Chaos and Control

edited June 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 1
There was certainly something special about Casino Royale, it was a story told a few times before, with the most recent done right. Then came along Quantum of Solace, and with a bigger budget came more of the same but with more explosions. What are your thoughts on where Bond must go from here?


  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,718
    I think they need to pull a TB on Bond now. Go exotic, escapist and spectacular, but have a little fun on the side as well. Preferably they turn up the epicness a notch and give Bond some women whom we can actually get to know and have boyish fantasies about. No more depressed, revenge driven former secret this or that, no more 'I played in a Bond film and all I got were these lousy three scenes' throwaway women. I need a Domino and Fiona at the very least. It's time to put Bond in the colourful part of the light spectrum again. Let's leave the darker years behind us.

    See, one (of the many) thing(s) I love so dearly about X-Men First Class is that despite all of its darker content, it remains something of a feel-good film throughout. At least I can dream about being one of those gifted people and the film allows me to do so with a sense of joy. Now there's something QoS in many respects failed to do, for me at least.

    Suspense, tension, excitement... please. Naturally I want a good screenplay and some great acting. Ain't caring much for another DAD so don't draw that conclusion. Like I said, a TB would be good if not great for Bond 23. Let's forget about Bond's soul and inner conflicts for once and put him on top of the world again. Let's bring on some charismatic foes and wildly exiting henchmen. Let's go some place where we actually stay for more than an hour and explore the local flavours Fleming style. I'm not asking for much. I'm just asking for a kind of Bonds they haven't made since the 60s. Heck, I'd prefer another Austin Powers to another 'I'm James Bond, please psychoanalyse me.'
  • Posts: 5,767
    It´s very easy. Bond has closed the chapter he went through in the last two films. He still is something of a loose cannon and blunt instrument, but he gets sharper with the time, and he remembers that basically beside his very deep loyalty to his job, he also enjoys cleaning out villains while looking them straight in the eye at the card table, while the ladies swoon at the sight of his mandom :) .
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,696
    Great post Dimi !! :-bd Enough with the dark, cold, colourless, moody films that were CR and QOS - let's bring back the fun, glamour, humour, grand scale, epic scope to Bond films !! Maybe CR was a great 'film'... but compared to TB, DAF, YOLT, TSWLM and MR it was as dull and colourless as Bond films can be... The last 2 films were tragic mistakes... even worse than the horrible Brosnan films (if that was even possible...) If they continue down the CR and QOS path, Bond will not be Bond anymore, and will become unrecognizable from other action films
  • Posts: 212
    Preferably they turn up the epicness a notch and give Bond some women whom we can actually get to know and have boyish fantasies about. No more depressed, revenge driven former secret this or that, no more 'I played in a Bond film and all I got were these lousy three scenes' throwaway women.
    While I'm very much a fan of the direction that they've gone in the last two films, and would welcome many more films in a similar style, I do agree with your comments regarding the actresses. Thinking back to QOS, one of my least favorite parts of that film was that they wasted Stana Katic on a roughly two-minute scene and a single, almost inaudible, line of dialogue. Now, my hopes of seeing her in a future Bond film almost entirely rest on the rather slim possibility that they decide to bring her Corinne character back for a larger role. It would have been nice for her (and, for that matter, Gemma Arterton as well) to have gotten at least a slightly larger role so that they could have developed some sense of attachment with the audience.
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