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  • "The modern definition - the one that matters " hmm it depends. If for e.g. scenario writer for Bond had latina language at school, and he/she isn't a lawyer it sounds probably for him, like for me. But ok, it's time to end this discussion, becau…
  • Sorry - I am not the lawyer, and don't known how they treat nowadays this words. But if I want to translate it, to get the original meaning(not word to word) of it, if it was really used in Ancient Rome - I will say something like that: "The reveng…
  • How to say what I had in mind. In Roman culture and even medieval justice was something equal to revenge. E.g. Hannibal law. Stealing is still "justiced" by an hand cutting in some Arabian countries, and Europe needed 2-3 centuries to change the way…
  • forget about Medrano(he was in the figure set in QoS, as a part of "Organisation" game :-) ), remember Oona Castilla {Chaplin} ("maid" in QoS, girl saved by girl :-) )
  • Sorry for second comment, but I don't known if everyone there wants to read my long comments, and this is an answer to other reply than first. "fiat justita ruat caelum" - I don't think that this is fully suitable for this film. Why? Two arguments …
  • Funny - but You really remembered me of Asterix meaning(thank You). It was not first impression - cause I really didn't read Asterix in English in my whole life(but for e.g. had read experiment in Roman Latina :-) ), and yes I think this is the most…
  • PPK or P99? - definitive Sig P229, chambered in .357 FMJ Sig :-) . But for real - i think P99 was an mistake as the main weapon for agent. It was rather next 'commercial break' for Bond. It's good pistol, but too big. I think, as far as Bond doesn't…
  • Firstly look at this photo (royal wedding arrive, the Craig doesn't get the invite - cause the symbol of UK is more Atkinson that Craig, with his rather south Eastern European style): http://sin.stb.s-msn.com/i/50/3913171B6B2D5D1CD139334117FBA.jpg …
  • @Monsieur I can't believe too ;-), I don't even known about this site, what j7wild give. Talking about kids is always good thing on date, if You will find this interest related girl ;-). Sadly he don't have a daughter(even that we known of) still…
  • masked photo there : http://extratv.warnerbros.com/2011/05/extra_scoop_mother_of_arnold_schwarzeneggers_love_child_revealed.php unmasked there: http://amazingdata.com/images/ArnoldSchwarzeneggersloverandtheirillegi_F5EC/ArnoldSchwarzeneggerextramari…
  • "by an accident" - don't treat this bad, how to say it gently hmm. It's just common thing, even nowadays that usual or not couples have no planned child. Not everyone is going with it in safe way.... Sorry if it look so unclear to say, but I was s…
  • Hmm Porsche Panamera? Something like with "best dad" sign on back? Yes it is nice car, but in my opinion just targeted to the guys who drive Porsche, and need more space for family. Don't treat this bad, but it is nothing that I want to see in Bond…
  • Hmm - but what about real women - spies? Valerie Plame Wilson - she is probably most widely known in USA - ex spy, uncovered by political intrigues, and mistake(?don't believe in it - really) article (with only one word "he(her husband) is not a spy…
  • 2) Osama bin Laden related theme - aren't there some rumours that Mi6 had part in it? Or just a opening/little - like Bond tried to catch but some guys (e.g. CIA, Pakistan) broken it. That's just in poor taste. There's a reason why Bond has avoide…
  • Hmm - My favourite is Oona Castilla (Chaplin) she had a small, but I really liked her role in Quantum of Solace - probably the best girl in Bond series for me. Also I like there Audrey Tautou - sorry I really had something to French girls :-), mayb…
  • http://www.entmontage.de/bilder/galerie/2cv_007_004g.jpg and yes it was nice chase scene :-) hmm - what about a horse? Yes just good old way of transport - why not to include the chase scene oriented about hmm London Olympics? Maybe Bond chasing s…
  • Scene from that film, with beautiful, philosophy uni educated Melinda Havelock will probably remain in my memory for ages :-).
  • Oona Castilla (Chaplin) - she had minor role in QoS and look great... For me one of the best(if not the best) actress...
  • So thank You for answer. Funny - I just remind myself (check even Wikipedia for it) that after introducing these strict laws (but of course they narrowed even more for air guns in 200xs) there was some (of course not too funny in real) terrorist a…
  • 1) Mini Cooper - why not :-) ? 2) Cycle barclays, maybe with gadgets - why not :-) ? 3) solar powered plane 4) last shuttle 5) electric speed car like tesla roadster 6) some amphibious maybe even flying again.
  • Hmm what I want to see? 1) Oona Castilla (Chaplin) - real Bond girl of XXI century for me - sadly that she take only small part in last Bond. 2) Osama bin Laden related theme - aren't there some rumours that Mi6 had part in it? Or just a opening/lit…
  • Hmm. Isn't it yet another product placement? Just the owner of digital camera company donate money/camera or give discount on his product, and he write on page "my camera was used there, buy it!"? So bad that Bond which earn more than 300% on each f…