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  • Hinx was one bad mother. Bond has had so many fights that it might serve the thread well if we broke them down into locations just to keep it all in a tight box. This was like Bond's fifth train fight (FRWL, LALD, TSWLM, OP, SP) It was good a…
  • I was digging Enterprise but the talking heads trashed it prior to its being cancelled after just four seasons. I always liked Captain Archer and the rest of the crew were unique in their own way. As for the evolution of the series, I was really…
  • MY TURN: 60'S OHMSS FRWL GF DN TB YOLT 70'S LALD TMWTGG TSWLM DAF MR 80'S LTK OP FYEO AVTAK TLD 90's GE TND TWINE 00'S CR Qos DAD 10'S SF SP The 80's were the hardest to rank so many good films, while the 9…
  • I was planning on going to a movie on Halloween and in costume but I'm not wearing a clown outfit. I don't want to get shot up. What do you recommend? Zombie? Vampire?
  • Camile ? Paris ? would not have made my list. Terri Hatcher seemed hot at the time but she pales in comparison to many that came before and after... Tracy Di Vencenzo and Elektra King may not be drop dead gorgeous but there was something …
  • If you are diving and you see one of these beasts, then don't panic (easier said than done) and just calmly give it a wide berth. Keep your distance and stay calm. The sudden noise, splashing to get away, (and shitting your suit) will attract the cr…
  • I can't say that I've ever seen a ghost and I probably do not believe in them, however I do agree with theories concerning their existence: 1. they do not haunt a cemetery, they only haunt the place where they died 2. From the movie, "The Others" …
  • The character of Leiter has gone from the good, the bad, to the very ugly. I think that Jefffrey Wright was the best and the fact that they kept him during Craig's tenue says a lot. Jack Lord was good and I liked the boyish charm of Rik Van Nutt…
  • Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » It occurred to me recently: Whenever we talk about Bond films ripping off current trends, Dr No is left out of the picture. Octopussy = Indiana Jones, QoS = Bourne, Diamonds Are Forever = Carry On franchise. Why is Dr No left …
  • @RogueAgent, no I doubt the Niners will be making the playoffs anytime soon. An 8-8 or 7-9 record I would consider a gift. As for the high flying Eagles...is Carson Wentz for real? How long before the coordinators catch up with him and he drops b…
  • Trump will breathe a sigh of relief when he is beaten in a landslide come November... HE DOESN'T WANT THE JOB, BUT HIS EGO WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO DROP OUT. His supporters are so ill advised, misinformed, brainwashed and too stupid to realize w…
  • @CASINOROYALE WTF are you talking about? did you read the article? And How can you call nationwide protest retarded? Your comment along that line ...to call it retarded is an insult to retarded comments everywhere. Where were you in 1992 dur…
  • CASINOROYALE wrote: » Creasy47 wrote: » "Not a racist/sexist/homophobe at all but" is almost always followed up with something that is. Considering I won a national and state basketball championship and was the only white guy on my team…
  • Looks like the San Francisco 49ers took a big dump all over their logo yesterday. What a bad game. Defense got punked, offense was ... offensive as heck. I could hardly watch that pitiful display of football. I don't hate the Seahawks, they are a g…
  • GE make sense? Of course it does: It makes sense that it is the high water mark of the Brosnan era It makes sense that it ranks in the top 5-6 of most people's "Best Bond Films list" It makes sense as it is the last one that Cubby had his hands …
  • BondJasonBond006 wrote: » I was tempted to put LALD there. QOS is the new FRWL, the more I see it, the more I get that feeling. Are you kidding? QoS ? LMFAO That movie should not be mentioned in the same breath as FRWL From the bad the…
  • Tyrant has been mercifully cancelled. I watched all three seasons of this show and the finale was last evening. I kinda saw it coming weeks ago by the way they were killing off some promising characters (General Rami Said, Emma Al Fayed, Jamaal Al F…
  • I heard the Trumpster try to make his case as why he should be Commander in Chief. What a laugh. He should drop out but he won't his ego won't let him. He figures that at worst he will have more customers (from his supporters) to buy his brand.
  • I had missed 'American Crime" but has been able to catch the two seasons on Netflix. its really good. Each season (like American Horror Story) has a different story with much of the cast from playing different roles. I like the approach. Season …
  • Don't Breathe Great movie. Lots of suspenseful moments. The blind guy was last seen as the bad ass sergeant in 'Avatar'. he was good. And Scary. the film takes place in scary Detroit (like another one of my favorites, ":It Follows" and that can be…
  • Gustav_Graves wrote: » In all honesty, I think the biggest problem of all this populism, neo-nationalism, destruction of social cohesion, social-media individualism is this: There are too many humans on this planet. From a biological perspective h…
  • Goddamned news media in this friggin country! they want this to appear close so they can have shit to report. Everyone knows what an idiot the Republican candidate is and how lack of qualifications he has..so they play up the email crap to get peop…
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 wrote: » I don't want to live in this world anymore. We're all waiting for that comet to come and put us all out of our misery...
  • When you get right down to it, Trump doesn't want to be POTUS, he never did. He just thought he'd run and see what happened. He never expected to get this far. When you think about it being President is not that good of a job to have in government.…
  • Sorry guys... In regard to DN, they could not just say Strangeways had run off as Mi6 had the attempted transmission and that is what set off the bells and whistles. M was going to send an agent to look into this right away. The bad guys could…
  • A new Ouija is coming out. This is a prequel to the successful "Ouija" from last year...I don't know how I feel about this, the superb "The Conjuring" tried to do a prequel with "Annabelle". I was disappointed. The first ten minutes of "The Conjur…
  • This tread was supposed to be about DN and don't we all just love it when these treads take on a life of their own. I've seen comments on FYEO which I am okay with, I have a problem with: YOLT that plot is so fanstastikical and full of holes. 1.…
  • GF is one of the most famous Bond films and very iconic but as for as Bond's personal performance goes it is fraught with screw up after screw up. It was Pussy who alerted the CIA of Auric's grand scheme. I guess we could give him some credit as it …
  • Here is a deep dark secret: Many [white] working class Americans harbor a deep seated admiration for Nazi Germany especially how things were in the 1930's before the war turned sour. I had an old friend a WW2 vet and he told of how many of his fel…