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The long road ahead
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The long road ahead
Favourite Fleming Novel
Favourite Bond Film
Favourite Bond Actor


  • j_w_pepper wrote: » Just as an aside (not wanting to start a debate on this here), I can tolerate (though not necessarily share) Rowling's "prejudices" - which were absolutely mainstream and non-controversial not so long ago. I think that there i…
  • DarthDimi wrote: » The Bonds are imperfect films in my opinion. Wrong thread, dimi, you want the controversial opinions thread.
  • If I were JK I would have kept everything quiet on the potter front, not done the cursed child or the fantastic beasts films, and spent the last 10 years plotting out a new set of potter films, set when Harry's kid is at hogwarts. By now they could …
  • Creasy47 wrote: » There really is no objectively perfect film out there, nor a truly objective way to grade or compare films like that. As hard as it is to believe, @Creasy these will be sobering words for some.
  • Dragonpol wrote: » 80 years on from D Day I want to pay tribute and give thanks to all those Allied forces who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy. They died that we might live in a free world not beholden to Nazi and fascist tyranny. I al…
  • Here's my one sentence pitch for Bond 26: the humanised, relatable Craig Bond in a TSWLM style out and out fantasy Roger Moore film. Now I Know what you're thinking. But that's Skyfall, surely? No, Skyfall is a story about the old ways are the b…
  • 007HallY wrote: » All depends on how you do what you do I guess. Audiences need to be invested emotionally in whatever film they're watching on a very basic level. The later Craig era certainly showed that Bond doesn't need to be grounded to be im…
  • Last_Rat_Standing wrote: » Crazy to think that we're at almost 3 years since the release of NTTD and close to 5 years since production ended. And even over 4 years since what was supposed to be the initial release of Spring 2020 with nothing whats…
  • A very crucial lesson for EON to take on board for Bond 26: camp does not always equal bad. There is a way to stay on the right side of camp, where the audience goes along for the ride. You can have a fantastical, gallivanting, spectacle bond advent…
  • QBranch wrote: » Just one NY location I would have Bond visit: 'Little Island', where Bond meets a contact or trails someone over and under the structure. Perhaps he's trailing the KGB agent through here. You're winning me over @QBran…
  • Bond 25 I consider this film to be this generations Die Another Day in terms of jumping the shark in many respects, but something I noticed recently is the film is structured the wrong way round. In order to have a true parallel with OHMSS (which…
  • Call me crazy, but I personally prefer the ending scene of die another day, as cheesy as it is, to any of the Craig film endings, because we actually see bond enjoying himself with a woman in a nice location. That notion seems so qauint nowadays, it…
  • peter wrote: » Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » Mendes4Lyfe's 10 point plan for Bond 26 that every Bond fan can agree with: 1. The Gunbarrel - A proper Maurice Binder stylised gunbarrel, with the blood trickle and opening up on the location. No text, n…
  • Mendes4Lyfe's 10 point plan for Bond 26 that every Bond fan can agree with: 1. The Gunbarrel - A proper Maurice Binder stylised gunbarrel, with the blood trickle and opening up on the location. No text, no fade out/fade in, no CG bullets. 2. T…
  • delfloria wrote: » Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » Creasy47 wrote: » delfloria wrote: » How is it that they are doing another "Knives Out" film, which have always maintained a high standard of quality, and here we are without even an ounce of pro…
  • Creasy47 wrote: » delfloria wrote: » How is it that they are doing another "Knives Out" film, which have always maintained a high standard of quality, and here we are without even an ounce of progress on 26? At least Craig is keeping busy. …
  • talos7 wrote: » LucknFate wrote: » talos7 wrote: » delfloria wrote: » I'm someone who likes it when Bond pretty much stays in one location and the story explores what it has to offer. I dislike the travelogue style of jumping from one …
  • I don't know why but Oct/Nov 2027 just feels right for Bond 26 to release. A new film to accompany the 65th anniversary just seems appropriate somehow.
  • There's barely any sex in movies anymore, which is strange because imagine if characters no longer ate anything in movies, or never got into arguments. It would seem very weird and unhumanlike. In many ways Mary Whitehouse was ahead of her time.
  • sandbagger1 wrote: » I have to say, though, I still got that little thrill of excitement when the gun-barrel opening appeared, then moved to the pre-title sequence. That part of the Bond formula still works and shouldn't be changed, imo. …
  • Mallory wrote: » On the working assumption that EoN at least have a general direction of travel set, then 18 months seems reasonable to allow a Nov/ Dec 2025 start. Film production studios and locations get booked years in advance, so if they are …
  • Making Craigs bond a continuing story arc, or tying them together.
  • Colonel_Venus wrote: » Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » Bond 26 isn't coming in 2026, we would have some official knowledge by now if it was. That's completely untrue and you know it! Seriously, why do you keep acting like you are a complete newbie…
  • bondywondy wrote: » Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » It's unfortunate in some ways, but the reality is that EON are now teamed up with Amazon, who have some of the deepest pockets of any company on the planet. There's nothing rushing EON to get a move on …
  • Reflsin2bourbons wrote: » I feel as if Bond should go back to the basics. A simple plot, quickly paced, with a bit of minimalist's action. An agent has been kidnapped. Bond has to get her back by tracing her latest steps on a vacation. After infil…
  • I suspect from now on, we'll only get a new Bond film when Babs and Co feel it is the right time for one, since there is nothing pressuring them anymore. Even though this isn't ideal, and we'd all love to see consistent films being released, at the …
  • It's unfortunate in some ways, but the reality is that EON are now teamed up with Amazon, who have some of the deepest pockets of any company on the planet. There's nothing rushing EON to get a move on at the moment, and with the way things are, why…
  • CrabKey wrote: » Without a hint of rumor, is it possible nothing is going on behind the scenes of Bond 26? There's not going to be another film for at least 3 years sit tight.
  • I honestly thought GF was the worst of the fleming books, besides TMWTGG. I much prefer the novels he wrote as a younger man, before he became too melancholic with age.
  • Youtube is reporting the budget of Ridley Scott's gladiator 2 has hit 310 million. With the boxoffice being the way it is, are we looking at yet another major financial flop, or could we see a Top Gun: Maverick style belated success story to top off…