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  • There is no "after Craig". NTTD will get pushed back an infinite amount of times and Craig will stay Bond until the heat death of the universe.
  • @jetsetwilly I simply reiterated what scientists and public health professionals are saying. And you are saying I am either a troll or insane? Wow! Anyway, back on topic... @Mendes4Lyfe No, they are not holding out for 2022. The movie will probab…
  • jetsetwilly wrote: » Mr_Beach wrote: » jetsetwilly wrote: » The jab roll out means we are stuck with this for at least a year, as everyone vaccinated needs 2 jabs, and in the UK there is a 12 weeks wait between the first and second jab. …
  • jetsetwilly wrote: » The jab roll out means we are stuck with this for at least a year, as everyone vaccinated needs 2 jabs, and in the UK there is a 12 weeks wait between the first and second jab. The UK will vaccinate everyone by Septembe…
  • A month ago media around the globe was scaring people with the Britsh variant, now they are scaring people with the Brazilian variant. It's no biggie. Also, your comment sounds like it was written by someone who doesn't know we not onyl have a vacci…
  • Reply to a certain individual (not jetsetwilly) who dislikes Craig and probably wants NTTD to fail: can you please stop the trolling? We get that you want the movie to be delayed as much as possible. Guess what? It will be released this year.
  • The UK is on track to vaccinate everyone by late June. No developed country is far behind. Me inheriting a billion dollars tomorrow is more likely than the movie being moved to 2022.
  • cooperman2 wrote: » Were hospitalisations and deaths expected to decrease before all the new variants came to light. 3 so far. Kent, South African and now Brazil. Or is this just going to be a never-ending cycle regardless of vaccines. Briti…
  • Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » They might be able to open in November, but it's not ideal in any manner. If anything, theres likely to be another wave of infections in the autumn. The better decision is to push it another few months, and use Bond to cele…
  • The best decision right now would be to wait 2-3 more weeks and then if necessary, delay it to May. Then wait one more month and if necessary, delay it to June. Delaying it another 6 months right away would be completely unnecessary.
  • jetsetwilly wrote: » Spring next year is looking more likely at the moment, That is completely preposterous. France for example is expecting enough vaccines by the end of THIS May to vaccinate their entire population.
  • TripAces wrote: » ten months later, and we're not better off. Umm, you might not have noticed, but we have vaccines now.
  • Delaying it another 6 month would be a horrible strategic decision. First of all, they should wait until the middle of February before making any decision about any new delay. Also, if in middle of February it does seem like not enough people will h…
  • 3% of UK's population (the most vulnerable 3%) has already received the first dose of the vaccine and it's only the 12th of January.
  • I want Barbara Broccoli to be the sole producer of future Bond films until she is like 100, if the alternative is Gregg Wilson.
  • NickTwentyTwo wrote: » The only hysterics in this engagement seem to becoming from you, I’m afraid. Saying that it will be delayed a bit is one thing. Saying that it will be delayed to 2022 is an entirely different ballgame. Unless WW3 star…
  • Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » They'll probably hold off until 2022 at this point, In my opinion, that is a completely unreasonable, borderline hysterical assessment of the current situation. Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » The 60th anniversary is too alluri…
  • mtm wrote: » and when there are fine examples of gunbarrels which already exist! True, but the Spectre gunbarrel score is not one of them. The wrong portion of the Bond theme was used for the blood dripping down part, just like in TND and T…
  • I have recently become obsessed with the idea of a remake of DR. NO, which is the only Bond movie I want to be remade. Not because I dislike the original movie. I want a remake of it exactly because I love the original one. Imagine a Dr. No remake t…
  • matt_u wrote: » The possibility of NTTD being released in April feels even more remote now. Doesn't feel remote at all. Only 3 months to go! Let's gooo!
  • bondsum wrote: » What if Danny Boyle had directed Bond 25 with Daniel Craig? It would most certainly have met its release date of 25 October 2019 before the global pandemic and everybody would've seen it by now. 8-X Oh, the daddy of all…
  • peter wrote: » TC had no right to berate his entire crew. Most on set are abiding adults. The others should have been professionally dismissed from their employment. Also, Tom somehow and always comes back to Tom. How’d he make it about himself?…
  • DonnyDB5 wrote: » They won’t. The movie will be delayed to the summer or November. Not gonna happen.
  • SonofSean wrote: » We'll be living with Covid for years to come. Even if covid will still be here years from now, that doesn't mean the situation will necessarily be as bad as it was this year. In developed countries the worst will likely be …
  • tqb wrote: » Mr_Beach wrote: » Okay, so it seems NTTD will be the last primarily theatrical Bond film ever. Not sure why you're assuming that lol I am assuming that because of the latest Warner/HBO Max news. This is a decision th…
  • TripAces wrote: » If NTTD is released in theaters, it will be pushed back to summer. Why would it get pushed back for a 5th time? Vaccinations in the US, UK and the EU start THIS month.
  • Okay, so it seems NTTD will be the last primarily theatrical Bond film ever. Btw, I really don't see a 5th delay. By April, the most vulnerable will easily have been vaccianated in all developed countries.
  • I don't think I will be watching NTTD in movie theaters in April. Not because I am angry at EON, this delay really isn't their fault. It's just that the excitement is all gone.