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  • StirredNotShaken wrote: » CALL ME BY YOUR NAME (2017)Everyone on Earth has praised this film into oblivion already, yeah? So I'll just say this: Armie Hammer is brilliant. There are two different extreme close-up shots of him in this movie where…
  • RichardTheBruce wrote: » --- Gay actor. I understand the concept of acting, but to me that would be an unnecessary distraction. Not unlike an American actor. And it goes back to making the character authentic on screen, not to pull him apa…
  • This year so far, minus 1: Io sono l'amore - I Am Love (2009) Luca Guadagnino, so... Tilda Swinton shines as the lead here. Melissa P. (2005) Luca Guadagnino, so... Early on I had to pause to check who was playing the protagonist, she looked…
  • doubleoego wrote: » Being attractive isn't exclusive to how classically/traditionally handsome one is. I'd say - and this is just my personal opinion, of course - how traditionally handsome a man is has very, very, very little to do with ho…
  • ClarkDevlin wrote: » Good to see The Man from UNCLE getting more love. Ordered the blu-ray. And I want the sequel, too, pls. :)
  • It's been a while.. and I've watched a lot of movies. But then... when you accidentally delete a loooong list of movies you've kept for your records... you... umm... at least you save some poor forum members from going through a veeery long list ind…
  • Shardlake wrote: » boldfinger wrote: » Shardlake wrote: » Seriously not Cruise in a QT film, thought Quentin had more imagination than picking that grinning goon for one of his films. I can't stand him, he's infected enough why can't he…
  • https://twitter.com/FluffSociety/status/917359075662409728
  • Fire_and_Ice_Returns wrote: » Creasy47 wrote: » Fire_and_Ice_Returns wrote: » Creasy47 wrote: » Fire_and_Ice_Returns wrote: » I bought The Green Hornet on dvd though it was dirt cheap in a bargain bin for good reason, Waltz was bet…
  • barryt007 wrote: Why..........do people wear sunglasses on the underground/tube/subway ? You're seriously asking that? And it actually bothers you that people wear sunglasses even though sun isn't shining underground? Valid potential rea…
  • Until when are the old ones usable as payment?
  • Yeah. Should have taken in out. I was really close to turning off the whole damn movie at that point.
  • Strog wrote: » DRIFTER falls short of UNFORGIVEN in large part because Eastwood tries to make us sympathetic with The Stranger when the film would work miles better if we were more cooly removed. The moment in the barn therefore comes across more …
  • Ugh, I couldn't disagree more on High Planes Drifter - and I liked all the films you mentioned there with it, @Strog. Oh well... Glad you're enjoying Chaplin. And I should re-watch Moulin Rouge... I haven't watched a single movie in two days, and…
  • bondjames wrote: » I didn't know anything about Bulger's story before seeing the film in the theatre. I went in sort of blind. It was ok I suppose but I thought it lacked something. I put it down to the fact that it was a depiction of true events …
  • Strog wrote: » @Tuulia I have not! I've been aiming to have a watch of it, as it would 'complete' his filmography for me. I've always had the impression that, in terms of REQUIEM in relation to his other features, it would be most similar to PI…
  • bondjames wrote: » Tuulia wrote: » @bondjames - No, the question Friedkin insisted on getting an answer to was "Do you believe in God?" That's interesting @Tuulia. I presume Friedkin is a god fearing man, who perhaps took offense at some …
  • @Strog - Have you seen Requiem for a Dream? If yes, what did you think? @bondjames - No, the question Friedkin insisted on getting an answer to was "Do you believe in God?" --- She Done Him Wrong (1933) A Mae West movie. Okay, but kinda me…
  • @bondjames I'd say pretty much the whole movie is from Lawrence's character's perspective. Btw, what is obvious about it to some, may not be to others. People see very different things in it, and have opposite takes on some things. (Spoiler) So I …
  • Red_Snow wrote: » mother! Honestly, not sure what to make of this film. I think I liked it, but part of the appeal for me was the music featured in the trailer, which was absent from the film. If you like films that make you think, this is one …
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 wrote: » Fire_and_Ice_Returns wrote: » Tuulia wrote: » Logan Lucky I think it may have been the first time I ever got a private screening in theatre... I was the only audience. I thought this was quite entertaining,…
  • Gaah, it's been pretty hectic, I'm falling behind again here, but I try... The Beach (2000) I didn't remember anything about this, which doesn't even surprise me. I don't know if Ewan McGregor ever saw this, but if he did, maybe he didn't mind s…
  • barryt007 wrote: » Tuulia wrote: » bondjames wrote: » CommanderRoss wrote: » I wonder why so few from North America can do accents though. I've always speculated it's because of a relative lack of theatrical training and because A…
  • bondjames wrote: » CommanderRoss wrote: » I wonder why so few from North America can do accents though. I've always speculated it's because of a relative lack of theatrical training and because American English is more of a drawl, with le…
  • Strog wrote: » By the logic of viewing that film as a one-trick pony, or feeling that it's only good the first time when you don't know what's coming, then every movie we see is useless after the first time we watch it, and of course that's not…
  • bondjames wrote: » Keanu is not known for his acting skills though. At least not as far as I'm aware. He's a bit of a block. His best roles have been Bill and Ted, Matrix, Speed and John Wick and these have not been all that challenging from an ac…
  • Well, I had a crazy 3 weeks and just gave up trying to fit everything in. After returning home from a couple of days' trip on Friday and then sleeping for about 15 hours (that was awesome, btw - I did have the alarm set for after 10 hours and a bit,…
  • Again...? Do other people get error messages when they try to post YT clips such as trailers here or is it just me? Dammit...
  • I'll see both mother! (I haven't even watched the trailer and don't intend to - I was always going to see it anyway... that much I knew before it even started production) and Lady Bird ASAP. Very excited too. :) Also Novitiate and The Shape Of Wa…