Sir Sean Connery retires from public appearences

JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
edited April 2011 in News Posts: 1,380
He has exchanged the bright glare of the spotlight for the cool shade of the clubhouse. After 50 years of red carpets and press conferences, Sir Sean Connery has confirmed he will no longer make official public appearances, however this does not exclude the golf course - reports the <a href=""; target="_blank">Scotsman</a>.

Yesterday Scotland's political leaders were united in their praise for his contribution and wished him well in the future.

The former James Bond actor had been expected to attend the Dressed to Kilt charity fashion show in New York on Tuesday night but pulled out.

The leader of the Labour Party Iain Gray last night said: "Sir Sean Connery distinguished himself as a world-famous actor and brought credit to Scotland for not only his performances but the manner in which he conducted himself in public life. We wish him will in stepping down from public engagements."

While Annabel Goldie, the leader of the Scottish Conservative Party said: "Sean Connery and James Bond have become inseparable iconic figures and Sir Sean is probably the best known Scottish and British actor of all time.

"If he has now decided to put his feet up and take things easier then I send him my best wishes and thank him for his magnificent contribution to cinema and to Scotland."

An SNP spokesperson said: "Sean is a great supporter of Scotland and the causes he believes in, and will continue to be so."

The 80-year-old failed to turn up at Dressed to Kilt, a key event of the Scotland Week programme in New York on Tuesday night, which led to speculation about his health. His publicist Nancy Seltzer said the actor was playing golf at his home in the Bahamas.

She said: "I've left word for Sean, who is on the golf course. He told me he wasn't attending and had retired from public appearances."

When asked specifically about his health by The Scotsman, Ms Seltzer replied: "Sean is in great health, mentally and physically. Thank you for asking. When he turned 80 he decided to retire from making public appearances. I do truly think he's earned the right to do so without speculation."

The actor had been expected to attend the event with his wife and his stepson, Stephane Connery and together they would have watched his granddaughter, Saskia Connery, 15, make her modelling debut. In the end Saskia Connery did not attend either as she had "an educational commitment".

Sir Sean is co-founder of the Friends of Scotland charity, which organises Dressed to Kilt. A source was yesterday quoted as saying: "Just earlier this week we had no doubt Sir Sean would be coming in his capacity as our honorary chairman. Then we got a call to say he wasn't coming. Apparently he's on the golf course.

He's made no secret of his passion for Dressed to Kilt over the years and his name was definitely on the guest list. It's all a bit odd."

Fears for the actor's health began last year when he cited an undisclosed health reason for missing a court hearing in Spain. He had been called to give evidence over the sale of a private villa, which was demolished to make way for flats valued at £45 million.

In 2003, it was reported that he had cataract operations on both eyes while in 2006 he had a kidney tumour removed. In 2009 he was diagnosed with a heart condition. Yet this did not prevent him from dancing on stage at last year's Edinburgh International Film Festival, where his 80th birthday was celebrated with a screening of his film, The Man Who Would Be King.


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    So all hopes of the 6 actors coming together for the 50th anniversary of the franchise is now futile, it seems.
  • I'm more worried about his health. Things like pulling out of Public life often means something else. I don't need Sean to be at the 50th to appreciate him, he's distinguished himself and if he decides his mission status is R&R then that's ok with me. Good luck you fussy, awkward, difficult and most brilliant of Bonds.
  • Posts: 638
    The last time I saw him in an interview his voice seemed to be going. He might have decided to quit doing public appearances because he may want to be remembered more viral and youthful than he is appearing now.
  • edited April 2011 Posts: 4,813
    Sucks that we won't have him for any sort of 50th anniversary Bond shin-digg, but good for him if he wants to say to hell with it and relax and have fun! It's not like he hasn't earned it. A hell of a career- I'd be enjoying myself too if I was him!

    I love the repeated line 'he's prob on the Golf Course....'

    This doesn't mean he's DYING, everyone! :-j
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,351
    Well, Sir Sean has earnt it that's for certain.

    You never know, he may record a messege for the big day, afterall that's not appearing publicly - technically. ;-)
  • Posts: 19,339
    I agree,i think he will record something so that will be enough.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,572
    Quoting JamesPage: Sir Sean is probably the best known Scottish and British actor of all time.
    Maybe the best known Scottish actor of all time, but I'm sure Laurence Olivier would turn in his grave if someone other than him was described as the best known British actor of all time. ;-)
    Even so, Seasn is a legend, and
    Quoting forgotmyusername: Good luck you fussy, awkward, difficult and most brilliant of Bonds
    Well put @forgotmyusername
  • edited April 2011 Posts: 163
    When you are 80 many things happen. Memory for start and speech next etc.. Best if he stays where he is and sends a message.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,708
    I respect Connery's decision through and through. He no longer needs to make any amends, public confessions or political statements if he chooses not to. He's lived his life serving us the indulgence of his talents as an actor. Let him retire if he so chooses.
  • Posts: 4,813
    ^^This. We will simply miss him and that is all. He owes us nothing; thanks for the entertainment, Sean!
  • Connery remains the very best Bond. It was his performance that kick started the series
    I'd like to wish him all the very best for the future.
  • :( Enjoy your retirement, Sir. Was really hoping to see him for the 50th anniversary!
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    Connery left Bond behind along time ago and I just wish him happiness in his remaining years.
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    I am so glad for Connery. I hope he enjoys the rest of his life playing golf, and living each day to the fullest.
  • Posts: 1,497
    Not sure if this has been posted. But here's an article/interview on Sean 'living the life' in the Bahamas from last month:

    Seems like he's healthy and doing well.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited May 2011 Posts: 823
    didn't he say he was doing this a while back when he said he was not going to make movies anymore?

    I wish he would make one more movie!!

    Sir Sean Connery as Geritol Bond!

    p.s. he's not making "live action" movies but he can still do voiceover work:
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    Retiring from movies and retiring from public appearances are quite different things. The latter means we won't be seeing much of him at all now.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 823
    heck, if I can live in the Bahamas and do nothing all day... I would too!
  • Well, thankyou Sir Sean for all the entertainment you've given us all.

    No point in amassing all that wealth over your career, if you can't spend a few enjoying it.
  • Posts: 163
    Can't believe he is 80 and he is not making public appearance. He was the only the Bond who met Ian Fleming, and DN is his and made the character his own.
  • Sean has been retired from films since 2003. Retiring from public appearances is something quite different. I hope that he's okay and has many good years ahead of him.
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