James Bond. …
  • Thought @Suivez and some others might be interested to see this. The Q1 filing - it seems that they did have to put up some money into the Skyfall marketing campaign (particularly in home entertainment) and also goes into a little detail about their…
  • 4EverBonded wrote: But that is all very interesting! Thanks for sharing, SirJames. I am glad Broccoli was able to continue. Did Saltzman get out of it in good terms and reasonably good feelings with all? I don't recall if the split was the r…
  • Germanlady wrote: What i was always thinking is - DC does his play till 5th January. So - even if they started right away - wouldn't it be too late already? They always start shooting at the end of the year. They can never do with a post productio…
  • A great find from @Suivez_ce_parachute in the Bond 24 Timeline thread: http://www.getfilings.com/o0001193125-04-027353.html This report from 2003 specifically mentions MGM's rights in the James Bond films.
  • @Suivez, thank you for finding this and sharing this! Very interesting (especially their approval rights as you've highlighted) - good work, sir!
  • Eon (or, technically, Danjaq) owns 100% of the rights to James Bond as a film character but that they signed an exclusive distribution deal with MGM in 1986 - it was originally a 20-year deal but I understand that they extended it some time in the l…
  • TheWizardOfIce wrote: I was musing on Mallory the other day and a thought struck me. At the start of the film and in several scenes subsequent he is giving M a bollocking so its pretty clear hes her superior. So how come in the final reel he…
  • 007InVT wrote: Monsieur_Aubergine wrote: Quick question didn't Fleming say in his novels that there only ever 3 00's in the section at any given time? True - 007, 008, 0011 Can anyone tell me in which books 008 and 0011 appear and wh…
  • They're first mentioned in MR when it's revealed that 007 is the senior officer in the OO Section. In MR, Loelia Ponsonby tells Bond that 008's been moved to a military hospital in Berlin after his last mission and is about to fly back to the UK.…
  • It's been a long time since I've read it @007InVT and it's the only Fleming novel I've only read once. I remember thinking at the time that it was very disappointing. I enjoyed the opening chapters (with the Hard Man and the Soft Man) but as soon as…
  • Suivez_ce_parachute wrote: Sir_James_Moloney wrote: As for the script being in the works, I haven't heard that. It was reported the director of Headhunters said EON met him and offered him to read Bond 24's script. It's a direct quote f…
  • doubleoego wrote: A 2014 release isn't rushing things when you take into account the script has been worked on for about a year and that the prods have been on the hunt and looking to lock in a director since February. In May last year, the…
  • doubleoego wrote: I think the prods do want a 2014 release and I'm not convinced Mendes can make such a deadline. They've been pretty consistent in saying that they don't want to rush things.
  • Shardlake wrote: As far as we know it's all media speculation including Mendes coming back, not until EON confirms it is it gospel, that being said I think bits and pieces are probably genuine. EON will confirm when they are good and ready, mea…
  • TheWizardOfIce wrote: Yes its strange that all the wit of DAF seems to ...(Mr Wint pause for effect)... die in his other outings. Both LALD and TMWTGG have some good lines but not as relentlessly as DAF which is probably the wittiest Bond film.…
  • I've posted my review of TSWLM in the "what Bond novel are you currently reading" thread but thought I would address the question of how it's dated here. It's dated quite well - the London portion of the story is clearly of its time... particularly …
  • Finished TSWLM today and I enjoyed it. It's certainly Fleming's most experimental novel - a first person narrative told from the perspective of Vivienne Michel in which James Bond is a supporting character, "the spy who loved me", who comes to her r…
  • Just re-read TB and Felix's leg has miraculously grown back!
  • 007InVT wrote: Sir_James_Moloney wrote: I'd maybe go for TSWLM - the story is so small and contained that it could happen just as easily today.Although it's been many years since I've read it. TSWLM gets knocked quite a bit around here.…
  • Pierce2Daniel wrote: Mallory is much more by-the-book type of guy. He's a slightly stuffy bureaucrat who doesn't seem to be a very sentimental man. The sequence where he catches Q and Tanner laying the 'trail of breadcrumbs' and approves of…
  • Finished For Your Eyes Only and Thunderball this week. Every one of the short stories is enjoyable in some way. FAVTAK has an interesting, low-key plot, a good (and believable) relationship between Bond and Mary Ann Russell, and a nice angle on …
  • I'm going to guess 002 (as in O2)
  • Interesting to note that Showbizz 411 reports it as a rumour, "today, we turn out attention to a NEW rumor..." and don't claim any sources. I say just pure speculation (but hope it's true)
  • Tough one because there were so many Bond actors in the Persuaders. Are you including the compilation movies?
  • 007InVT wrote: I think a good Bond title needs to be Fleming-esque without going to b-movie action like the Benson titles. Gardner had some great ones in 'License Renewed', 'Nobody Lives Forever', and 'For Special Services'. Yes, I only rea…
  • Suivez_ce_parachute wrote: Well I edit a lot my posts while you answer them (I'm not a native English speaker so I need some drafts before my final script :) ), but you get the feeling. You phrased it very well @Suivez. :-) Quarterdeck w…
  • Amazing find @fanbond123. That certainly seems to be him. Agreed that he's too old to take over after Craig - they're almost the same age. He'd make a great villain though.